Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: upflow clarifier

upflow clarifier

Upflow Clarifiers: A Critical Component in Water Treatment

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, achieving clean and safe water requires a multi-faceted approach. Upflow clarifiers, also known as upward-flow clarifiers or sludge blanket clarifiers, play a crucial role in this process. These efficient systems are designed to remove suspended solids and other contaminants from water, enhancing its quality and suitability for various uses.

Understanding the Mechanism:

Upflow clarifiers work on the principle of flocculation and sedimentation. In a nutshell, the process involves:

  1. Flocculation: Chemicals (flocculants) are added to the incoming water, causing small particles to clump together, forming larger, heavier flocs.
  2. Upward Flow: The flocculated water is then directed upward through a specially designed chamber containing a "sludge blanket." This blanket is essentially a layer of previously settled flocs that acts as a filter.
  3. Floc Removal: As the water flows upward, the flocs encounter the sludge blanket and adhere to its surface. The heavier flocs settle back down, while the clarified water flows out the top of the chamber.

Advantages of Upflow Clarifiers:

  • High Efficiency: Upflow clarifiers are known for their excellent removal efficiency, particularly in treating water with high turbidity.
  • Compact Design: Compared to conventional sedimentation tanks, upflow clarifiers require less space, making them ideal for applications where land availability is limited.
  • Lower Operating Costs: The upward flow design allows for a more efficient use of chemicals and reduces the need for frequent sludge removal.
  • Flexibility: Upflow clarifiers can be adapted to handle a wide range of water flows and turbidity levels, making them versatile for different applications.


Upflow clarifiers are widely used in various water treatment scenarios, including:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Removing suspended solids and organic matter from wastewater before it is discharged into the environment.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Treating wastewater generated from various industries, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.
  • Potable Water Treatment: Enhancing the quality of raw water for human consumption by removing turbidity, color, and other contaminants.
  • Stormwater Management: Controlling runoff from urban areas and reducing pollution entering natural waterways.

Challenges and Considerations:

Despite their advantages, upflow clarifiers do present some challenges:

  • Sludge Blanket Management: Maintaining the optimal thickness and density of the sludge blanket is crucial for efficient operation.
  • Process Control: Effective monitoring and control of the flocculation and sedimentation processes are essential for consistent performance.
  • Organic Loading: High organic loads can affect the stability of the sludge blanket and lead to reduced efficiency.


Upflow clarifiers represent a valuable technology in the field of water treatment. Their efficiency, compact design, and cost-effectiveness make them a preferred choice for a variety of applications. By understanding their advantages and challenges, engineers and operators can effectively implement and optimize these systems to achieve clean and safe water for our communities and the environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Upflow Clarifiers Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind the operation of upflow clarifiers? a) Filtration b) Distillation c) Flocculation and Sedimentation d) Reverse Osmosis


c) Flocculation and Sedimentation

2. What is the function of the "sludge blanket" in an upflow clarifier? a) To add chemicals to the water b) To remove dissolved gases from the water c) To filter out suspended solids d) To neutralize the pH of the water


c) To filter out suspended solids

3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of upflow clarifiers? a) High efficiency b) Compact design c) High energy consumption d) Lower operating costs


c) High energy consumption

4. In which of the following applications are upflow clarifiers NOT commonly used? a) Municipal wastewater treatment b) Industrial wastewater treatment c) Potable water treatment d) Desalination of seawater


d) Desalination of seawater

5. Which of the following is a major challenge associated with upflow clarifiers? a) Maintaining the optimal thickness of the sludge blanket b) Removing dissolved salts from the water c) Handling high levels of dissolved oxygen d) Requiring frequent replacement of filters


a) Maintaining the optimal thickness of the sludge blanket

Upflow Clarifiers Exercise

Scenario: You are designing an upflow clarifier for a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The plant receives an average flow rate of 10,000 m³/day. The influent water has a turbidity of 100 NTU. The desired effluent turbidity is 10 NTU.

Task: Calculate the required surface area of the clarifier using the following formula:

Surface Area (m²) = (Flow Rate (m³/day) * Influent Turbidity (NTU)) / (Effluent Turbidity (NTU) * Settling Velocity (m/day))


  • Settling velocity of the flocs is 0.5 m/day.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

**Calculation:** Surface Area (m²) = (10,000 m³/day * 100 NTU) / (10 NTU * 0.5 m/day) **Surface Area (m²) = 200,000 m²** **Therefore, the required surface area of the upflow clarifier is 200,000 m².**


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: By W. Wesley Eckenfelder, Jr. - Provides comprehensive coverage of various water treatment technologies, including a detailed section on upflow clarifiers.
  • Water Quality Engineering: Design and Operation: By Davis and Cornwell - This textbook offers detailed information on the theory and practice of water treatment, including chapters on sedimentation and clarification processes.
  • Manual of Water Supply Practices: By American Water Works Association (AWWA) - This manual serves as a reference guide for water professionals and contains valuable information on upflow clarifiers, their design, and operation.


  • "Upflow Clarifier Design and Operation" by A.J. Parker - A comprehensive overview of the principles, design considerations, and operational aspects of upflow clarifiers.
  • "High-Rate Upflow Clarifiers for Wastewater Treatment" by M.A. Khanday and A.K. Bhat - Discusses the advantages and applications of high-rate upflow clarifiers in treating wastewater.
  • "Sludge Blanket Clarifier Technology: A Review" by P.L. Bishop - A critical analysis of the development and advancements in sludge blanket clarifiers, including upflow clarifiers.

Online Resources

  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): - The AWWA website offers a wealth of resources, including technical publications, research papers, and industry best practices on water treatment technologies, including upflow clarifiers.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): - The WEF website provides access to technical articles, research papers, and industry insights related to wastewater treatment and upflow clarifiers.
  • EPA's Water Treatment Technologies Website: - Offers information on various water treatment technologies, including upflow clarifiers, and their role in ensuring safe drinking water.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "upflow clarifier," "upward-flow clarifier," or "sludge blanket clarifier."
  • Combine keywords with specific applications, e.g., "upflow clarifier wastewater treatment" or "upflow clarifier potable water."
  • Use quotation marks to find exact phrases, e.g., "sludge blanket clarifier design."
  • Include the name of the relevant organization like "AWWA upflow clarifier" or "WEF upflow clarifier."
  • Utilize Boolean operators like AND, OR, and NOT to refine your search.
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