Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Trisep


TRISEP: Revolutionizing Oil/Solids/Water Separation in Environmental and Water Treatment

The term "TRISEP" refers to a specific technology developed by Graver Technologies, a leading provider of water and wastewater treatment solutions. This technology encompasses a range of oil/solids/water separation filters designed to effectively remove contaminants from various industrial and municipal wastewater streams.

Why TRISEP Matters:

The need for efficient oil/solids/water separation is paramount in many industries, including:

  • Oil and Gas: Extracting oil and gas often involves wastewater with high concentrations of oil, solids, and other contaminants.
  • Manufacturing: Industrial processes generate wastewater containing oil, grease, and suspended solids, which require specialized treatment.
  • Municipal Wastewater: Stormwater runoff, industrial discharges, and even domestic sewage can carry varying levels of oil, grease, and solids.

TRISEP filters offer a robust and sustainable solution to these challenges by providing:

  • High-efficiency separation: TRISEP filters utilize a combination of filtration media and gravity settling to effectively remove oil, solids, and water from wastewater.
  • Reduced operating costs: These filters minimize the need for chemicals and sludge disposal, contributing to cost-effective operation.
  • Environmental compliance: TRISEP systems comply with stringent environmental regulations, ensuring that discharged water meets quality standards.

Graver TRISEP Solutions:

Graver offers a diverse portfolio of TRISEP filter systems tailored to meet specific application needs:

  • TRISEP Coalescing Filters: These filters utilize specialized media to coalesce dispersed oil droplets into larger particles, allowing for easier removal.
  • TRISEP Gravity Settlers: Employing gravity settling principles, these filters separate heavier solids and oil from the wastewater stream.
  • TRISEP Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Systems: DAF systems introduce microbubbles to the wastewater, causing oil and solids to rise to the surface for easy removal.

Benefits of Graver TRISEP:

  • Improved water quality: TRISEP filters effectively remove oil, grease, and suspended solids, enhancing the quality of treated water.
  • Reduced environmental impact: These filters minimize the discharge of pollutants, protecting sensitive ecosystems.
  • Increased process efficiency: Efficient separation minimizes downtime and optimizes production processes.
  • Reduced maintenance costs: The robust design and high-quality materials of TRISEP filters minimize maintenance requirements.


Graver TRISEP oil/solids/water separation filters play a crucial role in protecting the environment and ensuring sustainable water management. By providing efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solutions, TRISEP technology continues to revolutionize water treatment in various industries. As environmental regulations tighten and the demand for clean water grows, TRISEP filters remain a valuable tool for achieving sustainable water management goals.

Test Your Knowledge


Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is TRISEP? a) A type of water filtration system designed to remove oil, solids, and water from wastewater. b) A chemical additive used to enhance water treatment processes. c) A government regulation related to water quality standards. d) A type of water purification method for domestic use.


a) A type of water filtration system designed to remove oil, solids, and water from wastewater.

2. Which industry is NOT typically associated with the need for oil/solids/water separation? a) Oil and Gas b) Manufacturing c) Agriculture d) Municipal Wastewater


c) Agriculture

3. What is a key benefit of using TRISEP filters? a) They require frequent cleaning and maintenance. b) They rely heavily on chemical additives for effective separation. c) They significantly reduce operating costs compared to traditional methods. d) They are only suitable for treating small volumes of wastewater.


c) They significantly reduce operating costs compared to traditional methods.

4. What is a TRISEP Coalescing Filter designed to do? a) Remove dissolved solids from wastewater. b) Separate oil and water using gravity. c) Coalesce dispersed oil droplets into larger particles for easier removal. d) Introduce microbubbles to facilitate separation.


c) Coalesce dispersed oil droplets into larger particles for easier removal.

5. What is a key environmental benefit of TRISEP technology? a) It reduces the use of harmful chemicals in water treatment. b) It increases the production of clean water, reducing reliance on other sources. c) It minimizes the discharge of pollutants into the environment. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

TRISEP Exercise:


A manufacturing plant generates wastewater containing a significant amount of oil and suspended solids. They are currently using a traditional sedimentation tank for separation, but the process is inefficient and generates a large amount of sludge, leading to high disposal costs. The plant manager is considering implementing TRISEP technology to improve their wastewater treatment process.


  1. Briefly explain the challenges the plant is facing with their current sedimentation tank system.
  2. Discuss how TRISEP technology could address these challenges and provide potential benefits for the plant.
  3. Suggest two specific TRISEP filter systems that could be suitable for this application and explain why.

Exercice Correction

**1. Challenges:** * **Inefficient Separation:** Traditional sedimentation tanks often struggle to effectively separate oil and suspended solids, resulting in poor water quality and discharge. * **High Sludge Production:** The process generates a significant amount of sludge, leading to high disposal costs and environmental concerns. * **High Operating Costs:** Maintaining a sedimentation tank can be costly due to frequent cleaning, sludge removal, and potential chemical additives. **2. TRISEP Benefits:** * **Improved Separation Efficiency:** TRISEP filters are designed to effectively remove oil, solids, and water from wastewater, improving water quality and reducing discharge of pollutants. * **Reduced Sludge Production:** TRISEP systems minimize sludge generation, reducing disposal costs and environmental impact. * **Lower Operating Costs:** TRISEP technology utilizes a combination of filtration media and gravity settling, minimizing the need for chemicals and reducing overall operating expenses. **3. Suitable TRISEP Systems:** * **TRISEP Coalescing Filters:** These filters would be effective in coalescing dispersed oil droplets into larger particles for easier removal. This would significantly reduce the amount of oil remaining in the wastewater. * **TRISEP Gravity Settlers:** These filters could be used in combination with coalescing filters for further separation of heavier solids. This would further improve the overall water quality and reduce the volume of sludge produced.


  • Water and Wastewater Treatment: A Handbook by Lawrence K. Wang (This book offers a comprehensive overview of water treatment technologies, including oil/water separation methods.)
  • Industrial Water Treatment: Principles and Applications by William C. M. Peh (This book delves into various industrial water treatment processes, with sections potentially relevant to TRISEP technology.)


  • "Coalescence Filtration for Oil-Water Separation: A Review" by M.S.A. Bakar et al. (This article focuses on coalescence filtration, a key technology employed in TRISEP filters.)
  • "Dissolved Air Flotation: A Review of Principles, Applications and Recent Developments" by S. K. Sharma et al. (This article provides an in-depth analysis of DAF systems, another technology utilized by TRISEP.)
  • "Gravity Settling: A Review of Principles, Applications and Recent Developments" by M. A. Noman et al. (This article discusses gravity settling, a core principle of some TRISEP filter designs.)

Online Resources

  • Graver Technologies Website: (This website provides detailed information about TRISEP filters, their applications, and specific product offerings.)
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): (This organization offers resources and publications related to water and wastewater treatment, including information on oil/water separation.)
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): (This association provides resources and guidance on water treatment technologies and regulations.)

Search Tips

  • "TRISEP filter" + "application" + (specific industry, e.g., "oil and gas"): This search will find articles and resources focusing on specific applications of TRISEP filters.
  • "TRISEP filter" + "case study": This search will uncover real-world examples of TRISEP filter installations and their performance.
  • "TRISEP filter" + "technical data": This search will lead to documents and specifications related to TRISEP filter designs and functionalities.
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