Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: vapor pressure

vapor pressure

Vapor Pressure: A Crucial Factor in Environmental and Water Treatment

Vapor pressure, a seemingly simple concept, plays a critical role in various environmental and water treatment processes. It refers to the pressure exerted by a vapor in equilibrium with its condensed phase (liquid or solid) at a given temperature. Understanding vapor pressure is essential for designing efficient and effective solutions to various environmental challenges.

The Importance of Vapor Pressure:

  • Evaporation and Volatilization: Vapor pressure dictates how readily a substance will evaporate. High vapor pressure indicates a substance readily evaporates, crucial in processes like:
    • Wastewater Treatment: Removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) through air stripping or evaporation.
    • Soil Remediation: Facilitating the removal of volatile contaminants through soil venting.
  • Boiling Point and Distillation: Vapor pressure directly influences a substance's boiling point. This is utilized in:
    • Desalination: Desalination plants use high-pressure steam to evaporate water, leaving behind salt.
    • Water Purification: Distillation removes impurities by separating them based on their boiling points.
  • Solubility and Distribution: Vapor pressure affects the solubility of gases in water, influencing:
    • Water Treatment: The removal of dissolved gases like chlorine or oxygen.
    • Aquatic Ecosystems: The concentration of dissolved oxygen in water bodies.
  • Air Quality: Understanding vapor pressure is crucial for assessing the risk of air pollution from volatile compounds. For instance, understanding the vapor pressure of gasoline helps determine the potential for volatile organic compound emissions into the atmosphere.

Summary of Vapor Pressure in Environmental & Water Treatment Applications:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Vapor pressure is crucial for removing volatile pollutants.
  • Soil Remediation: Vapor pressure drives the volatilization of contaminants, facilitating soil clean-up.
  • Desalination: High vapor pressure of water allows for efficient desalination through evaporation.
  • Water Purification: Vapor pressure differences are utilized in distillation for purifying water.
  • Air Quality: Vapor pressure helps assess the risk of air pollution from volatile compounds.


Vapor pressure is a critical parameter influencing various environmental and water treatment processes. Its understanding allows for the development of efficient and sustainable solutions to environmental challenges. From removing volatile contaminants to purifying water and assessing air quality, vapor pressure remains a vital consideration in the pursuit of a clean and healthy environment.

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