Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Lifting & Rigging: elevators


Elevating Tools: A Crucial Component in Drilling & Well Completion

In the world of oil and gas exploration, drilling and well completion operations rely heavily on specialized equipment to maneuver and manipulate heavy tools and components within the wellbore. Among these crucial tools, elevators play a vital role, acting as lifting devices that facilitate the safe and efficient handling of drill strings, casing strings, and other critical equipment.

Elevators, in the context of drilling, are essentially hinged steel devices with manual operating handles that crew members latch onto a tool joint (or a sub). These devices utilize a combination of hydraulic pressure and mechanical leverage to lift and lower heavy loads, enabling seamless operations across various stages of drilling and well completion.

Rotary Rigs and Elevators:

Rotary rigs, the most prevalent type of drilling rig, rely heavily on elevators to facilitate the drilling process. These rigs utilize a rotating drill string, driven by a powerful rotary table, to penetrate the earth's layers and extract oil or gas. Elevators are essential for:

  • Running and Pulling Drill String: Elevators are used to attach the drill string to the rotating kelly, allowing the string to be lowered into the wellbore and subsequently retrieved for inspection or replacement.
  • Making Connections: Elevators are crucial for connecting and disconnecting drill pipe sections, ensuring a secure and leak-proof connection for efficient drilling.
  • Handling Heavy Tools: They can also be used to handle other heavy tools like drill collars, stabilizers, and bottom hole assemblies, allowing for precise placement and retrieval during drilling operations.

Top Drive Rigs and Elevators:

Top drive rigs, characterized by a powerful motor that drives the drill string directly, also rely on elevators for various operations. The key difference lies in the location of the elevator, which is integrated into the top drive system rather than being attached to the rotary table. This allows for greater versatility and efficiency in handling the drill string.

Types of Elevators:

Elevators come in various configurations tailored to specific needs and rig types. Some common types include:

  • Single-Joint Elevators: These elevators are designed to connect to a single tool joint and are typically used for basic lifting operations.
  • Double-Joint Elevators: As the name suggests, these elevators can connect to two tool joints, offering greater lifting capacity and stability for heavy loads.
  • Casing Elevators: Specialized elevators designed for handling casing strings, ensuring a secure and efficient installation of well casing.
  • Rotating Elevators: These elevators, typically used in conjunction with top drive systems, allow for both lifting and rotating operations, further enhancing operational efficiency.

Safety and Maintenance:

Elevators are critical components of drilling and well completion operations, and their safety and reliability are paramount. Regular inspections, maintenance, and adherence to safety protocols are crucial to ensure their proper functioning and prevent accidents.


Elevators are indispensable tools in the oil and gas industry, playing a crucial role in efficient and safe drilling and well completion operations. Their ability to handle heavy loads with precision and ease ensures seamless drilling, casing, and completion processes, ultimately contributing to the successful extraction of oil and gas resources. As technology continues to advance, elevator designs are expected to evolve further, offering even greater efficiency and safety for these crucial operations.

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