Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: electric control house

electric control house

The Electric Control House: The Heart of Diesel-Electric Drilling Rigs

In the heart of a diesel-electric drilling rig lies a vital component known as the Electric Control House. This seemingly unassuming structure plays a crucial role in the efficient and safe operation of the rig, acting as the central hub for managing and distributing electrical power.

Powering the Drilling Operation:

Diesel-electric rigs, characterized by their use of diesel engines to generate electricity, rely heavily on the Electric Control House. The process begins with diesel engines driving electric generators. These generators produce electricity which is then transmitted through cables to the Electric Control House, housed within a robust control cabinet or panel.

Control and Distribution:

The Electric Control House acts as a central control point for the rig's electrical system. It houses an array of switches, control equipment, and safety mechanisms that regulate the flow of electricity to various motors powering critical drilling operations. These include:

  • Drilling Motor: Provides the power to rotate the drill string and drill into the earth.
  • Drawworks Motor: Controls the hoisting system, lifting and lowering the drill string and casing.
  • Mud Pumps: Drive the pumps that circulate drilling fluid, cleaning the hole and carrying cuttings to the surface.
  • Rotary Table: Powers the rotation of the drill string.
  • Other Essential Systems: The Electric Control House also supplies power to ancillary equipment like lighting, communication systems, and safety devices.

Benefits of Diesel-Electric Rigs:

The use of diesel-electric rigs, with the Electric Control House at their core, offers several advantages:

  • Efficiency: Diesel engines offer high fuel efficiency, leading to lower operational costs.
  • Flexibility: The system allows for easy adjustment of power output, adapting to different drilling conditions.
  • Reliability: Diesel engines are known for their durability and reliability, ensuring continuous operation.
  • Environmental Considerations: Modern diesel engines and generators are equipped with emissions control systems, reducing environmental impact.

Key Features of the Electric Control House:

  • Protective Housing: The control cabinet or panel is designed to protect the electrical components from harsh weather conditions and potential damage.
  • Monitoring Systems: Advanced monitoring systems track electrical parameters, ensuring safe and efficient operation.
  • Safety Features: Interlocks and safety devices are incorporated to prevent accidents and ensure personnel safety.


The Electric Control House is an indispensable component of diesel-electric drilling rigs. Its role in controlling and distributing electrical power ensures the smooth and safe operation of complex drilling operations. As the heart of the rig, it plays a pivotal role in extracting valuable resources from the earth efficiently and responsibly.

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