Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Viggers Valve

Viggers Valve

The Viggers Valve: A Vital Component in Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, efficiency and reliability are paramount. Achieving these goals often requires specialized equipment, and the Viggers Valve stands out as a crucial component for various processes.

What is a Viggers Valve?

The Viggers Valve, a type of automatic sludge blow-off valve, is a specialized piece of equipment designed to handle the discharge of accumulated sludge from various water treatment systems. Developed and manufactured by Walker Process Equipment, the Viggers Valve is known for its robust construction, reliable operation, and ability to handle even the most challenging sludge types.

How Does It Work?

The Viggers Valve operates on a simple yet effective principle. It employs a pressure differential to trigger the automatic discharge of sludge. When the pressure inside the vessel or tank containing the sludge reaches a predetermined threshold, the valve opens, allowing the sludge to be released through a designated outlet.

Key Features of a Viggers Valve:

  • Automatic Operation: The valve operates automatically, eliminating the need for manual intervention and ensuring efficient sludge removal.
  • High-Pressure Capability: Viggers Valves are designed to withstand high pressures, allowing them to handle even the most dense or thick sludge.
  • Durable Construction: These valves are built with robust materials like stainless steel, ensuring long-lasting performance and resistance to corrosion.
  • Customizable Design: Walker Process Equipment offers a range of customizable options for the Viggers Valve, allowing it to be tailored to specific application requirements.

Applications of Viggers Valves:

Viggers Valves play a crucial role in various water treatment processes, including:

  • Water Softeners: Removing accumulated sludge from softener tanks.
  • Filtration Systems: Discharging collected debris and backwash materials.
  • Clarifiers: Releasing settled solids from clarifier tanks.
  • Sewage Treatment Plants: Removing excess sludge from digesters and other treatment units.

Walker Process Equipment and the Viggers Valve:

Walker Process Equipment is a leading provider of water treatment solutions and has been a pioneer in the development of automatic sludge blow-off valves. Their Viggers Valve is widely recognized for its reliability, efficiency, and ability to handle even the toughest sludge conditions.


The Viggers Valve, designed and manufactured by Walker Process Equipment, is an indispensable component in various water treatment systems. Its automatic operation, high-pressure capability, durable construction, and customizable design make it a highly reliable and efficient solution for managing sludge discharge.

Test Your Knowledge

Viggers Valve Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What type of valve is the Viggers Valve?

a) Manual sludge blow-off valve b) Automatic sludge blow-off valve c) Pressure relief valve d) Check valve


b) Automatic sludge blow-off valve

2. What company manufactures the Viggers Valve?

a) Siemens b) General Electric c) Walker Process Equipment d) Honeywell


c) Walker Process Equipment

3. What triggers the automatic discharge of sludge in a Viggers Valve?

a) Timer b) Pressure differential c) Flow rate d) Manual activation


b) Pressure differential

4. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of the Viggers Valve?

a) Automatic operation b) Low-pressure capability c) Durable construction d) Customizable design


b) Low-pressure capability

5. In which of the following applications is the Viggers Valve NOT typically used?

a) Water softeners b) Filtration systems c) Wastewater treatment plants d) Air conditioning systems


d) Air conditioning systems

Viggers Valve Exercise


Imagine you are working at a water treatment plant. The clarifier tank needs to have its sludge removed regularly. You have been tasked with designing a system for this, including the use of a Viggers Valve.


  1. Describe the specific function of the Viggers Valve in this system.
  2. How would you set up the pressure differential to ensure the valve operates effectively?
  3. What other components would you need to include in the system, besides the Viggers Valve, to achieve efficient sludge removal?


  1. Explain how the Viggers Valve contributes to the overall efficiency and reliability of the water treatment process.

Exercice Correction

**1. Function of the Viggers Valve:** The Viggers Valve would be installed at the bottom of the clarifier tank. When the pressure inside the tank (due to accumulated sludge) reaches a predetermined threshold, the valve automatically opens, discharging the sludge through a designated outlet. **2. Setting up the Pressure Differential:** To set up the pressure differential, you would need to install a pressure sensor inside the clarifier tank. This sensor would detect the pressure buildup and signal the valve to open when it reaches the designated threshold. The threshold pressure would be set based on the type and volume of sludge expected. **3. Additional Components:** * **Sludge Collection System:** A system to collect the discharged sludge from the valve, such as a sludge pit or a pipe leading to a sludge treatment facility. * **Control System:** An automated control system to manage the opening and closing of the valve, monitor pressure levels, and provide alerts if necessary. * **Cleaning Mechanism:** A mechanism to periodically clean the valve itself, ensuring smooth operation. **4. Contribution to Efficiency and Reliability:** The Viggers Valve ensures efficient sludge removal from the clarifier tank, preventing buildup and allowing for continuous, uninterrupted water treatment. Its automatic operation eliminates manual intervention, minimizing human error and ensuring consistent performance. The robust construction of the valve guarantees long-term reliability and durability, minimizing maintenance requirements.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design by A. W. G. Mallatt - While not directly focusing on the Viggers Valve, this book delves into various aspects of water treatment processes and equipment, providing context for understanding the valve's role.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment by Clifford W. Randall - This comprehensive handbook offers in-depth coverage of water and wastewater treatment technologies, potentially including information on sludge removal and automatic valves like the Viggers Valve.


  • "Sludge Removal and Disposal in Wastewater Treatment" by [Author Name], published in [Journal Name] - Articles focusing on sludge management in wastewater treatment can provide insights into the importance of automatic valves and the role of the Viggers Valve.
  • "A Review of Automatic Sludge Blow-Off Valves in Water Treatment" - Conducting a search using this phrase or variations thereof can potentially reveal relevant articles discussing different types of automatic valves, including the Viggers Valve.

Online Resources

  • Walker Process Equipment website: - The official website of Walker Process Equipment is the best source for information on the Viggers Valve. It should include product specifications, technical documentation, case studies, and contact details.
  • Technical articles and white papers: Searching on the Walker Process website, reputable industry websites, and online platforms like ResearchGate or can yield relevant technical articles and white papers discussing the Viggers Valve and its applications.
  • Industry forums and communities: Participating in online forums and communities dedicated to water treatment, environmental engineering, and wastewater management can offer valuable insights and discussions regarding the use of automatic sludge valves.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "Viggers Valve," "automatic sludge blow-off valve," "Walker Process Equipment," and "water treatment" to refine your search.
  • Include relevant industry terms: Incorporate keywords like "water softening," "filtration," "clarification," and "sewage treatment" to find information related to specific applications of the Viggers Valve.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use quotation marks (" ") for exact phrase searches, "site:" for searching within a specific website, and "filetype:" for targeting specific document types like PDF or DOCX.
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