Reservoir Engineering

bottomhole pressure test

Unveiling the Secrets of the Reservoir: Understanding Bottomhole Pressure Tests

In the oil and gas industry, understanding the pressure within a reservoir is crucial for efficient production. This pressure, known as the reservoir pressure, is a key indicator of the reservoir's health and potential. One of the primary tools used to measure this pressure is the bottomhole pressure test.

What is a Bottomhole Pressure Test?

A bottomhole pressure test is a wellbore procedure designed to measure the pressure at the bottom of the well, often at the midpoint of the producing zone. It provides invaluable information about the reservoir's characteristics and potential for production.

Two Types of Bottomhole Pressure Tests:

  1. Flowing Bottomhole Pressure Test: This test measures the pressure while the well is actively producing. It provides real-time information about the pressure within the reservoir under flowing conditions. This data is essential for optimizing production rates and understanding the impact of production on the reservoir.
  2. Shut-In Bottomhole Pressure Test: This test involves shutting in the well for a predetermined period, allowing the pressure to stabilize. Then, the pressure is measured, providing a snapshot of the reservoir's pressure under static conditions. This information is vital for calculating the reservoir's potential and estimating the original pressure.

Why are Bottomhole Pressure Tests Important?

Bottomhole pressure tests serve several critical purposes in drilling and well completion:

  • Estimating Reservoir Pressure: These tests provide accurate estimates of the reservoir pressure, essential for determining the well's potential production.
  • Monitoring Reservoir Depletion: By comparing pressure measurements over time, engineers can monitor the reservoir's depletion rate, indicating its health and remaining production potential.
  • Optimizing Production: The data from these tests helps in optimizing production rates by understanding the relationship between pressure and flow.
  • Predicting Well Performance: These tests can assist in predicting the long-term performance of a well, aiding in production planning and resource allocation.
  • Detecting Reservoir Connectivity: By comparing pressure readings from multiple wells, engineers can assess the connectivity of different parts of the reservoir.

Conducting a Bottomhole Pressure Test:

Performing a bottomhole pressure test involves specific procedures:

  1. Shutting in the well: This allows the pressure in the wellbore to stabilize to the reservoir pressure.
  2. Measuring pressure: Pressure is measured using specialized equipment like pressure gauges or transducers, which are lowered into the wellbore.
  3. Analyzing data: The collected data is analyzed to determine the reservoir pressure and other important parameters.


Bottomhole pressure tests are a crucial tool in the oil and gas industry, providing vital information about the reservoir's pressure and potential for production. This knowledge enables engineers to optimize production, monitor reservoir health, and make informed decisions about resource management. As the industry continues to evolve, the importance of accurate bottomhole pressure measurements will only increase, ensuring efficient and sustainable oil and gas production.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unveiling the Secrets of the Reservoir

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a bottomhole pressure test?

(a) To measure the pressure at the top of the wellbore. (b) To determine the amount of oil and gas in the reservoir. (c) To measure the pressure at the bottom of the well, often at the midpoint of the producing zone. (d) To analyze the composition of the reservoir fluids.


(c) To measure the pressure at the bottom of the well, often at the midpoint of the producing zone.

2. Which type of bottomhole pressure test is performed while the well is actively producing?

(a) Shut-in Bottomhole Pressure Test (b) Flowing Bottomhole Pressure Test (c) Static Bottomhole Pressure Test (d) Dynamic Bottomhole Pressure Test


(b) Flowing Bottomhole Pressure Test

3. What information can bottomhole pressure tests provide about the reservoir?

(a) Reservoir pressure (b) Reservoir depletion rate (c) Potential for production (d) All of the above


(d) All of the above

4. Which of the following is NOT a step involved in conducting a bottomhole pressure test?

(a) Shutting in the well (b) Measuring pressure (c) Analyzing data (d) Injecting chemicals into the well


(d) Injecting chemicals into the well

5. How can bottomhole pressure tests help in optimizing production?

(a) By determining the best drilling depth for the well. (b) By understanding the relationship between pressure and flow. (c) By identifying the most productive layers in the reservoir. (d) By predicting the type of reservoir fluids.


(b) By understanding the relationship between pressure and flow.

Exercise: Analyzing Bottomhole Pressure Data


You are an engineer working on an oil well. Two bottomhole pressure tests were conducted at different times:

  • Test 1 (Initial): Flowing Bottomhole Pressure = 2500 psi
  • Test 2 (After 6 months): Flowing Bottomhole Pressure = 2200 psi


  1. Calculate the pressure decline: Subtract the pressure reading from Test 2 from Test 1.
  2. Interpret the pressure decline: What does this decline indicate about the reservoir's health and production potential?
  3. Recommend a course of action: Based on the pressure decline, what would you recommend to the production team?

Exercice Correction

1. Calculate the pressure decline:

Pressure Decline = 2500 psi - 2200 psi = 300 psi

2. Interpret the pressure decline:

The pressure decline of 300 psi over 6 months indicates that the reservoir is experiencing pressure depletion.  This is a normal occurrence as oil and gas are extracted from the reservoir, but the rate of decline can provide insight into the reservoir's health. A high rate of decline could suggest a rapid depletion of the reservoir and a decrease in production potential.

3. Recommend a course of action:

Based on the pressure decline, several courses of action could be considered:

* **Monitoring:** Continue monitoring the pressure through regular bottomhole pressure tests to track the rate of decline.
* **Optimization:** Adjust production rates or implement enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques to slow down the decline and maximize recovery.
* **Alternative Production:** If the decline is too rapid, consider exploring alternative production methods or strategies to ensure continued profitability.

The specific course of action should be determined based on a thorough analysis of the pressure decline, the reservoir's characteristics, and other relevant factors.


  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed
  • Petroleum Production Engineering: Principles and Practices by Henry J. Ramey Jr. and John R. Buckley
  • Well Testing by Matthews, C. S. and Russell, D. G.
  • Production Operations in Petroleum Engineering by W.C. Lyons


  • Bottomhole Pressure Test Interpretation by Schlumberger
  • Understanding Bottomhole Pressure Tests in Reservoir Engineering by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
  • The Importance of Bottomhole Pressure Testing for Reservoir Management by Halliburton
  • Bottomhole Pressure Tests: A Powerful Tool for Reservoir Characterization by Baker Hughes

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): - Offers a wealth of resources on well testing, including bottomhole pressure tests.
  • Schlumberger: - Provides detailed information on bottomhole pressure tests and their applications.
  • Halliburton: - Offers resources on well testing, including bottomhole pressure tests and their role in reservoir management.
  • Baker Hughes: - Provides information on bottomhole pressure tests and their role in reservoir characterization.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "bottomhole pressure test," "reservoir pressure," "well testing," "production optimization," and "reservoir management."
  • Include industry terms: Use terms like "shut-in pressure," "flowing pressure," "pressure transient analysis," "reservoir depletion," and "well performance."
  • Specify your search: Add "PDF" or "articles" to your search to narrow down results.
  • Search for specific companies: Include names like Schlumberger, Halliburton, and Baker Hughes to find company-specific information on bottomhole pressure tests.


Unveiling the Secrets of the Reservoir: Understanding Bottomhole Pressure Tests

This document expands on the provided text, breaking down the topic of bottomhole pressure tests into separate chapters.

Chapter 1: Techniques

Bottomhole pressure (BHP) tests employ various techniques depending on the test type (flowing or shut-in) and the specific well conditions. The core principle involves measuring the pressure at the bottom of the wellbore, but the methods used differ significantly.

1.1. Shut-In Bottomhole Pressure (SIHBP) Testing Techniques:

  • Conventional SIHBP Testing: This involves shutting in the well completely, allowing the pressure to equilibrate with the reservoir pressure. Pressure is then measured using a pressure gauge or downhole pressure transducer. This method is relatively simple but can be time-consuming, especially in high-permeability reservoirs where pressure equilibration is rapid.
  • Multi-Rate Testing: This technique involves shutting in the well after several periods of production at varying flow rates. This provides data points at different pressure levels, allowing for more accurate determination of reservoir parameters. Analysis techniques like Horner plots are commonly used to interpret the data.
  • Pressure Build-Up Testing (PBU): This is a specialized form of SIHBP testing, where the pressure increase after shut-in is monitored over time. The data is analyzed to determine reservoir properties such as permeability and skin factor.

1.2. Flowing Bottomhole Pressure (FBHP) Testing Techniques:

  • Direct Measurement: While less common for direct BHP measurement, specialized pressure gauges and transducers capable of operating under flowing conditions can be used. This method requires robust equipment able to withstand the high pressures and flow rates.
  • Indirect Measurement (Pressure Inference): In many cases, FBHP is inferred from surface pressure and flow rate measurements using wellbore flow models that account for pressure drop due to friction and acceleration effects. This requires careful consideration of well geometry, fluid properties, and flow rates.

1.3. Specialized Techniques:

  • Repeat Formation Tester (RFT): This tool allows for multiple pressure measurements within the same wellbore, providing a detailed pressure profile across different reservoir intervals.
  • Wireline Formation Tester (WFT): Similar to RFTs, WFTs can measure pressure and sample formation fluids at various depths.

The selection of the appropriate technique depends on factors such as the reservoir properties, well characteristics, and the objectives of the test.

Chapter 2: Models

Analyzing bottomhole pressure test data requires the use of mathematical models that describe the fluid flow within the reservoir and the wellbore. These models help to interpret the raw pressure data and extract valuable reservoir properties.

2.1. Reservoir Simulation Models:

Complex numerical models can simulate fluid flow in the reservoir based on detailed geological models and reservoir properties. These models are used to predict future reservoir behavior and optimize production strategies.

2.2. Analytical Models:

Simpler analytical models, based on simplifying assumptions, are often used for initial interpretations. These models provide quick estimates of key reservoir parameters, such as:

  • Horner Method: Used for analyzing pressure build-up data to estimate reservoir permeability and skin factor.
  • Arps Decline Curves: Used to forecast future production rates based on historical production data and pressure measurements.
  • Material Balance Equations: These equations relate reservoir pressure to fluid withdrawal and reservoir properties, allowing for estimation of original reservoir pressure and hydrocarbon volumes.

2.3. Wellbore Flow Models:

These models account for pressure losses within the wellbore due to friction and acceleration. These are essential for converting surface measurements to accurate bottomhole pressures, particularly during flowing tests. The models consider factors such as pipe diameter, fluid properties, and flow rate.

Chapter 3: Software

Specialized software packages are used for data acquisition, processing, and interpretation of bottomhole pressure tests. These packages provide tools for:

  • Data Acquisition and Logging: Software for recording pressure data from downhole tools and surface measurements.
  • Data Processing: Software for cleaning and correcting the pressure data, accounting for temperature and other effects.
  • Model Fitting and Interpretation: Software for applying analytical and numerical models to the processed data to estimate reservoir properties.
  • Visualization and Reporting: Software for creating visualizations of the pressure data and generating reports.

Examples of common software packages include:

  • Petrel (Schlumberger): A comprehensive reservoir simulation and modeling software.
  • Eclipse (Schlumberger): A powerful reservoir simulation platform.
  • CMG (Computer Modelling Group): Another widely used reservoir simulation software.
  • Specialized Pressure Transient Analysis Software: Several software packages are specifically designed for the analysis of pressure transient data.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Ensuring accurate and reliable bottomhole pressure test results requires following best practices throughout the entire process:

  • Pre-Test Planning: Careful planning is essential, including defining objectives, selecting appropriate testing techniques, and ensuring adequate equipment.
  • Data Acquisition: Use calibrated and well-maintained equipment. Document all procedures and conditions during the test.
  • Data Processing: Apply appropriate corrections for temperature, pressure, and other factors. Employ quality control checks to ensure data accuracy.
  • Interpretation and Analysis: Use appropriate models and techniques considering the specific reservoir conditions. Consult with experienced reservoir engineers.
  • Documentation: Maintain detailed records of all aspects of the test, including the raw data, processing steps, interpretation results, and conclusions.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Several case studies highlight the practical application and interpretation of bottomhole pressure tests.

(Note: Specific case studies would require detailed information from actual projects and are omitted here due to their proprietary nature. However, examples of case studies could include the analysis of pressure build-up tests to determine reservoir permeability in a tight gas sand reservoir, or the use of multi-rate tests to determine the optimal production strategy in a water-drive reservoir.) Each case study would typically include:

  • Reservoir Description: Geological and petrophysical characteristics of the reservoir.
  • Testing Methodology: Techniques used for data acquisition.
  • Data Analysis: Methods used for data interpretation and model fitting.
  • Results and Conclusions: Key findings and their implications for reservoir management.

This expanded explanation provides a more comprehensive understanding of bottomhole pressure tests across various aspects of the process. Remember that specific techniques and models will vary based on reservoir characteristics and project objectives.

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