Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: wetted perimeter

wetted perimeter

Wetted Perimeter: A Key Factor in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, understanding the intricacies of fluid flow is paramount. One important parameter in this analysis is the wetted perimeter, a term that describes the length of contact area between a flowing stream of water and the channel containing it. This seemingly simple concept plays a crucial role in determining various aspects of water treatment processes and environmental flow dynamics.

Understanding Wetted Perimeter:

Imagine a river flowing through a channel. The wetted perimeter represents the total length of the channel's sides and bottom that are in direct contact with the water. This includes the bed of the river, its banks, and any submerged obstacles within the channel.

Significance in Environmental & Water Treatment:

The wetted perimeter significantly influences several crucial factors in environmental and water treatment systems:

  • Flow Resistance: A larger wetted perimeter translates to greater surface area in contact with the water, leading to increased friction and resistance to flow. This resistance affects the velocity and energy dissipation of the water stream.
  • Sediment Transport: The wetted perimeter significantly impacts sediment transport within a channel. A larger perimeter enhances the potential for sediment deposition, while a smaller perimeter can lead to erosion.
  • Water Quality: The wetted perimeter influences the rate of chemical and biological reactions within the water. For instance, a greater wetted perimeter increases the surface area available for oxygen absorption, improving water quality.
  • Hydraulic Efficiency: In water treatment systems, the wetted perimeter is crucial for optimizing the design of channels and reactors. A smaller wetted perimeter minimizes energy loss due to friction, thereby improving efficiency and reducing operational costs.
  • Ecosystem Health: The wetted perimeter directly influences the habitat available for aquatic organisms. A diverse and healthy aquatic ecosystem relies on a balanced wetted perimeter that provides sufficient food sources and shelter.

Applications in Water Treatment:

The wetted perimeter finds widespread application in various water treatment processes:

  • Sedimentation: Larger wetted perimeters in sedimentation tanks promote efficient settling of suspended particles, leading to improved water clarity.
  • Filtration: In sand filters, a higher wetted perimeter provides a larger surface area for filtration, improving water quality and extending filter life.
  • Activated Sludge: Wetted perimeter considerations in activated sludge tanks optimize microbial activity and sludge settling for efficient wastewater treatment.


The wetted perimeter is an essential parameter in the analysis and design of water treatment systems and environmental flows. Understanding its significance helps engineers and scientists optimize processes, minimize energy consumption, and promote sustainable water management practices. By considering the wetted perimeter, we can ensure efficient, effective, and environmentally responsible water treatment solutions for a healthier planet.

Test Your Knowledge

Wetted Perimeter Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the wetted perimeter? a) The total surface area of a water body. b) The length of contact between a flowing stream of water and its containing channel. c) The volume of water flowing through a channel. d) The average depth of a water body.


b) The length of contact between a flowing stream of water and its containing channel.

2. How does a larger wetted perimeter influence flow resistance? a) It reduces flow resistance. b) It increases flow resistance. c) It has no effect on flow resistance. d) It increases the volume of water flowing.


b) It increases flow resistance.

3. Which of the following is NOT directly influenced by the wetted perimeter? a) Sediment transport. b) Water temperature. c) Water quality. d) Hydraulic efficiency.


b) Water temperature.

4. In a sedimentation tank, a larger wetted perimeter would lead to: a) Faster flow and reduced settling of particles. b) Slower flow and improved settling of particles. c) Increased water turbidity. d) No effect on settling of particles.


b) Slower flow and improved settling of particles.

5. Why is the wetted perimeter a crucial consideration in activated sludge tanks? a) It determines the amount of sludge produced. b) It influences the efficiency of microbial activity and sludge settling. c) It affects the temperature of the sludge. d) It has no significant impact on activated sludge processes.


b) It influences the efficiency of microbial activity and sludge settling.

Wetted Perimeter Exercise


A rectangular channel with a width of 2 meters and a depth of 1 meter is carrying water at a flow rate of 10 cubic meters per second.


  1. Calculate the wetted perimeter of the channel.
  2. Explain how the wetted perimeter would change if the depth of the channel were increased to 2 meters, keeping the width constant.
  3. Discuss the potential impact of this change in wetted perimeter on the flow resistance and sediment transport within the channel.

Exercice Correction

**1. Calculation of the wetted perimeter:** - The wetted perimeter consists of the channel's width (2 meters) and twice the depth (2 * 1 meter = 2 meters). - Therefore, the total wetted perimeter is 2 + 2 = 4 meters. **2. Change in wetted perimeter with increased depth:** - If the depth is increased to 2 meters, the wetted perimeter will become: 2 (width) + 2 * 2 (depth) = 6 meters. - The wetted perimeter increases by 2 meters. **3. Impact of increased wetted perimeter on flow resistance and sediment transport:** - The increased wetted perimeter will lead to higher flow resistance due to increased contact area between the water and the channel walls. - This will result in a lower flow velocity and a greater tendency for sediment deposition. - Consequently, the channel may experience increased sediment accumulation and potentially reduced water quality.


  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White
  • Environmental Engineering: A Design Approach by Metcalf & Eddy
  • Water Treatment Plant Design by AWWA (American Water Works Association)


  • Wetted Perimeter and Flow Resistance in Open Channels by R.H. French
  • The Role of Wetted Perimeter in Sediment Transport by J.D. Fenton
  • Wetted Perimeter Optimization in Water Treatment Systems by A.B. Chan

Online Resources

  • USGS Water Science School: Wetted Perimeter (
  • Engineering Toolbox: Wetted Perimeter (
  • Wikipedia: Wetted Perimeter (

Search Tips

  • Use keywords like "wetted perimeter," "open channel flow," "hydraulic radius," "flow resistance," "sediment transport," "water treatment," "environmental flow."
  • Combine keywords with specific water treatment processes like "sedimentation," "filtration," or "activated sludge."
  • Use quotation marks around specific terms to find exact matches.
  • Include academic publications in your search by specifying "filetype:pdf" or ""
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