Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Sustainable Water Management: transmissivity


Transmissivity: The Key to Understanding Groundwater Flow

In the world of environmental and water treatment, understanding how groundwater moves is crucial for effective management and protection. One critical parameter in this understanding is transmissivity, a measure of how easily water flows through an aquifer.

What is Transmissivity?

Transmissivity is the rate at which water flows through an aquifer under a hydraulic gradient. It is a measure of the aquifer's ability to transmit water horizontally. A high transmissivity indicates that water can flow easily through the aquifer, while a low transmissivity indicates that water movement is restricted.

How is Transmissivity Measured?

Transmissivity is calculated using the following formula:

T = K * b


  • T is the transmissivity (measured in m²/day or ft²/day)
  • K is the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer (measured in m/day or ft/day)
  • b is the thickness of the aquifer (measured in meters or feet)

Hydraulic conductivity (K) represents the ability of a material to transmit water vertically. It is influenced by factors such as porosity, grain size, and the degree of interconnectedness between pores.

Factors Influencing Transmissivity:

Several factors affect an aquifer's transmissivity, including:

  • Aquifer material: The type of geological material (sand, gravel, fractured rock) significantly influences the ease of water movement.
  • Aquifer thickness: A thicker aquifer generally has higher transmissivity as there is more space for water to flow.
  • Aquifer heterogeneity: Variations in the material and properties of the aquifer can lead to differences in transmissivity within the aquifer itself.
  • Water quality: High levels of dissolved salts or other contaminants can reduce the permeability of the aquifer and decrease transmissivity.

Importance of Transmissivity in Water Treatment:

Transmissivity is a vital parameter in various environmental and water treatment applications:

  • Groundwater modeling: Understanding transmissivity is essential for accurately simulating groundwater flow and predicting the movement of contaminants.
  • Well design: Transmissivity data is used to determine the optimal location and design of wells for extracting groundwater.
  • Aquifer management: Transmissivity information helps in assessing the sustainability of groundwater resources and managing potential overuse or contamination.
  • Remediation: In cases of groundwater contamination, knowledge of transmissivity is crucial for designing effective remediation strategies.


Transmissivity is a fundamental concept in groundwater hydrology and plays a critical role in understanding and managing groundwater resources. By accurately assessing transmissivity, we can better understand how water moves through aquifers and develop sustainable water management strategies for the future.

Test Your Knowledge

Transmissivity Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does transmissivity measure?

a) The total amount of water stored in an aquifer.


Incorrect. That is a description of storage coefficient, not transmissivity.

b) The rate at which water flows through an aquifer under a hydraulic gradient.


Correct! Transmissivity is a measure of how easily water flows horizontally through an aquifer.

c) The ability of an aquifer to transmit water vertically.


Incorrect. This describes hydraulic conductivity, not transmissivity.

d) The amount of water that can be extracted from an aquifer.


Incorrect. This is related to the concept of yield, not transmissivity.

2. Which of the following factors influences transmissivity?

a) Aquifer thickness.


Correct. A thicker aquifer generally has higher transmissivity.

b) Aquifer material.


Correct. The type of material (sand, gravel, fractured rock) significantly affects water flow.

c) Water quality.


Correct. Contaminants can reduce permeability and decrease transmissivity.

d) All of the above.


Correct! All listed factors influence transmissivity.

3. What is the formula for calculating transmissivity?

a) T = K / b


Incorrect. The correct formula uses multiplication, not division.

b) T = K + b


Incorrect. The correct formula uses multiplication, not addition.

c) T = K * b


Correct! Transmissivity is calculated by multiplying hydraulic conductivity (K) and aquifer thickness (b).

d) T = b / K


Incorrect. The formula uses multiplication, and the order of K and b is reversed.

4. How does a high transmissivity impact groundwater flow?

a) Water flows slowly and unevenly.


Incorrect. High transmissivity means water flows easily.

b) Water flows quickly and easily.


Correct. A high transmissivity indicates a greater rate of water flow.

c) Water flow is restricted and difficult.


Incorrect. This is characteristic of low transmissivity.

d) There is no impact on groundwater flow.


Incorrect. Transmissivity directly influences how quickly water flows.

5. In which of the following applications is understanding transmissivity crucial?

a) Groundwater modeling.


Correct. Transmissivity is essential for accurate simulations of groundwater flow.

b) Well design.


Correct. Transmissivity data is used to determine optimal well locations and designs.

c) Aquifer management.


Correct. Transmissivity information helps assess the sustainability of groundwater resources.

d) All of the above.


Correct! Understanding transmissivity is crucial in all listed applications.

Transmissivity Exercise:

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a well to extract groundwater for a small community. The aquifer is composed of coarse sand and gravel with a thickness of 20 meters. The hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is 10 m/day.


  1. Calculate the transmissivity of the aquifer.
  2. Explain how the calculated transmissivity might influence your well design decisions.


Exercice Correction

1. **Transmissivity calculation:**

T = K * b

T = 10 m/day * 20 m

T = 200 m²/day

2. **Well design implications:**

The high transmissivity of 200 m²/day indicates that the aquifer can transmit water quickly and easily. This information suggests the following considerations for well design:

  • **High yield potential:** The aquifer's ability to transmit water readily suggests it can potentially yield a high volume of water. This might allow for a smaller diameter well to meet the community's water needs.
  • **Potential for drawdown:** Due to the high transmissivity, a significant drawdown (reduction in water level) might occur near the well during pumping. This requires considering the potential impact on surrounding water users.
  • **Groundwater flow patterns:** The high transmissivity could lead to rapid movement of contaminants. This highlights the importance of site selection to minimize potential pollution risks.


  • Groundwater Hydrology: By David K. Todd and L. Dean Mays (A classic text covering various aspects of groundwater hydrology, including transmissivity)
  • Applied Groundwater Hydrology: By Donald L. Freeze and John A. Cherry (Another comprehensive book with detailed explanations of transmissivity and its applications)
  • Hydrogeology: By Charles F. Cooper Jr. (Provides a thorough introduction to hydrogeology, including the principles of transmissivity)
  • The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering: Edited by Shlomo P. Neuman (A multi-authored handbook with contributions from experts on transmissivity and other related topics)


  • "Transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity of fractured rock aquifers: A review" by L.C. Davis, M.D. Dettinger, and J.F. Haas (This article examines transmissivity in fractured rock aquifers)
  • "Estimating transmissivity from pumping test data using a genetic algorithm" by H.M. Cheng and C.W. Chen (This paper explores methods for estimating transmissivity from pumping test data)
  • "A new method for determining aquifer transmissivity from well drawdown data" by Y.S. Lee and W.P. Liu (This article presents a novel method for determining transmissivity from well drawdown data)

Online Resources

  • USGS Water Science School: Groundwater (Provides a comprehensive overview of groundwater concepts, including transmissivity)
  • National Ground Water Association (NGWA) (Offers resources and information on various aspects of groundwater, including transmissivity)
  • Aquifer Testing: Theory and Practice (An online resource with extensive information on aquifer testing methods and transmissivity estimation)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "transmissivity" with "aquifer," "hydraulic conductivity," "pumping test," or other relevant terms.
  • Include location: If you're interested in transmissivity in a specific area, add the region to your search query (e.g., "transmissivity California")
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose phrases within quotation marks to find exact matches (e.g., "transmissivity measurement methods")
  • Explore advanced operators: Use "site:" to limit your search to specific websites (e.g., " transmissivity")
  • Utilize the "Tools" option: This allows you to refine your search by time, type of source, and other factors.
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