Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: evening tour (pronounced "tower")

evening tour (pronounced "tower")

The Evening Tour: Drilling Under the Stars

In the world of oil and gas drilling, the relentless pursuit of hydrocarbons often demands a round-the-clock operation. This is where the concept of "tours" comes into play, dividing the day into distinct work shifts. One such shift, commonly known as the "Evening Tour" (pronounced "tower"), plays a crucial role in ensuring uninterrupted drilling operations.

The Evening Tour, also sometimes called the "Afternoon Tour", is a shift that typically begins in the late afternoon and extends into the evening. Unlike the "Daylight Tour", which operates during the day, the Evening Tour embraces the twilight hours, offering a unique set of challenges and advantages.

Here's a breakdown of the Evening Tour's key characteristics:

  • Timing: The Evening Tour typically starts around 3:00 PM or 4:00 PM and continues until 11:00 PM or midnight. This schedule allows for a smooth transition from the Daylight Tour while providing ample time for essential tasks before the Night Tour begins.
  • Responsibilities: The responsibilities of the Evening Tour crew are largely aligned with the Daylight Tour, encompassing drilling operations, well control, maintenance, and other essential rig functions. However, the Evening Tour often focuses on tasks that can be effectively completed during the cooler evening temperatures or require less daylight.
  • Challenges: Working during the evening hours presents unique challenges, particularly regarding visibility and communication. The decreasing daylight can affect visibility for tasks requiring precision, while the shift changeover can introduce potential communication gaps.
  • Advantages: The Evening Tour offers several benefits, including reduced ambient temperatures, which can improve crew comfort and potentially boost productivity. Furthermore, the Evening Tour allows for the completion of certain tasks that are better suited to the cooler evening hours, such as welding or certain types of equipment repairs.

Comparison with Daylight Tour:

| Feature | Evening Tour | Daylight Tour | |---|---|---| | Timing | Late afternoon to evening | Daytime hours | | Visibility | Decreasing daylight | Ample daylight | | Temperature | Cooler | Warmer | | Crew Comfort | Generally more comfortable | Can be challenging in hot weather | | Tasks | Less daylight-dependent tasks, potential focus on specific maintenance | More daylight-dependent tasks, often involves core drilling operations |

The Evening Tour plays a vital role in ensuring the seamless operation of drilling rigs, allowing for around-the-clock work and efficient resource utilization. While the challenges of working during the evening hours are real, the benefits and unique opportunities offered by the Evening Tour make it an integral part of the drilling industry's success.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Evening Tour

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the typical time frame for the Evening Tour?

a) 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM b) 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM c) 11:00 PM - 7:00 AM d) 12:00 AM - 8:00 AM


b) 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical responsibility of the Evening Tour crew?

a) Drilling operations b) Well control c) Core drilling d) Maintenance


c) Core drilling

3. What is a potential challenge of working during the Evening Tour?

a) Excessive sunlight b) Limited communication options c) Lack of equipment d) Low crew morale


b) Limited communication options

4. What is a potential advantage of working during the Evening Tour?

a) Increased daylight for visibility b) Higher ambient temperatures c) Reduced crew fatigue d) Reduced ambient temperatures


d) Reduced ambient temperatures

5. Which of the following tasks is more likely to be completed during the Evening Tour compared to the Daylight Tour?

a) Core drilling b) Welding c) Surveying d) Mud logging


b) Welding

Exercise: Scheduling the Evening Tour

Scenario: You are the supervisor of a drilling rig and need to create a schedule for the Evening Tour. Consider the following:

  • The Evening Tour starts at 4:00 PM and ends at midnight.
  • You have a crew of 5 experienced drillers.
  • You need to complete the following tasks:
    • Perform routine maintenance on the drilling rig (2 hours)
    • Replace a worn-out drill bit (1 hour)
    • Run a series of downhole pressure tests (3 hours)
    • Complete a safety inspection (1 hour)


  1. Prioritize the tasks based on importance and urgency.
  2. Allocate tasks to your crew members.
  3. Create a schedule that ensures all tasks are completed within the 8-hour shift.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution: **Prioritized Tasks:** 1. Downhole pressure tests (urgent for well control) 2. Routine maintenance (ensures safety and efficient operation) 3. Replace drill bit (necessary for continuing drilling) 4. Safety inspection (essential for crew safety) **Task Allocation:** * Drillers 1 & 2: Downhole pressure tests (3 hours) * Driller 3: Routine maintenance (2 hours) * Driller 4: Replace drill bit (1 hour) * Driller 5: Safety inspection (1 hour) **Schedule:** * **4:00 PM - 7:00 PM:** Downhole pressure tests (Drillers 1 & 2) * **4:00 PM - 6:00 PM:** Routine maintenance (Driller 3) * **6:00 PM - 7:00 PM:** Replace drill bit (Driller 4) * **7:00 PM - 8:00 PM:** Safety inspection (Driller 5) * **7:00 PM - 11:00 PM:** Downhole pressure tests (Drillers 1 & 2) * **8:00 PM - 11:00 PM:** Routine maintenance (Driller 3) **Notes:** * This schedule is just an example and may need adjustments based on specific rig conditions and crew availability. * It is important to communicate the schedule clearly to all crew members and ensure they have the necessary tools and resources to complete their assigned tasks.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert C. Earlougher Jr. and Kevin J. K. Smith: This comprehensive textbook covers a wide range of drilling topics, including the practical aspects of drilling operations and shift work. It's likely to offer insights into the challenges and advantages of the Evening Tour.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" edited by William J. Dake: This multi-volume handbook provides extensive information on various aspects of the petroleum industry, including drilling operations. You might find sections discussing scheduling and shift work practices, possibly shedding light on the Evening Tour.


  • "Shift Work and Health in the Oil and Gas Industry" by the American Society of Safety Engineers: This article explores the health impacts of shift work, including night shifts, on oil and gas workers. It might provide valuable information on the challenges and potential risks associated with the Evening Tour.
  • "Optimizing Drilling Operations: Balancing Productivity and Crew Wellbeing" by Offshore Technology: This article delves into the complexities of optimizing drilling operations and could discuss the Evening Tour's role in achieving a balance between production targets and worker safety and health.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): Search the SPE website for articles, presentations, and discussion forums related to drilling operations, shift work, and health and safety. You might find relevant information about the Evening Tour and its challenges.
  • Offshore Technology: This website offers a vast collection of articles and resources on the offshore oil and gas industry, including drilling operations and workforce management. Search for keywords like "shift work," "drilling schedules," and "evening tour" to find relevant content.

Search Tips

  • Specific Keywords: Use keywords like "evening tour drilling," "oil and gas shift work," "drilling operations scheduling," and "drilling crew health" to narrow down your search results.
  • "Site: " Operator: Combine keywords with the operator "site:" followed by the website name (e.g., " evening tour drilling") to target specific websites.
  • "Intitle: " Operator: Use "intitle:" followed by keywords (e.g., "intitle:drilling operations scheduling") to find websites where those keywords appear in the title.
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