Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: buck up

buck up

Bucking Up: Tightening Threads in Drilling and Well Completion

In the demanding world of drilling and well completion, secure connections are paramount. This is especially true when dealing with threaded components like drill pipe, casing, and tubing. "Bucking up" is a common term used to describe the process of tightening these threaded connections to ensure maximum strength and prevent leaks.

The Process:

Bucking up involves using specialized equipment to apply high torque to a threaded connection. This typically involves:

  • A torque wrench: This tool measures the amount of force applied to the connection, ensuring it's tightened to the specified torque value.
  • A hydraulic torque wrench: For extremely high torque requirements, a hydraulic torque wrench is used. This provides a controlled and powerful method for tightening.
  • A "bucking bar": This is a long metal bar that is placed on the wrench handle to provide leverage for manual tightening.
  • A "buck-up" tool: This is a specialized tool used for final tightening, especially on difficult connections.

Importance of Proper Bucking Up:

  • Preventing leaks: A properly bucked up connection ensures a tight seal, preventing leaks of drilling fluids, gas, or oil.
  • Maintaining structural integrity: Tightened connections withstand the immense pressure and stresses encountered in drilling and well completion operations.
  • Ensuring safe operations: Secure connections minimize the risk of equipment failure, ensuring the safety of personnel and the environment.

Factors Affecting Bucking Up:

  • Type of connection: Different thread types and sizes require specific tightening procedures and torque values.
  • Material of the components: Different materials, such as steel, have varying strength and torque requirements.
  • Environmental conditions: Temperature, humidity, and pressure can influence the tightening process and required torque.

Common Challenges:

  • Over-tightening: Excessive torque can damage threads, leading to premature failure.
  • Under-tightening: Insufficient torque can result in leaks and compromised connections.
  • Difficult connections: Some connections, like those with heavily corroded threads, may require specialized techniques and tools.


Bucking up is a crucial step in drilling and well completion operations, ensuring secure and reliable connections. By carefully understanding the process, using appropriate tools and techniques, and following industry standards, professionals can achieve the necessary torque for safe and efficient operations.

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