Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: VariSieve


VariSieve: A Powerful Tool for Solids Classification in Environmental and Water Treatment


In environmental and water treatment, efficient solids classification is crucial. This process separates different particle sizes, allowing for optimal treatment and resource recovery. VariSieve, a patented technology developed by Krebs Engineers, stands out as a highly versatile and effective solution for this challenge.

What is VariSieve?

VariSieve is a hydrocyclone-based solids classifier. It utilizes a unique design incorporating a proprietary vortex chamber and adjustable geometry to precisely control the separation point between different particle sizes. Unlike traditional hydrocyclones, VariSieve boasts superior performance in handling a wide range of feed sizes and flow rates, making it highly adaptable to diverse applications.

How VariSieve Works:

  1. Feed Entry: The slurry or feed enters the VariSieve through an inlet tangential to the vortex chamber.
  2. Centrifugal Force: As the slurry swirls within the chamber, centrifugal force pushes the heavier, larger particles towards the outer wall.
  3. Underflow: The heavier particles are discharged through an underflow outlet at the bottom of the chamber.
  4. Overflow: Lighter, finer particles spiral upwards towards the center of the vortex, exiting through an overflow outlet at the top of the chamber.
  5. Adjustable Geometry: VariSieve's design allows for precise control of the separation point. By adjusting the vortex chamber geometry, operators can fine-tune the separation size based on specific needs.

Benefits of VariSieve:

  • High Efficiency: VariSieve achieves consistent and reliable separation of different particle sizes, maximizing resource recovery and minimizing waste.
  • Versatility: The technology can handle a wide range of feed sizes, flow rates, and specific gravities, making it suitable for various applications.
  • Reduced Operating Costs: VariSieve requires minimal maintenance and energy consumption, resulting in lower operational costs.
  • Environmentally Friendly: By separating solids effectively, VariSieve minimizes environmental impact and promotes sustainable resource management.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

VariSieve finds applications in numerous areas within environmental and water treatment, including:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Separating solids from wastewater for efficient sludge management and resource recovery.
  • Water Purification: Removing suspended solids and contaminants to produce clean drinking water.
  • Mineral Processing: Classifying mineral ores for efficient processing and extraction.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Removing industrial byproducts and contaminants from wastewater.


VariSieve, with its unique design and adjustable geometry, provides a robust and efficient solution for solids classification in environmental and water treatment. Its versatility, high efficiency, and environmental friendliness make it a valuable asset for various industries seeking optimized treatment processes and sustainable resource management.

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