Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: drill string

drill string

The Backbone of Drilling: Understanding the Drill String

The drill string is the beating heart of any oil and gas drilling operation. It's the critical connection between the rig's surface equipment and the bit at the bottom of the well, transmitting power, fluid, and crucial information throughout the drilling process.

What is a Drill String?

The drill string is a robust, multi-component column made of steel pipes, called drill pipe, connected by specialized tool joints. These joints are crucial for transmitting rotational power and allowing the string to be easily assembled and disassembled.

Components of the Drill String:

  • Drill Pipe: The majority of the drill string consists of drill pipe sections. These lightweight, high-strength pipes are designed to withstand the immense pressures and stresses of drilling.
  • Tool Joints: Tool joints are the connectors between individual drill pipe sections. They are meticulously machined to ensure a secure, leak-proof connection.
  • Drill Collars: These are heavy-weight steel sections positioned just above the bit. They provide weight to push the bit into the formation, aid in hole stability, and help control the direction of the wellbore.
  • Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA): The BHA is the lowermost part of the drill string and includes various components like drill collars, stabilizers, reamers, and the drill bit itself.

Functions of the Drill String:

  • Power Transmission: The drill string acts as a conduit for rotational power generated by the rig's rotary table, transferring it to the drill bit to cut through rock formations.
  • Fluid Circulation: Drilling fluid, also called mud, is pumped through the drill string. This fluid plays a vital role in removing cuttings, lubricating the bit, and maintaining wellbore stability.
  • Information Carrier: Sensors and telemetry equipment can be incorporated into the drill string to monitor various parameters such as pressure, temperature, and torque. This data helps engineers optimize drilling performance and identify potential problems.
  • Weight Control: Drill collars and other heavy components in the BHA provide the weight needed to push the bit into the formation. This weight is crucial for drilling efficiency and wellbore stability.

Beyond the Basics: The Drill String's Role in Well Completion:

While primarily used during drilling, the drill string also plays a crucial role in well completion. It can be used for:

  • Running casing: Casing strings, which provide structural support and seal the well, are often run through the drill string.
  • Setting production tubing: Production tubing is run through the drill string to transport hydrocarbons from the reservoir to the surface.
  • Performing well interventions: The drill string can be used to perform various well intervention tasks like plugging, perforating, and stimulation.

The Drill String: A Symphony of Engineering

The design and operation of the drill string are intricate and require a high degree of engineering expertise. From the selection of pipe materials to the optimization of fluid properties, every aspect of the drill string plays a critical role in ensuring safe, efficient, and successful drilling operations.

It is important to note: While the term "drill string" is often used loosely to include both drill pipe and drill collars, it is technically more accurate to refer to the entire assembly, including the BHA, as the "drilling assembly" or "drilling system".

Test Your Knowledge

Drill String Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the drill string? a) To hold the drill bit in place b) To transport drilling fluid to the surface c) To transmit rotational power to the drill bit d) To monitor wellbore conditions


c) To transmit rotational power to the drill bit

2. Which component of the drill string provides weight to push the bit into the formation? a) Drill pipe b) Tool joints c) Drill collars d) BHA


c) Drill collars

3. What is the role of drilling fluid in the drill string? a) To lubricate the bit b) To cool the bit c) To remove cuttings d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. Which of the following is NOT a component of the Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA)? a) Drill collars b) Stabilizers c) Drill pipe d) Reamer


c) Drill pipe

5. Why is the drill string important for well completion? a) It can be used to run casing and tubing. b) It can be used for well interventions. c) It can help control pressure during completion. d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Drill String Exercise:

Task: You are working on a drilling rig and need to assemble a drill string. The drill string will consist of:

  • 5 sections of drill pipe, each 30 feet long
  • 2 drill collars, each 20 feet long
  • 1 BHA

Calculate the total length of the drill string in feet.

Exercice Correction

Here's the calculation:

Drill pipe: 5 sections * 30 feet/section = 150 feet

Drill collars: 2 sections * 20 feet/section = 40 feet

Total length: 150 feet + 40 feet + BHA length = **Total length + BHA length**

Note: The length of the BHA is not provided in the task, so the final answer will be "Total length + BHA length".


  • "Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices" by John A. Davies (This comprehensive book provides an in-depth exploration of drill string design, operation, and troubleshooting.)
  • "Drilling and Well Completion Engineering" by John C. Burgess (This textbook covers various aspects of drilling engineering, including a detailed chapter on drill strings.)
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by William D. Lacroix (This reference guide includes sections on drill string design, analysis, and operational practices.)


  • "Drill String Mechanics: A Comprehensive Review" by W.J. Sicking (This article offers a thorough analysis of the mechanics involved in drill string behavior and performance.)
  • "Drill String Design and Optimization for Extended Reach Drilling" by A.H. Mujtaba (This article focuses on specific challenges and solutions in designing drill strings for extended-reach drilling applications.)
  • "The Influence of Drill String Dynamics on Wellbore Stability" by M. Foulser (This research article explores the impact of drill string vibrations on wellbore stability and how to mitigate these effects.)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE's website ( contains a vast collection of technical papers, articles, and presentations on various aspects of drilling engineering, including drill strings.
  • DrillingInfo: This online platform offers data, analytics, and industry news related to the oil and gas industry, including drill string design and performance.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This publication provides news, technical articles, and market analysis related to the oil and gas industry, often featuring topics related to drill strings.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "drill string," try using more specific terms like "drill string design," "drill string failure analysis," or "drill string dynamics."
  • Combine keywords with operators: Use operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to refine your search. For example: "drill string AND optimization," or "drill string NOT failure."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose a phrase in quotation marks to find results that include the exact phrase. For example: "drill string components."
  • Filter by date: Use the "Tools" tab in Google search to filter results by date, which is helpful for finding the most up-to-date information.
  • Explore advanced search operators: Google offers various advanced search operators for more refined searches, such as site: (to search within a specific website) and filetype: (to specify a specific file type).
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