Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: trash


Trash in Environmental & Water Treatment: Combustible Waste and Its Implications

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, the term "trash" takes on a nuanced meaning, often referring to specific types of waste with varying implications for treatment and disposal. This article focuses on a particular category: combustible waste, specifically containing up to 10% plastic or rubber scraps from commercial and industrial sources.

Understanding Combustible Waste

Combustible waste encompasses materials that can be burned, generating heat energy. Common examples include:

  • Paper and cardboard: This category includes office paper, packaging materials, and corrugated cardboard.
  • Wood and wood products: Sawdust, wood shavings, pallets, and construction scraps fall under this category.
  • Textiles: Fabrics, clothing, and other textile materials are often combustible.
  • Food waste: Organic materials like food scraps, coffee grounds, and yard waste are combustible.

However, the presence of plastic or rubber scraps within this waste stream poses unique challenges. While these materials are combustible, their burning generates harmful emissions such as dioxins, furans, and particulate matter. These emissions can contribute to air pollution, negatively impacting human health and the environment.

Sources of Combustible Waste with Plastics and Rubber

Combustible waste containing plastics and rubber primarily originates from:

  • Commercial sources: Retail packaging, plastic bags, and food containers are common contributors from stores, restaurants, and other businesses.
  • Industrial sources: Manufacturing processes often produce scrap plastic and rubber from production lines, equipment maintenance, and product packaging.

Treatment and Disposal Options

Managing combustible waste with plastics and rubber requires careful consideration of environmental impacts:

  • Incineration: This method involves burning the waste at high temperatures, generating heat for energy production. However, strict regulations are in place to control emissions and prevent harmful pollutants from entering the environment.
  • Waste-to-energy facilities: These facilities utilize advanced technologies to recover energy from waste, including combustible waste with plastics and rubber. They often employ sophisticated air pollution control systems to minimize environmental harm.
  • Landfilling: Landfilling is a less desirable option, as it contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. However, some landfills employ technologies to capture and treat methane, a potent greenhouse gas produced by decomposing organic waste.
  • Recycling: Where feasible, separating and recycling plastic and rubber components can reduce the volume of combustible waste requiring treatment or disposal.

Environmental and Water Treatment Considerations

  • Air pollution: Burning combustible waste with plastics and rubber releases hazardous pollutants into the air. This can contribute to respiratory problems, cardiovascular issues, and other health problems.
  • Water pollution: Leachate from landfills containing combustible waste can contaminate groundwater and surface water with harmful chemicals.
  • Climate change: Methane emissions from landfills and the burning of fossil fuels for waste treatment contribute to global warming.


Combustible waste containing plastics and rubber presents complex challenges in environmental and water treatment. Proper management through regulated incineration, waste-to-energy facilities, and responsible landfilling practices is crucial to minimizing its environmental impact. Implementing sustainable waste reduction and recycling strategies are also essential for mitigating the environmental burden associated with this category of waste.

Test Your Knowledge

Combustible Waste Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a common type of combustible waste? a) Paper and cardboard b) Wood and wood products c) Glass bottles d) Textiles


The correct answer is **c) Glass bottles**. Glass is not combustible.

2. What is a major concern associated with burning combustible waste containing plastic and rubber scraps? a) Production of renewable energy b) Release of harmful pollutants c) Reduction in landfill space d) Increased recycling rates


The correct answer is **b) Release of harmful pollutants**. Burning these materials releases dioxins, furans, and particulate matter, which negatively impact human health and the environment.

3. Which of the following is NOT a common source of combustible waste with plastics and rubber? a) Retail stores b) Industrial manufacturing c) Residential households d) Construction sites


The correct answer is **c) Residential households**. While households generate combustible waste, they are less likely to produce significant amounts of plastic and rubber scraps compared to commercial and industrial sources.

4. Which treatment option for combustible waste with plastics and rubber is considered the least desirable due to its environmental impact? a) Incineration with strict emission controls b) Waste-to-energy facilities with advanced technology c) Landfilling d) Recycling


The correct answer is **c) Landfilling**. While landfills can be managed, they still contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and potential leaching of harmful substances.

5. What is a key consideration for managing combustible waste containing plastics and rubber from an environmental perspective? a) Minimizing the use of these materials b) Utilizing only incineration as a disposal method c) Prioritizing landfill space over other options d) Ignoring potential water contamination


The correct answer is **a) Minimizing the use of these materials**. Reducing the amount of plastic and rubber waste generated in the first place is essential for a sustainable approach.

Combustible Waste Exercise:

Scenario: A local manufacturing company produces a significant amount of combustible waste, including wood scraps, cardboard, and a small percentage of plastic and rubber from packaging and equipment maintenance. They are currently sending this waste to a landfill.


  • Identify 3 alternative waste management options the company could consider to reduce their environmental impact.
  • For each option, list 2 potential benefits and 2 potential challenges.

Exercice Correction

Here is an example of how the company could address this situation:

1. On-site Composting: * Benefits: * Reduces landfill waste and organic material. * Creates nutrient-rich compost for landscaping or sale. * Challenges: * Requires dedicated space and resources for composting. * May not be suitable for all types of organic waste.
2. Waste-to-Energy Facility: * Benefits: * Generates energy from waste, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. * Offers a more sustainable disposal option than landfilling. * Challenges: * Requires transportation of waste to the facility. * Potentially higher costs compared to landfilling.
3. Recycling: * Benefits: * Reduces the overall volume of waste going to landfills. * Conserves natural resources and reduces pollution associated with material extraction. * Challenges: * Requires proper sorting and separation of materials. * May not be feasible for all types of waste generated.


  • Waste Management: Principles and Practices by David A. Ross, Michael R. Overcash (2021) - This book offers a comprehensive overview of waste management, including treatment and disposal of various waste streams, with emphasis on environmental impacts.
  • Municipal Solid Waste Management: Engineering Principles and Management Issues by David T. Allen (2016) - This text focuses on the technical aspects of municipal solid waste management, including discussions on incineration, landfill design, and recycling.
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Text by Kenneth L. Cunningham, Jeffrey A. Cunningham (2018) - Provides a broad introduction to environmental engineering, covering topics such as waste management, air pollution control, and water treatment.


  • "Municipal solid waste incineration: A review of its environmental impact" by D. N. Soni, V. K. Singh (2017) - Examines the environmental implications of incineration, particularly focusing on air pollution and heavy metal emissions.
  • "Landfill gas management: A review" by M. A. M. Rahman, A. R. Khan, M. A. Hossain (2018) - Provides an overview of landfill gas management techniques, including capture, treatment, and utilization, to minimize methane emissions.
  • "The fate of plastic in the environment: A review" by M. I. Khan, T. R. A. A. D. Rahman, N. A. Khan, M. O. Khan, S. S. Ahmed, I. A. Khan (2020) - Reviews the environmental persistence of plastic waste and its potential impacts on ecosystems.

Online Resources

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Municipal Solid Waste ( - Offers comprehensive information on solid waste management, including incineration, landfill regulations, and recycling programs.
  • Waste Management World ( - A news and information portal for waste management professionals, providing industry updates, research articles, and technology advancements.
  • Waste360 ( - A similar resource to Waste Management World, offering news, analysis, and perspectives on the waste management industry.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "combustible waste," "plastic waste," "rubber waste," "incineration," "landfilling," "environmental impact," "water pollution," and "air pollution."
  • Use quotation marks: For specific phrases, like "waste-to-energy facilities" or "landfill gas management," enclose them in quotation marks for more precise search results.
  • Combine search operators: Use "AND" to combine keywords for narrower searches, e.g., "combustible waste AND plastic waste AND environmental impact."
  • Specify file types: Add "filetype:pdf" to your search to find relevant research articles or reports.
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