Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Annular Blowout Preventer

Annular Blowout Preventer

The Annular Blowout Preventer: A Vital Safety Guard in Drilling & Well Completion

The oil and gas industry is inherently risky. One of the most dangerous situations that can arise during drilling or well completion is a blowout, where uncontrolled pressures force fluids and gases to surge up the wellbore, potentially causing catastrophic damage and endangering personnel. To mitigate this risk, a crucial safety device is employed: the Annular Blowout Preventer (ABP).

What is an Annular Blowout Preventer?

An ABP is a large valve, typically installed above the ram preventers, that forms a seal in the annular space between the drill pipe and the wellbore. This space, the annular region, is crucial for circulation of drilling mud, which helps to control well pressure.

How it Works:

  • With Pipe: When a drill pipe is present, the ABP seals the annular space between the pipe and the wellbore, preventing any uncontrolled flow.
  • Without Pipe: In the absence of a drill pipe, the ABP forms a seal directly on the wellbore itself, effectively plugging the well.

Key Features and Functions:

  • Emergency Control: The ABP acts as a crucial safety measure, allowing for quick and effective isolation of the wellbore in case of a blowout or other emergency.
  • Secondary Containment: It serves as a backup to the ram preventers, offering an additional layer of protection.
  • Pressure Control: The ABP can be used to control wellbore pressures by regulating the flow of drilling mud.
  • Variety of Designs: ABPs come in various designs, including single or multiple seals, manual or hydraulic operation, and different pressure ratings.

Benefits and Importance:

  • Enhanced Safety: The ABP is an essential safety device, preventing blowouts and ensuring the well is safely controlled.
  • Reduced Risk of Environmental Damage: By effectively controlling pressure and preventing blowouts, the ABP minimizes the risk of environmental contamination.
  • Operational Efficiency: It allows for safe and efficient drilling and well completion operations.
  • Compliance with Regulations: The use of ABPs is mandated by industry regulations and safety standards.


The Annular Blowout Preventer is an indispensable component of modern drilling and well completion operations. Its role in preventing blowouts, controlling pressures, and ensuring safety cannot be overstated. The ABP serves as a vital safeguard, protecting lives, minimizing environmental damage, and ensuring the efficient and responsible development of oil and gas resources.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Well Control Engineering" by Dennis L. Bourgoyne, Jr., Donald R. Millheim, Frank S. Chenevert, and Henry J. Millheim: Provides a comprehensive overview of well control principles, including the use of blow out preventers (BOPs) and annular preventers (ABPs).
  • "Drilling Engineering" by Darrell W. Green: Covers various aspects of drilling engineering, including well control and safety devices like annular preventers.
  • "Blowout Prevention: Principles, Practices, and Prevention" by George A. Jackson: Focuses specifically on blowout prevention techniques and equipment, including annular blowout preventers.


  • "Annular Blowout Preventers: A Critical Safety Device" by (Author name): This article can be found in various industry journals and publications like the Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT), SPE publications, or drilling industry magazines. Look for articles that discuss the design, operation, and importance of ABPs.
  • "Blowout Preventers: The First Line of Defense" by (Author name): This article would likely discuss the various types of BOPs, including annular preventers, and their role in well control.
  • "Recent Advances in Annular Blowout Preventer Technology" by (Author name): This article could focus on new developments and advancements in ABP design and functionality.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: Provides technical papers, conference proceedings, and other resources related to drilling and well control, including ABPs.
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) website: Offers information on drilling standards, safety regulations, and equipment, including annular preventers.
  • Manufacturer websites: Companies that manufacture BOPs, including annular preventers, often provide technical documentation and case studies on their products.

Search Tips

  • "Annular blowout preventer" + "design": Provides information on the technical aspects of ABP design.
  • "Annular blowout preventer" + "operation": Focuses on how ABPs work and are used in practice.
  • "Annular blowout preventer" + "case study": Offers real-world examples of ABP use and their effectiveness.
  • "Annular blowout preventer" + "safety": Explores the safety benefits of using ABPs in drilling operations.
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