Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: cement retainer

cement retainer

Cement Retainers: Guiding Cement Flow in Drilling & Well Completion

In the demanding world of oil and gas drilling and well completion, precision is paramount. One vital component in achieving this precision is the cement retainer, a tool strategically placed within the wellbore to control the flow of cement. This seemingly simple device plays a crucial role in ensuring successful cementing operations, especially in squeeze cementing and remedial cementing jobs.

What is a Cement Retainer?

A cement retainer is essentially a barrier installed in the casing or wellbore to block the passage of cement, forcing it to flow along a predetermined path. Imagine it as a gatekeeper, directing the cement stream away from certain sections of the well and towards the desired target zone.

How does it work?

Cement retainers come in various designs, each tailored for specific applications. Common types include:

  • Mechanical Retainers: These utilize mechanical components like pistons, seals, or valves to create a physical barrier against cement flow. They are often used for temporary isolation of zones during squeeze cementing operations.
  • Rubber Retainers: These utilize rubber elements that expand against the casing wall, creating a seal that prevents cement from passing. They are commonly used in squeeze cementing to isolate zones where cement is not desired.
  • Combination Retainers: These combine features of both mechanical and rubber retainers, offering greater flexibility and adaptability.

Applications of Cement Retainers:

Cement retainers find critical applications in various well completion and remedial operations:

  • Squeeze Cementing: This technique involves injecting cement under pressure into a zone to isolate or repair a leak or damage. Cement retainers ensure the cement flows only to the targeted area, preventing unwanted cementing in other sections.
  • Remedial Cementing: This involves repairing existing cement jobs, such as plugging abandoned zones or sealing off unwanted pathways. Cement retainers are crucial for directing the cement to the precise location, ensuring effective and efficient repair.
  • Fracturing and Stimulation: By isolating zones, cement retainers can direct the flow of fracturing fluids to specific areas, maximizing the effectiveness of stimulation treatments.

Advantages of using Cement Retainers:

  • Precise Cement Placement: Ensures cement reaches the targeted zone, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.
  • Effective Isolation: Prevents cement from migrating to undesired areas, ensuring successful isolation of zones.
  • Reduced Costs: Prevents unnecessary cementing operations, saving time and resources.
  • Enhanced Safety: Minimizes the risk of cement flow into undesired zones, ensuring safe and efficient operations.


Cement retainers are essential tools in the arsenal of drilling and well completion engineers. They enable precise cement placement, effective isolation, and overall efficiency in various operations. By carefully selecting the right type of retainer for specific scenarios, operators can achieve optimal cementing results, maximizing the effectiveness and profitability of their projects.

Test Your Knowledge

Cement Retainers Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a cement retainer?

a) To prevent cement from setting too quickly.


Incorrect. Cement retainers focus on directing cement flow, not altering its setting time.

b) To guide cement flow along a predetermined path.


Correct. Cement retainers act as barriers to control cement flow.

c) To increase the strength of the cement.


Incorrect. Cement retainers do not affect the cement's strength.

d) To facilitate the removal of drilling mud.


Incorrect. Cement retainers are specifically designed for cement placement.

2. Which type of cement retainer uses mechanical components to create a barrier?

a) Rubber Retainers


Incorrect. Rubber retainers rely on expansion against the casing wall.

b) Mechanical Retainers


Correct. Mechanical retainers use pistons, seals, or valves for physical blockage.

c) Combination Retainers


Incorrect. Combination retainers combine features of both mechanical and rubber retainers.

d) All of the above


Incorrect. Only mechanical retainers utilize purely mechanical components.

3. In which of the following operations are cement retainers commonly used?

a) Drilling operations


Incorrect. Cement retainers are primarily used in well completion and remedial operations.

b) Well completion


Correct. Cement retainers are crucial for precise cement placement in well completion.

c) Production operations


Incorrect. While they can play a role in remedial work during production, cement retainers are more common during completion.

d) None of the above


Incorrect. Cement retainers have a significant role in well completion.

4. What is a major advantage of using cement retainers?

a) Reduced cementing costs.


Correct. Preventing unnecessary cementing operations saves time and resources.

b) Increased cement strength.


Incorrect. Cement retainers don't directly affect cement strength.

c) Faster cement setting time.


Incorrect. Cement retainers do not alter the setting time of cement.

d) Improved drilling efficiency.


Incorrect. Cement retainers are primarily used in well completion and remedial operations, not drilling.

5. Cement retainers are particularly important for which type of cementing operation?

a) Primary cementing


Incorrect. Primary cementing often doesn't require the same level of precision as squeeze cementing.

b) Squeeze cementing


Correct. Squeeze cementing relies heavily on precise placement of cement, which cement retainers ensure.

c) Fracturing operations


Incorrect. While cement retainers can be used to isolate zones during fracturing, they aren't always essential.

d) None of the above


Incorrect. Cement retainers are crucial for targeted cement placement, especially in squeeze cementing.

Cement Retainers Exercise:

Scenario: A well has a leaking annulus between the casing and the formation. The operator decides to perform a squeeze cementing operation to repair the leak. The well has two producing zones, one at 5,000 feet and another at 7,000 feet. The leak is located at 6,000 feet.


  1. Explain how cement retainers would be used in this squeeze cementing operation.
  2. What type of cement retainers would be most appropriate for this scenario?
  3. Why are cement retainers important for achieving a successful squeeze cementing operation?

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

1. **Cement retainer placement:** In this scenario, two cement retainers would be strategically placed: * **First retainer:** Set at 5,000 feet to isolate the upper producing zone. * **Second retainer:** Set at 7,000 feet to isolate the lower producing zone. This creates a "window" between the retainers where the cement can be injected to repair the leak at 6,000 feet. 2. **Appropriate retainer type:** Given the need to isolate specific zones, **combination retainers** would be the most appropriate choice. These offer the flexibility of both mechanical and rubber components, ensuring effective sealing and isolation. 3. **Importance of retainers:** Cement retainers are crucial for a successful squeeze cementing operation because they: * **Prevent unwanted cementing:** They isolate the producing zones, preventing cement from flowing into them and damaging production. * **Ensure targeted cement placement:** They direct the cement flow specifically to the leaking zone, maximizing the effectiveness of the repair. * **Reduce operational costs:** They minimize wasted cement and unnecessary operations, contributing to efficient and cost-effective repair.


  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by John C. McCain, Jr. & George R. Adams: Provides a comprehensive overview of well completion techniques, including cementing and the use of cement retainers.
  • "Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Treatise" by Robert F. Mitchell & Donald R. Logan: Offers detailed information on drilling operations, including cementing procedures and the role of cement retainers.
  • "Cementing: A Practical Approach" by P.M.A. van Oort: Focuses specifically on the science and practice of cementing in oil and gas wells, covering topics like cement retainers and their applications.


  • "Cement Retainers: A Key to Successful Squeeze Cementing" by Schlumberger: Discusses the importance of cement retainers in squeeze cementing operations and explores various types and their advantages.
  • "Design and Application of Cement Retainers in Well Completion" by Halliburton: Presents a detailed overview of different cement retainer designs, their functions, and their applications in well completion scenarios.
  • "The Role of Cement Retainers in Remedial Cementing" by Baker Hughes: Explores the use of cement retainers in remedial cementing jobs, highlighting their role in effectively isolating zones and repairing damaged cement.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • Specific Terms: Use specific keywords like "cement retainer types," "cement retainer applications," "squeeze cementing cement retainer," or "remedial cementing cement retainer."
  • Company Names: Search for "cement retainer [Company Name]" (e.g., "cement retainer Schlumberger") to find resources and case studies from specific oilfield service providers.
  • Technical Publications: Include keywords like "SPE paper," "technical journal," or "industry report" to find relevant publications from professional organizations like the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).
  • Image Search: Use Google Image Search to visualize different types of cement retainers and their applications in wellbore scenarios.
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