Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Travalift


Travalift: A Legacy of Sludge Management in Environmental & Water Treatment

The term "Travalift" in the context of environmental and water treatment refers to a specific type of sludge collecting and pumping mechanism, formerly offered by USFilter/Envirex. It represented a robust and reliable solution for managing the sludge generated in wastewater treatment plants and other industrial processes.

What is a Travalift?

Essentially, a Travalift system is a bridge-like structure spanning the width of a sedimentation basin or clarifier. It houses a series of scrapers, squeegees, or chains that move along the bottom of the basin, collecting settled sludge and transporting it towards a central point for removal. This process ensures the efficient removal of sludge, preventing it from building up and impacting the performance of the treatment process.

Key Features of Travalift Systems:

  • Versatile: Travalifts can be tailored to different basin shapes and sizes, accommodating a wide range of applications.
  • Reliable: These systems are designed for heavy-duty operation, built with durable materials and robust construction.
  • Efficient: Travalifts minimize manual intervention and maximize sludge removal efficiency.
  • Customized: The system can be customized with various features, like different scraper types, sludge dewatering options, and automation levels.

Travalift Systems in Action:

These systems were commonly used in:

  • Wastewater treatment plants: Removing settled solids from primary and secondary clarifiers.
  • Industrial wastewater treatment: Handling sludge generated in various industrial processes.
  • Water treatment plants: Removing floc and other solids during water treatment.

The Legacy of Travalift Systems:

While USFilter/Envirex no longer offers Travalift systems directly, these systems remain a significant part of the history of environmental and water treatment. They continue to operate in numerous facilities around the world, providing a reliable and efficient means of sludge management.

Modern Alternatives:

With the advancement of technology, alternative sludge management solutions have emerged. These include:

  • Automated scraper systems: Offering greater automation and precision.
  • Sludge dewatering systems: Reducing the volume of sludge for easier disposal.
  • Innovative filtration technologies: Minimizing the generation of sludge in the first place.


The Travalift system, while a product of a past era, stands as a testament to the dedication and innovation that has shaped the environmental and water treatment industry. While modern technologies offer more advanced solutions, the legacy of Travalifts continues to influence sludge management practices. Their impact on optimizing treatment processes and ensuring clean water remains undeniable.

Test Your Knowledge

Travalift Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a Travalift system primarily used for?

a) Treating wastewater b) Collecting and removing sludge c) Filtering water d) Generating electricity


b) Collecting and removing sludge

2. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of Travalift systems?

a) Versatility b) Reliability c) Automated operation d) Efficiency


c) Automated operation

3. Where were Travalift systems commonly used?

a) Only in industrial wastewater treatment plants b) Only in wastewater treatment plants c) In both wastewater and water treatment plants, and industrial wastewater treatment d) Only in water treatment plants


c) In both wastewater and water treatment plants, and industrial wastewater treatment

4. What does the Travalift system consist of?

a) A series of pumps b) A large filtration system c) A bridge-like structure with scrapers or chains d) A series of tanks


c) A bridge-like structure with scrapers or chains

5. What is a modern alternative to the Travalift system?

a) A simple bucket and shovel b) Automated scraper systems c) Manual labor d) None of the above


b) Automated scraper systems

Travalift Exercise:

Scenario: Imagine you are a manager at a wastewater treatment plant. Your plant currently uses a Travalift system for sludge removal. The system has been working well, but recently, you've noticed a decrease in efficiency. The sludge isn't being removed as quickly as it should, causing a buildup in the sedimentation basin.


  1. Identify potential causes for the decreased efficiency of the Travalift system. Consider factors like wear and tear, malfunctioning components, improper operation, and sludge characteristics.
  2. Develop a plan to address the issue. This might involve troubleshooting the system, replacing worn parts, optimizing the operation, or even considering alternative sludge removal methods.
  3. Justify your proposed solution. Explain why you think it will be effective in resolving the problem.

Exercice Correction

**Possible Causes:** * **Worn Scrapers:** The scrapers may be worn down or damaged, preventing them from effectively collecting the sludge. * **Motor Failure:** The motor that drives the Travalift system might be malfunctioning or nearing its end of life. * **Clogged Chains:** Sludge build-up on the chains can hinder their movement and reduce the system's efficiency. * **Increased Sludge Volume:** Changes in wastewater flow or composition may be causing a greater volume of sludge to be produced, exceeding the capacity of the Travalift system. * **Improper Operation:** The system may not be properly maintained or operated, leading to reduced efficiency. **Plan of Action:** 1. **Inspection and Troubleshooting:** Begin with a thorough inspection of the entire Travalift system to identify any visible signs of wear, damage, or malfunctioning components. 2. **Component Replacement:** If necessary, replace worn or damaged scrapers, chains, motors, or other critical components. 3. **Cleaning and Maintenance:** Regularly clean the chains and other moving parts to prevent sludge build-up and ensure smooth operation. 4. **Operational Optimization:** Review the system's operating parameters, including the speed and movement patterns of the scrapers. Make adjustments as needed to maximize efficiency. 5. **Alternative Solutions:** If the Travalift system continues to underperform, consider evaluating alternative sludge removal methods, such as automated scraper systems or sludge dewatering technologies. **Justification:** This plan addresses the potential causes of the problem systematically. By inspecting, troubleshooting, and potentially replacing components, the plan directly addresses the issues of wear and tear. Regular cleaning and maintenance ensure the system operates optimally. Optimizing the operation fine-tunes the system's performance to handle current sludge volumes. Finally, exploring alternative solutions provides a contingency plan if the Travalift system proves inadequate for the current needs.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy: This comprehensive textbook provides a thorough overview of wastewater treatment processes, including sludge management. While it might not directly mention Travalift, it offers valuable context on the historical and current methods of sludge removal.
  • Water Treatment Plant Design by Davis & Cornwell: Similar to the previous entry, this book delves into water treatment plant design, including sludge handling. It can provide insights into the role of Travalift systems in water treatment facilities.
  • Sludge Treatment and Disposal by Vesilind & Peirce: This book focuses specifically on sludge management in various contexts, including wastewater and industrial treatment. It might offer valuable information on the historical use and evolution of sludge removal technologies like Travalift.


  • "Sludge Handling and Dewatering in Wastewater Treatment Plants" by the Water Environment Federation: This article, available on the WEF website, explores the different technologies used for sludge management, including scraper systems like Travalift. It might offer historical insights and compare it to current solutions.
  • "A Historical Overview of Sludge Treatment Technologies" by a relevant academic journal: Search for articles on sludge management in academic databases like JSTOR, ScienceDirect, or Google Scholar. Such articles often review the historical development of different sludge treatment methods, potentially including Travalift systems.
  • "Modern Sludge Management Solutions: A Comparison" by a water treatment industry magazine: Trade publications in the water treatment field often publish articles on new technologies and advancements. These articles might compare Travalift systems to modern alternatives, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Envirex website (archive): Although USFilter/Envirex no longer offers Travalift systems, their website archive (if available) could contain valuable information about their products, including historical documentation or case studies of Travalift installations.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) website: The WEF is a leading organization in the field of water treatment. Their website might feature articles, publications, or resources related to sludge management, potentially including information about Travalift systems.
  • Technical forums or online communities: Websites like Water Treatment Forum or Engineering Stack Exchange could host discussions or threads about Travalift systems or sludge management. You might find helpful information or insights from industry professionals or users.

Search Tips

  • Specific search terms: Use keywords like "Travalift sludge removal," "Travalift wastewater treatment," "USFilter/Envirex Travalift," "historical sludge management," or "evolution of sludge treatment" to refine your search results.
  • Advanced search operators: Utilize operators like quotation marks ("") for exact phrases, minus signs (-) for excluding terms, and site: operator for limiting your search to specific websites.
  • Image search: Use Google Images to find visual representations of Travalift systems, which could lead you to relevant articles or websites.
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