Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: liner


The Many Meanings of "Liner" in Drilling & Well Completion

The term "liner" appears frequently in the oil and gas industry, but its meaning can vary significantly depending on the context. This article explores four common usages of the term in drilling and well completion, each with its own unique function and application.

1. Liner as a Casing Extension:

This is the most common usage of the term "liner" in drilling and well completion. It refers to a string of pipe used to case open hole beneath existing casing. Imagine a well with an existing outer casing, and a need to isolate a specific section further down. A liner, typically extending from the setting depth to overlap with the upper casing, serves this purpose. This configuration allows for a secure barrier between different zones, preventing contamination and ensuring controlled production. Liners are typically suspended from the upper casing using a hanger device, creating a robust and reliable seal.

2. Liner for Sand Control:

This type of liner focuses on preventing sand production, a common problem in oil and gas wells. It is a relatively short length of pipe with holes or slots that is positioned directly opposite the producing formation. This liner is often wrapped with specially designed wire, preventing the entry of loose sand into the wellbore as production occurs. In addition, gravel packing may be used to create a filter bed surrounding the liner, further enhancing sand control. This approach ensures efficient production while minimizing wellbore damage from sand erosion.

3. Liner in Jet Perforation Guns:

This liner has a very specific function in jet perforation guns, which are used to create openings in well casing to stimulate production. This liner is a conically shaped metallic piece forming part of the shaped charge. It plays a crucial role in increasing the efficiency of the charge by focusing the energy of the explosive jet, enhancing its penetrating ability. This liner ensures the creation of accurate and effective perforations, maximizing well production.

4. Liner as a Cylinder Component:

While less common in oil and gas contexts, the term "liner" also applies to a replaceable tube fitted inside the cylinder of an engine or pump. This "cylinder liner" is crucial for reducing wear and tear on the cylinder walls, improving engine performance, and extending the engine's lifespan. This usage of the term, however, is primarily found in mechanical engineering, not within the oil and gas industry.


The term "liner" holds a diverse meaning within the oil and gas industry, representing a range of critical components and functions. Understanding these different meanings is essential for anyone working in the field, ensuring clear communication and effective implementation of various techniques in drilling and well completion.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Many Meanings of "Liner" in Drilling & Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a common usage of the term "liner" in drilling and well completion?

(a) Casing extension (b) Sand control (c) Jet perforation guns (d) Engine cylinder component


(d) Engine cylinder component

2. What is the primary function of a liner used for sand control?

(a) To isolate different zones in a well (b) To prevent sand from entering the wellbore during production (c) To focus the energy of an explosive jet (d) To reduce wear and tear on engine cylinders


(b) To prevent sand from entering the wellbore during production

3. How is a liner typically suspended from the upper casing?

(a) By a drilling mud (b) By a hanger device (c) By cementing it in place (d) By using a specialized rope


(b) By a hanger device

4. What is the purpose of the liner in a jet perforation gun?

(a) To increase the efficiency of the explosive jet (b) To isolate a specific zone in the well (c) To prevent sand from entering the wellbore (d) To reduce wear and tear on the engine cylinders


(a) To increase the efficiency of the explosive jet

5. Which usage of the term "liner" is primarily found in mechanical engineering?

(a) Casing extension (b) Sand control (c) Jet perforation guns (d) Cylinder component


(d) Cylinder component

Exercise: Liner Application Scenarios

Scenario: You are working on a well completion project. The well has an existing 13 3/8" casing set at 10,000ft. The target producing formation is at 12,000ft, and it is known to have a high sand content.

Task: Design a liner system for this well, outlining the type of liner(s) required, their function, and any additional components necessary.

Exercise Correction

Liner System Design: * **Liner for Casing Extension:** A 9 5/8" liner would be run from the top of the 13 3/8" casing at 10,000ft to below the producing formation at 12,000ft. This will isolate the zone of interest and prevent potential contamination from shallower formations. * **Liner for Sand Control:** A short length of slotted liner (e.g., 7" liner) would be run just above the producing formation. This liner would be equipped with a sand control system, such as gravel packing or a wire wrap, to prevent sand from entering the wellbore. * **Hanger Device:** A liner hanger would be used to suspend the liner from the existing casing, ensuring a secure seal between the two. Additional Components: * **Cementing:** The casing extension liner would be cemented in place to ensure a secure seal and isolate the zone. * **Perforating:** The producing formation would be perforated through the liner to allow for production. * **Completion Equipment:** Appropriate production tubing and valves would be installed to facilitate production.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert E. Krueger: This comprehensive textbook covers a wide range of drilling operations, including liner applications in various contexts.
  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by David A. Thomas: This book provides detailed insights into well completion techniques, including liner design and installation.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by John M. Campbell: A classic resource for petroleum engineers, this handbook offers extensive information on well completion practices, including liner applications.


  • "Liner Systems for Well Completion" by SPE: This article by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) explores different types of liners and their applications in well completion.
  • "Sand Control: A Review of Techniques" by SPE: This article discusses various sand control methods, including the use of liners and gravel packing.
  • "Jet Perforation Technology: Recent Advances and Applications" by SPE: This article provides insights into the use of jet perforation guns and the role of liners in these devices.

Online Resources

  • SPE Website: The Society of Petroleum Engineers offers a wealth of resources on drilling and well completion, including articles, technical papers, and conference presentations.
  • OnePetro: This online platform provides access to technical information from various industry organizations, including SPE and IADC.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry publication offers articles, news, and analysis on drilling and completion technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "liner" with terms like "drilling," "well completion," "sand control," "jet perforation," or "casing extension" for targeted results.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose phrases like "liner hanger" or "gravel pack liner" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Filter by date: Use the "tools" option to filter results by date, ensuring you get the most recent information.
  • Explore image search: Visualize liner types by using Google Images to find illustrative diagrams and photographs.
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