Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: oil string

oil string

The Oil String: Anchoring Production in Oil and Gas Wells

In the world of oil and gas exploration, the journey from discovery to extraction is a carefully orchestrated dance of technology and engineering. One crucial element in this process is the oil string, a vital component responsible for safeguarding the well's productivity and ensuring long-term flow.

What is an Oil String?

The oil string, also known as the long string or production casing, is the final string of casing set in a well after the formation's productive capacity has been adequately assessed. This robust steel pipe, typically made of high-grade materials like carbon steel or corrosion-resistant alloys, plays a pivotal role in the well's lifecycle:

  • Protecting the Reservoir: The oil string acts as a barrier, isolating the productive formation from the surrounding earth and preventing unwanted fluid migration or contamination.
  • Ensuring Flow: It provides a secure conduit for oil and gas to flow from the reservoir to the surface, minimizing pressure losses and maximizing production efficiency.
  • Maintaining Integrity: The oil string withstands significant pressures and stresses, ensuring the well's structural integrity and preventing blowouts or leaks.

The Setting Process:

Setting the oil string is a meticulous process that requires careful planning and execution. It involves:

  1. Drilling to the Production Zone: The well is drilled to the desired depth, penetrating the productive formation.
  2. Running the Casing: The oil string is carefully lowered into the wellbore, ensuring proper alignment and sealing.
  3. Cementing: Cement is pumped into the annulus between the casing and the wellbore, providing a robust seal and preventing fluid movement.
  4. Testing: The cemented oil string is subjected to rigorous testing to verify its integrity and ensure a leak-proof seal.

Beyond Production:

The oil string isn't merely a passive component; it's often equipped with various components to enhance production and well management:

  • Production Tubing: Smaller-diameter pipe running inside the oil string to transport fluids to the surface.
  • Packers: Devices that create a tight seal between the oil string and the wellbore, isolating the formation and preventing fluid communication.
  • Valves and Fittings: Allowing for controlled fluid flow, pressure monitoring, and other well management tasks.

The Oil String: A Cornerstone of Oil and Gas Production:

The oil string is an indispensable element in oil and gas exploration and production. It represents the culmination of drilling and completion activities, ensuring the well's safety, productivity, and longevity. Its robust construction, careful installation, and integration with other components make it a cornerstone in the successful extraction of hydrocarbons. As the oil and gas industry continues to evolve, the oil string will remain a critical component, enabling us to extract resources safely and efficiently for years to come.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Oil String

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the oil string? a) To transport drilling mud to the surface. b) To protect the wellbore from collapsing. c) To isolate the productive formation from the surrounding earth. d) To provide a pathway for injecting chemicals into the well.


c) To isolate the productive formation from the surrounding earth.

2. What is another name for the oil string? a) Drill string b) Production casing c) Conductor pipe d) Surface casing


b) Production casing

3. What material is the oil string typically made of? a) Aluminum b) Plastic c) Carbon steel or corrosion-resistant alloys d) Concrete


c) Carbon steel or corrosion-resistant alloys

4. What is the purpose of cementing the oil string? a) To increase the well's production rate. b) To provide a robust seal and prevent fluid movement. c) To improve the well's thermal insulation. d) To make the wellbore more stable.


b) To provide a robust seal and prevent fluid movement.

5. Which of these components is NOT typically found within the oil string? a) Production tubing b) Packers c) Drill pipe d) Valves and fittings


c) Drill pipe

Exercise: Designing an Oil String

Instructions: Imagine you are designing an oil string for a new well. Consider the following factors and outline your design choices:

  • Formation depth: 10,000 feet
  • Expected reservoir pressure: 5,000 psi
  • Production rate: 1,000 barrels per day
  • Fluid type: Oil with high dissolved gas content

Your design should include:

  • Casing size and grade: Choose an appropriate size and grade of steel for the oil string based on the depth and pressure.
  • Cementing method: Describe the type of cementing process and the purpose of the cement.
  • Production tubing size: Select a suitable size for the production tubing based on the production rate and fluid type.
  • Additional components: Consider the use of packers, valves, and other components that could enhance production efficiency and well management.

Exercice Correction

This is a sample answer, and the specific design choices may vary based on the specific project requirements and available resources.

Casing Size and Grade:

  • Size: 9-5/8 inch casing would be a suitable size for the given depth and pressure.
  • Grade: N-80 or higher grade steel is recommended for this depth and pressure. This ensures adequate strength to withstand the high stresses involved.

Cementing Method:

  • Type: A high-performance cement slurry with a suitable density and rheology should be used for cementing the oil string.
  • Purpose: The cement provides a robust seal between the casing and the wellbore, isolating the productive formation and preventing fluid movement. It also helps to provide structural support and stability to the well.

Production Tubing Size:

  • Size: 2-inch production tubing could be suitable for the given production rate and fluid type.
  • Material: A high-strength, corrosion-resistant alloy should be selected for the production tubing to handle the high pressure and corrosive nature of the produced fluids.

Additional Components:

  • Packers: A packer could be used to isolate different zones within the wellbore, allowing for selective production from different layers.
  • Valves: Valves could be installed along the production string to allow for controlled flow, shut-in, and other well management functions.
  • Christmas tree: The production string would be connected to a Christmas tree at the surface, which provides the necessary valves, gauges, and fittings for well control and monitoring.

Further considerations:

  • Corrosion monitoring: The well should be monitored for corrosion to ensure the integrity of the oil string over time.
  • Downhole equipment: The specific downhole equipment installed would depend on the specific production strategy for the well.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions by Bradley, William A., et al.
  • Oil Well Drilling and Production by Schlumberger
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Pirson, Sylvian J.


  • "Casing Design and Installation in Oil and Gas Wells" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
  • "Oil Well Completions: A Comprehensive Overview" by Journal of Petroleum Technology
  • "Production Casing Design for High-Pressure, High-Temperature Wells" by Offshore Technology Conference (OTC)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Website:
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary:
  • Energy Information Administration (EIA):
  • Oil and Gas Journal:
  • World Oil:

Search Tips

  • "Oil string" + "casing" + "completion"
  • "Production casing" + "wellbore" + "reservoir"
  • "Oil string" + "design" + "installation"
  • "Long string" + "production tubing" + "packers"
  • "Oil string" + "cementing" + "testing"
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