Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Resource Management: transpiration ratio

transpiration ratio

Understanding Transpiration Ratio: A Key Indicator in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, efficient water usage is paramount. One crucial aspect of this efficiency lies in understanding the transpiration ratio. This ratio quantifies the amount of water a plant "spends" to produce a certain amount of biomass. It is defined as:

Transpiration ratio = Weight of water transpired / Weight of dry plant material produced

Essentially, it tells us how much water a plant loses through transpiration (evaporation from its leaves) for each unit of dry matter it creates.

Why is the transpiration ratio important?

  • Water conservation: Plants are natural water users, and understanding their transpiration ratio allows us to optimize irrigation practices for maximum plant growth with minimum water loss. This is particularly relevant in arid and semi-arid regions facing water scarcity.
  • Wastewater treatment: Phytoremediation, the use of plants to remove contaminants from water, heavily relies on plant transpiration. Knowing the transpiration ratio allows for proper plant selection and system design for optimal contaminant removal.
  • Climate change mitigation: Plants absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. By understanding the transpiration ratio, we can estimate the potential of different plant species for carbon sequestration and their role in mitigating climate change.
  • Sustainable agriculture: Farmers can use the transpiration ratio to assess the water efficiency of different crop varieties and select those with lower ratios for water-limited environments.

Factors affecting transpiration ratio:

The transpiration ratio is not constant and can be influenced by various factors:

  • Plant species: Different species have varying transpiration rates.
  • Environmental conditions: Temperature, humidity, light intensity, and wind speed all affect transpiration.
  • Soil conditions: Water availability, soil type, and nutrient content impact plant water uptake and transpiration.
  • Plant growth stage: Young plants often have higher transpiration ratios compared to mature plants.

Applications of transpiration ratio:

  • Irrigation scheduling: By considering the transpiration ratio, farmers can schedule irrigation events based on plant water needs, minimizing water waste.
  • Selection of suitable plant species: In phytoremediation, choosing plants with lower transpiration ratios helps maximize contaminant removal per unit of water used.
  • Developing drought-resistant crops: Breeders can select and enhance plant varieties with lower transpiration ratios, making them more water-efficient and resilient to drought conditions.


The transpiration ratio is a valuable tool in understanding the water use efficiency of plants. By considering this ratio in different applications, we can optimize water use in various fields, from agriculture to environmental remediation, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Transpiration Ratio Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the definition of the transpiration ratio?

a) The amount of water a plant absorbs from the soil. b) The ratio of water lost through transpiration to dry matter produced. c) The amount of water a plant needs to survive. d) The amount of carbon dioxide a plant absorbs during photosynthesis.


b) The ratio of water lost through transpiration to dry matter produced.

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting transpiration ratio?

a) Plant species b) Soil pH c) Wind speed d) Sunlight intensity


b) Soil pH

3. How is the transpiration ratio useful in wastewater treatment?

a) It helps calculate the amount of wastewater a plant can purify. b) It determines the optimal plant species for phytoremediation. c) It helps measure the efficiency of a wastewater treatment plant. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

4. Why is understanding the transpiration ratio important for sustainable agriculture?

a) It helps farmers select drought-resistant crop varieties. b) It allows farmers to schedule irrigation more efficiently. c) It helps farmers optimize water use for maximum crop yield. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Which of the following is an application of the transpiration ratio in environmental remediation?

a) Selecting plants for phytoremediation based on their water usage efficiency. b) Designing phytoremediation systems to maximize contaminant removal. c) Using plants to remove pollutants from contaminated soil. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Transpiration Ratio Exercise


A farmer is growing a new variety of wheat in a region facing water scarcity. He wants to assess the water efficiency of this new variety compared to the traditional variety.


  1. Design an experiment to measure the transpiration ratio of both wheat varieties.
  2. Explain how the farmer can use the data to make informed decisions about irrigation practices and potentially select the more water-efficient variety.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible experiment design and explanation:

Experiment Design:

  1. Set up: Plant equal numbers of the new and traditional wheat varieties in identical controlled environments (pots or small plots).
  2. Monitor:
    • Measure the amount of water supplied to each plant over a specific period (e.g., a week).
    • Regularly weigh the plants to track their dry weight gain.
  3. Calculations:
    • Calculate the transpiration ratio for each plant using the formula: Transpiration ratio = (Water supplied - Water in plant) / Dry weight gain.

Data Interpretation:

  1. Compare: Analyze the transpiration ratios of the new and traditional wheat varieties.
  2. Decision:
    • If the new variety has a lower transpiration ratio than the traditional variety, it indicates it is more water-efficient, meaning it produces more biomass per unit of water used.
    • The farmer can adjust their irrigation practices to minimize water usage while maximizing yield by using the variety with the lower transpiration ratio.

Additional Considerations:

  • The experiment should be conducted in similar environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, light) to ensure fair comparison.
  • Multiple replicates of each variety should be used to account for individual plant variations.


  • Plant Physiology by Lincoln Taiz and Eduardo Zeiger: A comprehensive text covering all aspects of plant physiology, including transpiration and water relations.
  • Environmental Biology by Peter Raven and George Johnson: This textbook explores the interactions between organisms and their environment, including plant responses to water availability.
  • Water Use Efficiency in Crop Production by I.S. Singh: Focuses on water use efficiency in agriculture, with dedicated sections on transpiration and its implications for crop water management.


  • Transpiration Ratio and Water Use Efficiency: An Overview by C.S. Prakash et al.: A review paper covering the concepts, factors influencing transpiration ratio, and its applications in different fields.
  • The Transpiration Ratio: A Key Indicator of Water Use Efficiency in Plants by S.M. Shaheen et al.: This article discusses the role of transpiration ratio in assessing plant water use efficiency and its implications for drought tolerance.
  • Effect of Environmental Factors on Transpiration Ratio in Different Plant Species by P.K. Sharma et al.: This study investigates the impact of environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and light on transpiration rates in different plant species.

Online Resources

  • Wikipedia - Transpiration []: Provides a comprehensive overview of the process of transpiration, including definitions and factors influencing it.
  • Plant and Soil Science eLibrary - Transpiration Ratio []: This website offers in-depth information on transpiration ratio, including its calculation, factors affecting it, and its applications in various fields.
  • USDA - Plant Hardiness Zone Map []: A valuable resource for understanding plant water requirements based on geographic location, which can indirectly inform estimations of transpiration ratio.

Search Tips

  • "Transpiration ratio" AND "water use efficiency": This search combines keywords related to the topic, providing relevant results on the relationship between transpiration and water efficiency.
  • "Transpiration ratio" AND "plant species": This search focuses on species-specific transpiration rates, allowing you to find information on specific plants.
  • "Transpiration ratio" AND "drought tolerance": This search helps identify articles and resources on the role of transpiration ratio in plant drought resistance.
  • "Transpiration ratio" AND "phytoremediation": This search will bring up resources related to the application of transpiration ratio in environmental remediation using plants.
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