Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: gamma ray log

gamma ray log

Gamma Ray Logging: Unraveling the Secrets of the Earth's Interior

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the composition of the earth beneath our feet is crucial. While drilling and extracting resources is the primary goal, gamma ray logging plays a vital role in characterizing the subsurface formations before, during, and after well completion.

A Glimpse into the Radioactive World:

Gamma ray logging is a technique used to measure the natural radioactivity present in formations surrounding the wellbore. It utilizes a specialized tool, lowered into the well, which detects and measures the gamma rays emitted from the rock.

How Does it Work?

The gamma ray tool contains a scintillator crystal that interacts with gamma rays. This interaction produces flashes of light, which are then converted into electrical signals. These signals are processed and recorded, generating a log that displays the intensity of gamma radiation measured at different depths.

Unveiling the Secrets:

The intensity of gamma radiation is directly related to the presence of certain radioactive elements within the formation. Shales, known for their high content of radioactive elements like potassium, uranium, and thorium, exhibit significantly higher gamma ray readings than other rock types like sandstones or limestones. This makes gamma ray logging a powerful tool for:

  • Lithology identification: Distinguishing between shale and other formations.
  • Formation evaluation: Determining the presence of potential hydrocarbon-bearing zones.
  • Stratigraphic correlation: Identifying and correlating layers across different wells.
  • Understanding depositional environments: Analyzing the distribution and abundance of radioactive elements provides insights into the geological history of the area.

Gamma Ray Logging: A Valuable Tool in Well Completion:

Beyond exploration, gamma ray logs are essential in well completion and production operations:

  • Casing setting: Ensuring the casing is placed in a stable and suitable formation.
  • Cement quality evaluation: Assessing the quality and integrity of the cement used to seal the wellbore.
  • Production monitoring: Analyzing the changes in gamma radiation over time to monitor reservoir performance and identify potential problems.


Gamma ray logging is a fundamental technique in the oil and gas industry. It provides valuable insights into the composition and characteristics of subsurface formations, playing a crucial role in exploration, well completion, and production. By understanding the interplay of radiation and geology, we can unlock the secrets of the earth's interior and harness its resources efficiently.

Test Your Knowledge

Gamma Ray Logging Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of gamma ray logging? (a) To measure the pressure of the formation (b) To determine the porosity of the rock (c) To measure the natural radioactivity of the formation (d) To identify the presence of oil and gas


(c) To measure the natural radioactivity of the formation

2. Which radioactive elements are typically found in higher concentrations in shale formations? (a) Carbon and Oxygen (b) Potassium, Uranium, and Thorium (c) Iron and Magnesium (d) Sodium and Chlorine


(b) Potassium, Uranium, and Thorium

3. How does gamma ray logging help with lithology identification? (a) By measuring the density of the rock (b) By detecting the presence of specific minerals (c) By analyzing the intensity of gamma radiation emitted (d) By measuring the electrical conductivity of the formation


(c) By analyzing the intensity of gamma radiation emitted

4. What is one application of gamma ray logging in well completion? (a) Determining the depth of the reservoir (b) Assessing the quality of the cement used to seal the wellbore (c) Identifying the location of faults in the formation (d) Measuring the flow rate of oil and gas


(b) Assessing the quality of the cement used to seal the wellbore

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true about gamma ray logging? (a) It is used in both exploration and production phases. (b) It can help identify potential hydrocarbon-bearing zones. (c) It is primarily used to detect the presence of water in the formation. (d) It can provide insights into the geological history of an area.


(c) It is primarily used to detect the presence of water in the formation.

Gamma Ray Logging Exercise


A geologist is analyzing a gamma ray log from a well drilled in a sedimentary basin. The log shows a distinct peak in gamma ray intensity at a depth of 1500 meters. The surrounding formations show lower gamma ray readings.


  1. Interpret the peak in gamma ray intensity. What does it likely represent?
  2. Suggest one or two applications of this information in the context of well completion and production.

Exercice Correction

1. Interpretation: The peak in gamma ray intensity at 1500 meters likely represents a shale layer. Shales have higher concentrations of radioactive elements (potassium, uranium, and thorium), leading to increased gamma radiation compared to other rock types like sandstone or limestone. 2. Applications: * **Casing setting:** The geologist can use the gamma ray log to ensure the casing is set above or below the shale layer to avoid potential instability issues. * **Production monitoring:** By monitoring the gamma ray readings over time, the geologist can track potential changes in shale content within the producing formation, which could indicate changes in reservoir performance.


  • "Well Logging and Formation Evaluation" by John A. Rider (2006): A comprehensive textbook covering various well logging techniques, including gamma ray logging, with detailed explanations and practical applications.
  • "Log Interpretation Principles and Applications" by Schlumberger (2011): This book offers a practical guide to interpreting well logs, including gamma ray logs, with examples and case studies.
  • "Petroleum Geoscience" by Michael E. Hodgson (2012): A textbook providing a broad understanding of petroleum geology, including the role of gamma ray logging in exploration and production.


  • "Gamma Ray Log Interpretation and Applications in Unconventional Reservoirs" by A.A. Al-Ajmi et al. (2017): This article focuses on the specific applications of gamma ray logs in unconventional reservoirs, such as shale gas and tight oil.
  • "A Comprehensive Review of Gamma Ray Logging Applications in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production" by M.A. Hassan et al. (2020): This review article provides a detailed overview of the various uses of gamma ray logs in different stages of the oil and gas lifecycle.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger: Well Logging & Formation Evaluation ( This website offers a wealth of information on well logging, including technical descriptions, case studies, and training resources related to gamma ray logging.
  • Halliburton: Well Logging & Formation Evaluation ( Similar to Schlumberger, this website offers comprehensive information on well logging techniques and applications, including gamma ray logging.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Journal ( The SPE Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on various aspects of petroleum engineering, including well logging and formation evaluation. Search for articles using keywords like "gamma ray logging," "lithology identification," or "formation evaluation."

Search Tips

  • Specific keywords: Use keywords like "gamma ray logging," "gamma ray log interpretation," "gamma ray log applications," and "gamma ray log in unconventional reservoirs."
  • Include specific formation types: Combine keywords with formation names like "gamma ray logging shale," "gamma ray logging sandstone," or "gamma ray logging limestone."
  • Limit your search: Use advanced search operators like "site:" to search within specific websites like Schlumberger or Halliburton.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches for your search query.
  • Combine keywords: Combine multiple keywords using Boolean operators like AND, OR, and NOT to refine your search results.
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