Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: turbidimeter


Unmasking the Murkiness: Turbidimeters in Environmental & Water Treatment

Water clarity, often taken for granted, is a critical indicator of its suitability for various purposes. From drinking water to industrial processes, the presence of suspended particles, known as turbidity, can pose significant challenges. This is where turbidimeters step in, acting as vigilant guardians of water quality.

What is Turbidity?

Turbidity refers to the cloudiness or haziness of water caused by the presence of suspended particles like clay, silt, algae, and microorganisms. These particles scatter and absorb light, making the water appear opaque. High turbidity levels can indicate:

  • Contamination: The presence of harmful pathogens or chemicals.
  • Aesthetic concerns: Unpleasant taste and odor.
  • Operational difficulties: Interference with water treatment processes, clogging of filters, and damage to equipment.

The Role of Turbidimeters

Turbidimeters are essential tools for measuring turbidity in various applications:

  • Drinking Water Treatment: Ensuring compliance with regulatory standards for safe drinking water.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment processes and preventing discharge of polluted water.
  • Industrial Processes: Controlling water quality used in manufacturing, agriculture, and other industries.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Assessing the impact of pollution on water bodies and monitoring water quality in aquatic ecosystems.

How Turbidimeters Work

Turbidimeters utilize the principle of light scattering. A beam of light is passed through a water sample, and the instrument detects the intensity of light scattered at specific angles. The amount of scattered light is directly proportional to the concentration of suspended particles in the water.

Types of Turbidimeters

There are two main types of turbidimeters:

  • Nephelometric Turbidimeters: Measure the intensity of light scattered at 90 degrees to the incident beam. This is the most common type used for water quality monitoring.
  • Ratio Turbidimeters: Measure the ratio of scattered light to transmitted light. This type is more accurate for measuring high turbidity levels.

Key Features of Turbidimeters

  • Accuracy and Precision: Critical for reliable water quality assessment.
  • Range: Capable of measuring a wide range of turbidity levels.
  • Calibration: Regularly calibrated to ensure accurate readings.
  • Ease of Use: Simple operation and data logging capabilities.


Turbidimeters play a vital role in maintaining water quality and ensuring its safety for human consumption, industrial processes, and environmental protection. By accurately measuring turbidity, these instruments provide valuable insights into water clarity and help identify potential contamination risks. As we strive for clean and sustainable water resources, turbidimeters will continue to be indispensable tools in our quest for a brighter future.

Test Your Knowledge

Turbidity Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is turbidity? a) The temperature of water. b) The color of water. c) The cloudiness or haziness of water caused by suspended particles. d) The amount of dissolved oxygen in water.


c) The cloudiness or haziness of water caused by suspended particles.

2. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of high turbidity levels? a) Contamination with harmful pathogens. b) Improved water taste and odor. c) Interference with water treatment processes. d) Clogging of filters.


b) Improved water taste and odor.

3. What is the primary principle behind how turbidimeters work? a) Measuring the temperature of water. b) Detecting the color of water. c) Measuring the intensity of light scattered by suspended particles. d) Measuring the amount of dissolved oxygen in water.


c) Measuring the intensity of light scattered by suspended particles.

4. Which type of turbidimeter is most commonly used for water quality monitoring? a) Ratio Turbidimeter. b) Nephelometric Turbidimeter. c) Spectrophotometer. d) Fluorometer.


b) Nephelometric Turbidimeter.

5. Why is calibration important for turbidimeters? a) To ensure the instrument is functioning correctly. b) To measure the temperature of the water sample. c) To determine the color of the water sample. d) To measure the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water sample.


a) To ensure the instrument is functioning correctly.

Turbidity Exercise

Task: Imagine you are a water treatment plant operator. You have just received a water sample from the local river with a turbidity reading of 20 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units). The regulatory limit for turbidity in drinking water is 5 NTU.

Problem: What steps should you take to address this high turbidity level and bring it below the regulatory limit?


  • What are the possible sources of high turbidity in the river?
  • What treatment processes are available to reduce turbidity?
  • What are the potential consequences of exceeding the turbidity limit in drinking water?

Exercice Correction

Here are some potential steps the operator could take:

  • **Identify the source of high turbidity:** This could involve investigating recent rainfall, upstream construction activities, or other factors that might have increased sediment load in the river.
  • **Implement additional treatment:** The operator could increase the efficiency of existing filtration processes (e.g., by adding coagulants to promote particle clumping), or consider employing additional filtration stages (e.g., sand filters, membrane filters).
  • **Monitor turbidity levels:** Regularly measure the turbidity of the treated water to ensure the treatment process is effective and the turbidity remains below the regulatory limit.
  • **Contact relevant authorities:** If the source of high turbidity is beyond the control of the treatment plant (e.g., due to a major upstream pollution event), the operator should contact the relevant environmental authorities to inform them of the situation and explore possible solutions.

**Consequences of exceeding the turbidity limit:** High turbidity in drinking water can lead to health risks (e.g., increased risk of gastrointestinal illnesses from pathogens), aesthetic issues (e.g., cloudy appearance, unpleasant taste), and operational challenges (e.g., damage to plumbing systems, reduced effectiveness of disinfection processes).


  • Water Quality Monitoring: A Practical Guide to the Design and Implementation of Monitoring Programs by Stanley J. Loehr and David A. Jenkins (2010). This comprehensive book covers various aspects of water quality monitoring, including turbidity measurement and its significance.
  • Handbook of Drinking Water Quality by Andrew J. Lester (2011). This handbook provides a detailed overview of drinking water quality parameters, including turbidity, regulations, and analytical methods.
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Text by C.S. Rao and M.M. Rao (2019). This textbook offers a wide-ranging coverage of environmental engineering principles, including water treatment and the role of turbidity measurement.


  • Turbidity: A review of its importance and measurement techniques by M.R. Ahmad and A.M. Ahmad (2012). This review article summarizes the importance of turbidity, its sources, and different measurement techniques.
  • A review of turbidity measurement techniques for water quality monitoring by S.A. Khan and M.A. Khan (2018). This review article discusses various turbidity measurement techniques, their advantages and disadvantages, and applications in different fields.
  • Validation of a new turbidity measurement method for drinking water quality monitoring by J.S. Smith et al. (2021). This research article describes a new method for turbidity measurement and its validation against established methods.

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  • "Turbidimeter" + "application" + "environmental"
  • "Turbidity" + "measurement" + "water treatment"
  • "Drinking water regulations" + "turbidity"
  • "Nephelometric turbidimeter" + "principle"
  • "Turbidimeter" + "calibration" + "standards"
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