Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Zetag


Zetag: Cationic Polyelectrolytes for Enhanced Environmental & Water Treatment

Zetag, a product line developed by Ciba Specialty Chemicals, encompasses a range of cationic polyelectrolytes designed to optimize various environmental and water treatment processes. These high-performance polymers play a crucial role in enhancing water clarity, removing suspended solids, and improving overall water quality.

Understanding Cationic Polyelectrolytes

Cationic polyelectrolytes are long-chain molecules carrying a positive charge. Their unique structure allows them to interact strongly with negatively charged particles, such as suspended solids, colloids, and organic matter, present in water. This interaction leads to destabilization and aggregation, facilitating their removal through processes like sedimentation, filtration, or flocculation.

Zetag's Key Benefits in Environmental & Water Treatment

Zetag polyelectrolytes offer numerous benefits, making them valuable tools for various applications:

  • Enhanced Solids Removal: Zetag effectively removes suspended solids, including turbidity, from water sources. This results in clearer, more aesthetically pleasing water and improved overall water quality.
  • Improved Flocculation Efficiency: By promoting the aggregation of fine particles, Zetag significantly enhances flocculation efficiency. This allows for faster settling and easier removal of solids, optimizing process efficiency and reducing sludge volume.
  • Wastewater Treatment Optimization: Zetag effectively treats wastewater by removing organic matter, heavy metals, and other contaminants. This contributes to cleaner water discharge and reduces environmental pollution.
  • Enhanced Dehydration: Zetag can be employed to improve the dewatering of sludge, reducing the volume of solid waste generated. This is particularly beneficial for industries like mining, paper, and food processing.
  • Tailored Solutions: Ciba Specialty Chemicals offers a wide range of Zetag products with varying molecular weights, charge densities, and chemical compositions. This allows for customization to match specific application needs and optimize treatment outcomes.

Applications of Zetag in Environmental & Water Treatment

Zetag polyelectrolytes find widespread applications in various sectors, including:

  • Municipal Water Treatment: Removal of turbidity, color, and other contaminants to ensure safe drinking water.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Removing suspended solids, heavy metals, and organic matter from industrial effluents.
  • Mining and Mineral Processing: Settling and clarifying water used in mining operations.
  • Paper and Pulp Industry: Improving paper quality and dewatering sludge in paper manufacturing processes.
  • Food and Beverage Industry: Clarifying and filtering process water and treating wastewater.


Zetag cationic polyelectrolytes from Ciba Specialty Chemicals are powerful tools for optimizing environmental and water treatment processes. Their ability to enhance solids removal, flocculation efficiency, and overall water quality makes them essential for achieving cleaner, safer, and more sustainable water management practices. With their diverse product portfolio and commitment to innovation, Ciba Specialty Chemicals continues to provide tailored solutions to meet the ever-evolving needs of the industry.

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