Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Winkler titration

Winkler titration

Unlocking the Secrets of Dissolved Oxygen: The Winkler Titration Method

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is a crucial parameter in aquatic environments. It's essential for the survival of fish and other aquatic life, and plays a vital role in biological processes like decomposition and nutrient cycling. Accurately measuring DO levels is therefore crucial for environmental monitoring and water treatment.

One of the most widely used methods for determining DO levels is the Winkler titration, a classic iodometric titration method named after its inventor, chemist Ludwig Winkler. This method, developed in 1888, remains a cornerstone of water quality analysis due to its simplicity, accuracy, and suitability for field use.

How it Works:

The Winkler titration method relies on a series of chemical reactions to quantify the dissolved oxygen in a water sample. The process involves:

  1. Sample Collection & Fixation: A water sample is collected and immediately treated with manganese(II) sulfate and potassium hydroxide. This forms a white precipitate of manganese(II) hydroxide.
  2. Oxygen Reaction: The dissolved oxygen in the sample reacts with the manganese(II) hydroxide in the presence of potassium iodide to form a brown precipitate of manganese(III) oxide hydroxide.
  3. Acidification & Iodide Release: The sample is then acidified with sulfuric acid. This dissolves the precipitate and releases iodine, which is proportional to the amount of dissolved oxygen initially present.
  4. Titration with Sodium Thiosulfate: The released iodine is titrated with a standard solution of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) using a starch indicator. The endpoint of the titration is reached when the blue-black starch-iodine complex disappears.

The Calculation:

The amount of sodium thiosulfate used in the titration directly corresponds to the amount of dissolved oxygen in the original water sample. The calculation is straightforward and typically involves a simple conversion factor based on the volume of the sample, the molarity of the thiosulfate solution, and the stoichiometry of the reactions.

Advantages of the Winkler Titration:

  • Reliability: The method is accurate and precise, producing consistent results.
  • Simplicity: The procedure is relatively straightforward and can be performed by trained personnel.
  • Field-Friendly: The Winkler titration is adaptable for field measurements, making it useful for monitoring various water bodies.
  • Cost-Effective: The method is generally inexpensive, requiring readily available chemicals and equipment.

Limitations of the Winkler Titration:

  • Interferences: The presence of certain substances like sulfides, nitrites, or ferrous iron can interfere with the accuracy of the results.
  • Time-Consuming: The complete titration process can take around 30 minutes.
  • Not Suitable for Low DO Levels: The Winkler titration is less reliable for samples with very low DO concentrations.


The Winkler titration remains a valuable tool for determining dissolved oxygen levels in various water bodies. Its simplicity, accuracy, and field adaptability make it a reliable method for environmental monitoring and water treatment applications. However, understanding its limitations and potential interferences is crucial for accurate and meaningful results. As technology advances, new methods like electrochemical sensors are emerging as potential alternatives to the Winkler titration, but the classic method will likely remain a mainstay for years to come.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unlocking the Secrets of Dissolved Oxygen: The Winkler Titration Method

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. The Winkler titration method is used to determine:

a) pH of a water sample


Incorrect. The Winkler titration method is used to determine the dissolved oxygen levels in a water sample, not its pH.

b) Salinity of a water sample


Incorrect. The Winkler titration method is used to determine the dissolved oxygen levels in a water sample, not its salinity.

c) Dissolved oxygen levels in a water sample


Correct! The Winkler titration method is specifically designed to measure dissolved oxygen levels in water samples.

d) Turbidity of a water sample


Incorrect. The Winkler titration method is used to determine the dissolved oxygen levels in a water sample, not its turbidity.

2. Which of the following is NOT a step in the Winkler titration method?

a) Sample collection and fixation


Incorrect. Sample collection and fixation are crucial initial steps in the Winkler titration method.

b) Acidification with sulfuric acid


Incorrect. Acidification with sulfuric acid is a vital step in the Winkler titration method.

c) Titration with hydrochloric acid


Correct! The Winkler titration uses sodium thiosulfate, not hydrochloric acid, for titration.

d) Titration with sodium thiosulfate


Incorrect. Titration with sodium thiosulfate is a crucial step in the Winkler titration method.

3. What is the main advantage of the Winkler titration method?

a) It is the fastest method for measuring dissolved oxygen.


Incorrect. While the Winkler titration is relatively quick, newer methods like electrochemical sensors might be faster.

b) It is highly accurate and reliable.


Correct! The Winkler titration is known for its accuracy and reliability in measuring dissolved oxygen levels.

c) It is suitable for measuring extremely low levels of dissolved oxygen.


Incorrect. The Winkler titration is less reliable for very low DO concentrations.

d) It requires expensive and specialized equipment.


Incorrect. The Winkler titration is generally inexpensive and uses readily available materials.

4. What substance is used as an indicator in the Winkler titration?

a) Potassium iodide


Incorrect. Potassium iodide is used in the reaction process but not as an indicator.

b) Manganese(II) sulfate


Incorrect. Manganese(II) sulfate is used in the reaction process but not as an indicator.

c) Starch


Correct! Starch is used as an indicator in the Winkler titration, forming a blue-black complex with iodine.

d) Sodium thiosulfate


Incorrect. Sodium thiosulfate is the titrant, not the indicator.

5. Which of the following can interfere with the accuracy of the Winkler titration?

a) High levels of dissolved oxygen


Incorrect. High levels of dissolved oxygen are actually favorable for the Winkler titration.

b) Presence of sulfides


Correct! Sulfides are known to interfere with the Winkler titration process.

c) Low water temperature


Incorrect. While temperature can affect oxygen solubility, it doesn't directly interfere with the titration process.

d) Clear, clean water samples


Incorrect. Clear water samples are ideal for the Winkler titration, as they are less likely to have interfering substances.

Exercise: Dissolved Oxygen Measurement Using the Winkler Titration

Scenario: You are a water quality technician tasked with measuring the dissolved oxygen levels in a small pond using the Winkler titration method. You collect a 100 ml water sample and perform the titration. You determine that 25 ml of 0.01 M sodium thiosulfate solution was used to reach the endpoint of the titration.

Task: Calculate the dissolved oxygen concentration in the water sample in milligrams per liter (mg/L).


  • The reaction between sodium thiosulfate and iodine is: 2Na2S2O3 + I2 → Na2S4O6 + 2NaI
  • The molar mass of oxygen is 16 g/mol.
  • The conversion factor from milliliters to liters is 1000 ml/L.


Exercice Correction

1. **Calculate the moles of sodium thiosulfate used:** * Moles of Na2S2O3 = Molarity x Volume (in liters) * Moles of Na2S2O3 = 0.01 M x 0.025 L = 0.00025 moles 2. **Determine the moles of iodine reacted:** * From the balanced reaction, 2 moles of Na2S2O3 react with 1 mole of I2 * Therefore, moles of I2 = (0.00025 moles Na2S2O3) / 2 = 0.000125 moles 3. **Calculate the moles of dissolved oxygen:** * In the Winkler titration, 1 mole of I2 corresponds to 1 mole of O2 * Hence, moles of O2 = 0.000125 moles 4. **Calculate the mass of dissolved oxygen:** * Mass of O2 = Moles of O2 x Molar mass of O2 * Mass of O2 = 0.000125 moles x 16 g/mol = 0.002 g 5. **Convert the mass of dissolved oxygen to mg/L:** * Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) = (Mass of O2 in mg) / (Volume of sample in L) * Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) = (0.002 g x 1000 mg/g) / (0.1 L) = 20 mg/L **Therefore, the dissolved oxygen concentration in the water sample is 20 mg/L.**


  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (23rd Edition) - This comprehensive manual is the gold standard for water quality analysis and includes detailed information on the Winkler method.
  • Chemistry of Water Treatment by C.N. Sawyer and P.L. McCarty - Provides a thorough explanation of water treatment processes, including a section on DO determination using the Winkler method.
  • Water Analysis: A Practical Guide to the Examination of Water and Wastewater by D.W. Andrews - A practical guide covering various water quality analyses, including the Winkler method with a focus on its applications.


  • "The Winkler Method for Dissolved Oxygen Determination: A Historical Review" by P.D. Boehlert and J.L. Stauber - This article traces the development of the Winkler titration method and highlights its historical significance.
  • "A Comparison of Winkler Titration and Electrochemical Methods for Dissolved Oxygen Measurement in Freshwater and Estuarine Waters" by R.D. Devereux and M.L. Pace - This article compares the Winkler method with modern electrochemical sensors and evaluates their accuracy and applicability.

Online Resources

  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - The EPA website offers a wealth of information on water quality parameters, including DO and the Winkler method. Search for "Dissolved Oxygen" or "Winkler Titration" for relevant resources.
  • American Public Health Association (APHA): - The APHA website provides access to "Standard Methods" and other resources relevant to water quality analysis.
  • Water Quality Online: - This website offers articles, technical information, and resources related to water quality, including DO measurement and the Winkler titration.
  • SciFinder: - A comprehensive scientific database that allows you to search for research articles related to the Winkler titration.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Winkler titration", "dissolved oxygen determination", "water quality analysis", "iodometric titration", "DO measurement", "environmental monitoring"
  • Combine keywords with modifiers: "Winkler titration limitations", "Winkler titration advantages", "Winkler titration accuracy"
  • Use quotation marks: "Winkler titration" will search for the exact phrase, providing more precise results.
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