Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Torpedo Filter

Torpedo Filter

Torpedo Filters: A Powerful Tool for Environmental & Water Treatment

Torpedo filters, often referred to as "torpedo screens" or "floating microfilters," are an increasingly popular technology employed in environmental and water treatment applications. These devices are designed to effectively remove suspended solids, debris, and other contaminants from water bodies, promoting cleaner and healthier environments.

How They Work:

Torpedo filters are typically constructed from durable materials like stainless steel, featuring a cylindrical design with an array of small, strategically placed holes or slots. They operate by utilizing a simple yet effective principle: the water flow is directed through the filter, where larger particles are trapped by the filter's mesh, while cleaner water passes through.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

Torpedo filters find their applications in a wide range of water treatment scenarios, including:

  • Stormwater Management: These filters effectively remove debris and sediment from storm water runoff, reducing the load on downstream infrastructure and mitigating pollution.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Torpedo filters can be used to pre-treat industrial wastewater, removing suspended solids before further treatment processes.
  • Aquaculture: In aquaculture ponds, torpedo filters help maintain water clarity and remove harmful debris, promoting healthy fish growth.
  • Municipal Water Treatment: Torpedo filters can be incorporated into municipal water treatment plants as a pre-treatment step, ensuring cleaner and safer drinking water.

Advantages of Torpedo Filters:

  • High Efficiency: Torpedo filters offer excellent removal efficiency for a wide range of particles, including those as small as a few microns.
  • Low Maintenance: The robust design and simple operation of these filters require minimal maintenance, ensuring long-term reliability.
  • Cost-Effective: Torpedo filters provide a cost-effective solution for water treatment, with lower initial investment and operational expenses compared to some other technologies.
  • Versatility: These filters can be adapted to various flow rates and water quality conditions, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

Floating Microfilter by BTG, Inc.:

BTG, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of high-quality environmental and water treatment solutions, including their innovative Floating Microfilter. This patented technology offers a unique combination of features, making it a powerful tool for water treatment:

  • Floating Design: The Floating Microfilter is designed to float on the water surface, allowing for easy deployment and retrieval.
  • Self-Cleaning: The filter incorporates a self-cleaning mechanism that automatically removes accumulated debris, ensuring continuous operation.
  • Modular Construction: The modular design allows for customization based on specific flow rate and treatment needs.
  • Environmentally Friendly: The Floating Microfilter utilizes sustainable materials and is designed to minimize environmental impact.


Torpedo filters, particularly innovative models like the Floating Microfilter by BTG, Inc., represent a valuable advancement in environmental and water treatment. Their high efficiency, low maintenance requirements, and cost-effectiveness make them a compelling choice for addressing various water quality challenges. As we strive for cleaner and healthier environments, torpedo filters play a crucial role in protecting our precious water resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Torpedo Filters Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a torpedo filter?

a) To remove dissolved pollutants from water.


Incorrect. Torpedo filters primarily remove suspended solids.

b) To filter out bacteria and viruses.


Incorrect. While torpedo filters can remove some larger bacteria, they are not designed for removing viruses.

c) To remove suspended solids, debris, and other contaminants.


Correct! This is the main function of torpedo filters.

d) To add chemicals to the water for treatment.


Incorrect. Torpedo filters are a physical filtration method, not a chemical one.

2. What is a common material used in the construction of torpedo filters?

a) Plastic


Incorrect. While some torpedo filters might use plastic components, stainless steel is more common.

b) Stainless steel


Correct! Stainless steel is a durable and corrosion-resistant material suitable for water treatment.

c) Wood


Incorrect. Wood is not a suitable material for water treatment applications.

d) Ceramic


Incorrect. While ceramic filters exist, they are not typically used in torpedo filter designs.

3. In which of the following applications are torpedo filters commonly used?

a) Drinking water purification


Correct! Torpedo filters can be used as a pre-treatment step in municipal water treatment plants.

b) Agricultural irrigation


Correct! Torpedo filters can improve water quality for irrigation purposes.

c) Wastewater treatment


Correct! Torpedo filters are used in industrial and municipal wastewater treatment.

d) All of the above


Correct! Torpedo filters have applications in all the listed areas.

4. What is a key advantage of the Floating Microfilter by BTG, Inc.?

a) It is very expensive to operate.


Incorrect. The Floating Microfilter is designed to be cost-effective.

b) It requires frequent manual cleaning.


Incorrect. The Floating Microfilter features a self-cleaning mechanism.

c) It is difficult to deploy and retrieve.


Incorrect. The floating design makes it easy to deploy and retrieve.

d) It is self-cleaning and has a modular design.


Correct! These are key features of the Floating Microfilter.

5. How do torpedo filters contribute to environmental protection?

a) By removing pollutants from water, reducing the impact on ecosystems.


Correct! Torpedo filters help maintain cleaner water, protecting aquatic life and downstream environments.

b) By consuming large amounts of energy.


Incorrect. Torpedo filters are generally energy-efficient.

c) By releasing harmful chemicals into the water.


Incorrect. Torpedo filters are a physical filtration method and do not involve chemical processes.

d) By increasing the amount of debris in water bodies.


Incorrect. Torpedo filters remove debris, helping to reduce it in water bodies.

Torpedo Filter Exercise


A wastewater treatment plant is experiencing issues with suspended solids in its discharge water, impacting downstream ecosystems. The plant manager is considering using torpedo filters to address this problem.


  1. Identify the key benefits of using torpedo filters in this situation.
  2. Describe the potential challenges or limitations of using torpedo filters in this specific scenario.
  3. Suggest two additional measures that could be implemented alongside torpedo filters to enhance the treatment process.

Exercice Correction

**Benefits of torpedo filters:** * **High efficiency in removing suspended solids:** Torpedo filters are specifically designed to remove the type of pollutants causing issues in the plant's discharge. * **Low maintenance:** This can translate to cost savings and reduced downtime for the treatment process. * **Cost-effective:** Compared to some other treatment methods, torpedo filters can be a cost-efficient solution. * **Versatility:** They can be adapted to handle varying flow rates and different types of suspended solids. **Potential challenges:** * **Filter clogging:** If the discharge water contains a high concentration of debris, frequent cleaning might be required. * **Particle size limitations:** While torpedo filters are effective at removing larger particles, they may not be ideal for extremely fine particles. * **Additional treatment steps:** Torpedo filters might not be sufficient alone and may need to be combined with other treatment processes. **Additional measures:** 1. **Sedimentation tank:** A sedimentation tank before the torpedo filter can remove larger, heavier particles, reducing the load on the filter and extending its lifespan. 2. **Chemical coagulation:** Adding coagulants to the wastewater can bind smaller particles together, making them easier to remove with the torpedo filter.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Mark J. Hammer (This comprehensive text covers various water treatment technologies, including filtration systems.)
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Text by Peter R. Atkins (Offers a broad perspective on environmental engineering, touching upon water treatment methods and technologies.)
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations by David A. Cole (Provides detailed calculations and design considerations for various environmental engineering applications, including filtration systems.)


  • "Torpedo Filters: A New Approach to Water Treatment" (This article would be a specific piece focused on torpedo filters and their application, potentially found in industry journals or online publications.)
  • "Floating Microfilters for Stormwater Management" (This article would be focused on the specific application of torpedo filters in stormwater management, potentially published by research organizations or environmental agencies.)
  • "The Role of Filtration in Aquaculture" (This article would address the role of filtration systems, including torpedo filters, in aquaculture, published in aquaculture journals or online resources.)

Online Resources

  • BTG, Inc. Website: ( - This website provides information on the company's patented Floating Microfilter technology, including technical specifications, applications, and case studies.
  • Water Environment Federation: ( - This organization offers a wealth of resources on water treatment, including articles, research papers, and industry news.
  • American Water Works Association: ( - This association provides information and resources on water treatment and distribution, including various filtration technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "torpedo filters," "torpedo screens," "floating microfilters," "water treatment," "environmental treatment," "stormwater management," "aquaculture," "industrial wastewater," "municipal water treatment."
  • Combine keywords with location or application: "torpedo filters + California," "torpedo filters + aquaculture," "floating microfilters + stormwater."
  • Explore relevant websites: Use the website names mentioned above, such as "BTG, Inc.," "WEF," or "AWWA," as starting points for your search.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use quotation marks ("") to search for exact phrases, and the minus sign (-) to exclude specific terms.
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