Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: drill stem

drill stem

The Backbone of Oil and Gas Exploration: A Deep Dive into the Drill Stem

The drill stem, the heart of rotary drilling operations, is the complex assembly of interconnected components that transmit rotational power from the surface to the bit, enabling the excavation of oil and gas wells. This article will delve into the individual components of the drill stem, highlighting their unique roles and functions, from the swivel to the bit.

1. The Swivel:

  • Role: The swivel, positioned above the rotary table, connects the drill stem to the top drive system. It allows the drill string to rotate while simultaneously accommodating the vertical movement of the drill string during hoisting and lowering operations.
  • Function: The swivel is a critical component that ensures continuous rotation of the drill stem while maintaining a seal between the drilling mud and the wellbore.

2. The Kelly:

  • Role: The kelly, a heavy square or hexagonal pipe, connects the swivel to the top drive system and serves as the main rotating element at the surface.
  • Function: It transmits rotational power from the rotary table to the drill string and allows for the adjustment of the drill string's weight during drilling operations.

3. Drill Pipe:

  • Role: The drill pipe, the most common element in the drill stem, consists of long, hollow pipes that connect the kelly to the bottom hole assembly (BHA).
  • Function: It carries drilling mud from the surface to the bit, providing hydraulic power for drilling and cleaning the wellbore. It also transmits the rotational force from the kelly to the bit.

4. Tool Joints:

  • Role: Tool joints, strong threaded connections, are used to connect individual sections of drill pipe and other components of the drill string.
  • Function: They ensure a secure and leak-proof connection between the various sections while allowing for easy assembly and disassembly.

5. Drill Collars:

  • Role: Drill collars are thick-walled, heavy sections of pipe placed below the drill pipe and above the BHA.
  • Function: Their primary function is to provide weight on the bit, increasing penetration rate and controlling the direction of the wellbore. They also provide stability and support to the drill string.

6. Stabilizers:

  • Role: Stabilizers are specialized tools designed to control the direction of the drill string and prevent it from bending or buckling under pressure.
  • Function: They are typically placed within the drill collar section and act as guiding mechanisms, ensuring accurate wellbore trajectory.

7. Specialty Items:

The drill stem can also include various specialty items depending on the specific drilling conditions and requirements. These can include:

  • Reamer: Enlarges the wellbore diameter to facilitate drilling progress.
  • Jar: A mechanical device used to break free stuck drill pipe or tools.
  • Circulating Head: Helps circulate drilling mud and remove cuttings from the wellbore.
  • Mud Motor: Provides rotational power to the bit without relying on surface-based rotation.

Drill String vs. Drill Stem:

The terms "drill string" and "drill stem" are often used interchangeably. However, a subtle distinction exists. The "drill stem" refers to the entire assembly from the swivel to the bit, while the "drill string" typically excludes the swivel and kelly.


The drill stem is a crucial component in oil and gas exploration, facilitating the safe and efficient drilling of wells. Understanding the functions and roles of each component is vital for optimizing drilling operations and ensuring the success of exploration projects.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Backbone of Oil and Gas Exploration - Drill Stem

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which component connects the drill stem to the top drive system and allows the drill string to rotate while accommodating vertical movement?

a) Kelly b) Drill Pipe c) Swivel d) Tool Joint


c) Swivel

2. What is the primary function of drill collars?

a) To transmit rotational power to the bit b) To provide weight on the bit and control wellbore direction c) To connect individual sections of drill pipe d) To circulate drilling mud and remove cuttings


b) To provide weight on the bit and control wellbore direction

3. Which of the following is NOT a specialty item used in a drill stem?

a) Reamer b) Stabilizer c) Jar d) Rotary Table


d) Rotary Table

4. What is the difference between the "drill stem" and the "drill string"?

a) The drill stem includes the swivel and kelly, while the drill string does not. b) The drill string includes the swivel and kelly, while the drill stem does not. c) The drill stem is the same as the drill string. d) There is no difference between the two terms.


a) The drill stem includes the swivel and kelly, while the drill string does not.

5. What is the primary function of the drill pipe?

a) To control the direction of the drill string b) To provide weight on the bit c) To carry drilling mud to the bit and remove cuttings d) To connect individual sections of drill pipe


c) To carry drilling mud to the bit and remove cuttings

Exercise: Designing a Drill Stem


Imagine you are designing a drill stem for a specific well with the following conditions:

  • Depth: 3,000 meters
  • Formation: Hard rock
  • Expected Pressure: High


  1. Choose the appropriate components for the drill stem, including drill pipe, drill collars, stabilizers, and any specialty items necessary.
  2. Justify your choices by explaining how each component will contribute to achieving the drilling goals in the given conditions.


Component: Drill pipe

Justification: You would choose a drill pipe with a high strength rating to withstand the high pressure and stress from drilling through hard rock at a significant depth.

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution for the exercise, with explanations for each component choice:

Component: Drill pipe

Justification: A high-grade steel drill pipe with a high yield strength (e.g., API grade X-95 or higher) is needed to handle the high pressure and stress encountered while drilling through hard rock at 3,000 meters.

Component: Drill collars

Justification: Heavy-duty drill collars are crucial to provide sufficient weight on the bit for effective penetration in hard rock. They also contribute to stabilizing the drill string and resisting buckling at depth.

Component: Stabilizers

Justification: Multiple stabilizers should be used, strategically placed within the drill collar section, to control the wellbore trajectory and prevent the drill string from bending or buckling. The number and placement will depend on the specific wellbore geometry and formation conditions.

Component: Specialty Items:

  • Reamer: This could be included to widen the wellbore if necessary, ensuring smooth passage of the drill string and maximizing drilling efficiency.
  • Jar: A jar may be needed to handle potential stuck pipe situations, allowing for a controlled impact to free the drill string.

Additional Considerations:

  • Mud Motor: Depending on the drilling conditions, a mud motor could be used to provide downhole power to the bit, increasing penetration rates.
  • Rotating Head: A rotating head might be preferred over a kelly system for better control and efficiency in challenging drilling environments.

Overall, the drill stem design should be carefully tailored to the specific well conditions and drilling objectives, ensuring maximum efficiency, safety, and successful drilling operations.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion by William C. Lyons - Provides a comprehensive overview of drilling operations, including detailed explanations of the drill stem and its components.
  • Drilling Engineering by Robert E. Kick - This classic textbook offers in-depth coverage of drilling techniques, with a dedicated section on drill stem design and operation.
  • The Oil and Gas Industry: A Comprehensive Guide to Exploration, Production, and Processing by J. David Hughes - This book gives a holistic view of the industry, including a chapter dedicated to drilling equipment and the drill stem.


  • "The Drill Stem: A Vital Component in Oil and Gas Exploration" by [Your Name] - This is the article you've just written and can be considered a reference itself.
  • "Drill String Design and Optimization for High-Performance Drilling" by SPE - A technical article focusing on best practices for drill string design and optimization.
  • "Drill Stem Failures: Causes and Mitigation Strategies" by [Journal Name] - This article dives into the causes of drill stem failures and explores potential solutions.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): - This website hosts a vast repository of technical papers and resources related to the oil and gas industry, including articles and presentations on drill stem technology.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors): - This organization focuses on drilling contractors and provides educational materials, industry standards, and news related to drilling operations.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: - This industry publication provides regular news and analysis on drilling technologies and advancements.

Search Tips

  • "Drill stem components": Provides information on the individual parts of the drill stem.
  • "Drill stem design": Focuses on the engineering aspects of drill stem construction.
  • "Drill stem failure analysis": Offers insights into the causes and prevention of drill stem failures.
  • "Drill stem weight calculation": Helps understand how to determine the optimal weight for drilling operations.
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