Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: TIC


Understanding Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC) in Environmental & Water Treatment

Total inorganic carbon (TIC) is a crucial parameter in environmental and water treatment, providing insights into the carbon content of water sources and impacting a range of processes.

What is TIC?

TIC refers to the total amount of carbon present in a water sample in inorganic forms. These forms include:

  • Dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2): The most common form, readily dissolving in water.
  • Bicarbonate (HCO3-) and carbonate (CO32-) ions: These forms are created when CO2 dissolves in water, and their concentrations depend on pH.
  • Dissolved inorganic carbon compounds: Other dissolved inorganic carbon species like cyanate (OCN-) or thiocyanate (SCN-) can also be present in specific water sources.

Why is TIC important?

Understanding TIC levels is crucial in various environmental and water treatment contexts:

  • Water quality: TIC contributes to water's pH and alkalinity, influencing its suitability for drinking, irrigation, and aquatic life. High TIC levels can indicate potential for corrosion in pipes and infrastructure.
  • Carbon cycle: TIC plays a role in the global carbon cycle, influencing the exchange of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, and terrestrial ecosystems.
  • Wastewater treatment: TIC is a key parameter in wastewater treatment processes, as it impacts the efficiency of biological processes and the removal of organic pollutants.
  • Aquaculture: TIC levels influence the growth and health of aquatic organisms.

How is TIC measured?

TIC is typically measured using a technique called non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) spectroscopy. This method involves:

  1. Acidification: The water sample is acidified to convert all inorganic carbon species to CO2.
  2. Gas extraction: The released CO2 gas is then extracted from the water and passed through an NDIR detector.
  3. Measurement: The detector measures the absorption of infrared light by CO2, providing a precise measurement of TIC concentration.

TIC in action:

  • Drinking water treatment: Monitoring TIC levels helps ensure water's pH and alkalinity are within safe limits for human consumption.
  • Wastewater treatment: Optimizing TIC levels in wastewater treatment facilities ensures efficient biological degradation of organic matter.
  • Carbon sequestration: Research on carbon sequestration technologies utilizes TIC measurements to evaluate the effectiveness of capturing and storing carbon dioxide in various materials.


Total inorganic carbon is a fundamental parameter in understanding and managing water quality. By carefully measuring and monitoring TIC, we can ensure the safety and sustainability of our water resources, protect aquatic ecosystems, and advance carbon sequestration technologies.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main reason TIC is important in water treatment?

a) TIC determines the color of water.


Incorrect. TIC does not affect the color of water.

b) TIC contributes to water's pH and alkalinity.

Correct! TIC directly affects water's pH and alkalinity, influencing its suitability for various uses.

c) TIC is a major source of nutrients for aquatic organisms.

Incorrect. While some inorganic carbon compounds can be used by organisms, TIC itself is not a primary nutrient source.

d) TIC affects the taste of water.

Incorrect. TIC does not directly influence the taste of water.

2. Which of these is NOT a form of inorganic carbon included in TIC?

a) Dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2)


Incorrect. Dissolved CO2 is a primary form of inorganic carbon.

b) Bicarbonate (HCO3-) ions

Incorrect. Bicarbonate ions are a crucial form of inorganic carbon.

c) Methane (CH4)

Correct! Methane is an organic compound and is not included in TIC.

d) Carbonate (CO32-) ions

Incorrect. Carbonate ions are an important form of inorganic carbon.

3. What technique is commonly used to measure TIC?

a) Gas chromatography


Incorrect. Gas chromatography is used for separating and identifying different compounds in a sample.

b) Spectrophotometry

Incorrect. Spectrophotometry measures the absorbance of light by a solution but is not typically used for TIC measurement.

c) Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) spectroscopy

Correct! NDIR spectroscopy is the standard method for measuring TIC.

d) Titration

Incorrect. Titration is used to determine the concentration of a substance by reacting it with a known solution.

4. In drinking water treatment, how does monitoring TIC levels help ensure safety?

a) It helps remove harmful bacteria and viruses.


Incorrect. While TIC can indirectly affect bacterial growth, it doesn't directly remove pathogens.

b) It helps prevent corrosion in pipes and infrastructure.

Correct! High TIC levels can contribute to corrosion, making it crucial to monitor them.

c) It ensures the water is free of heavy metals.

Incorrect. Heavy metal removal is a separate process and not directly linked to TIC monitoring.

d) It eliminates unpleasant odors and tastes.

Incorrect. While TIC can influence taste and odor, it's not the sole factor.

5. How does TIC play a role in the carbon cycle?

a) TIC is solely responsible for carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere.


Incorrect. The carbon cycle involves various processes and interactions.

b) TIC helps regulate the exchange of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, and terrestrial ecosystems.

Correct! TIC plays a significant role in the movement of carbon between these reservoirs.

c) TIC is the primary source of carbon for photosynthesis.

Incorrect. Plants take in CO2 from the atmosphere, not directly from TIC.

d) TIC has no influence on the carbon cycle.

Incorrect. TIC is a key component of the carbon cycle.


Task: Imagine you are working in a wastewater treatment plant. The plant receives a high volume of industrial wastewater, and your team suspects that it contains elevated TIC levels.

1. Describe the potential impacts of high TIC levels on the wastewater treatment process.

Exercice Correction

High TIC levels in wastewater can negatively impact the treatment process in several ways:

  • Increased pH and alkalinity: Elevated TIC can increase pH and alkalinity, which can inhibit the growth and activity of microorganisms in biological treatment processes.
  • Corrosion: High TIC can contribute to corrosion in pipes and equipment, leading to costly repairs and potential contamination.
  • Reduced efficiency of biological treatment: Some microorganisms in biological treatment processes may be sensitive to high TIC levels, leading to reduced efficiency in removing organic matter and other pollutants.
  • Increased sludge production: High TIC can stimulate the growth of microorganisms, leading to increased sludge production and disposal challenges.

2. Outline a plan to investigate and manage the potential TIC issue, including measurements and potential solutions.

Exercice Correction

Here's a plan to address the potential high TIC issue in the wastewater treatment plant:

  1. Measure TIC: Begin by taking regular samples of the industrial wastewater and analyze them for TIC concentration using NDIR spectroscopy or other suitable methods.
  2. Identify the source: Investigate the industrial source of the wastewater to understand the origin of the high TIC. This may involve contacting the industry and reviewing their production processes.
  3. Treatment options: Based on the TIC source and concentration, consider these options:
    • Pre-treatment: Implement pre-treatment steps to reduce TIC levels before the wastewater enters the main treatment process. This could involve aeration to remove dissolved CO2 or chemical addition to adjust pH and alkalinity.
    • Process optimization: Adjust the operational parameters of the treatment process (e.g., aeration time, sludge retention time) to accommodate the high TIC levels and maintain optimal performance.
    • Alternative treatment methods: Explore alternative treatment methods, such as membrane filtration or advanced oxidation processes, if conventional methods are insufficient for removing TIC.
  4. Monitoring and evaluation: Regularly monitor TIC levels throughout the treatment process and evaluate the effectiveness of chosen solutions. Adjust treatment strategies as needed.


  • "Water Quality: Examination and Control" by Davis & Cornwell: A comprehensive textbook covering various aspects of water quality, including inorganic carbon and its implications.
  • "Environmental Chemistry" by Stanley E. Manahan: A thorough introduction to environmental chemistry, discussing the carbon cycle and the significance of TIC in different environmental compartments.
  • "Handbook of Environmental Chemistry: Vol. 5, Part B - Water Analysis" edited by Wolfgang Fresenius: A detailed guide on water analysis techniques, including methods for TIC determination.


  • "Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC) Measurement in Water: A Review" by A.L.P. dos Santos et al. (Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment): A review article focusing on various techniques and challenges associated with TIC measurement in water samples.
  • "The Influence of Total Inorganic Carbon on the Growth of Microalgae" by J.H.A. van der Woude et al. (Journal of Applied Phycology): A study exploring the impact of TIC on microalgae growth, relevant to aquaculture and biofuel production.
  • "Carbon Sequestration in Coastal Ecosystems: The Role of Total Inorganic Carbon" by M.A.M. De Paula et al. (Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science): An article highlighting the importance of TIC in understanding carbon sequestration processes in coastal environments.

Online Resources

  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): A leading organization for water professionals, offering resources on water quality, including information on TIC and its significance in drinking water treatment.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA website provides extensive information on water quality standards, monitoring techniques, and regulatory aspects related to TIC.
  • International Water Association (IWA): A global network of water professionals, offering resources on various water-related topics, including TIC and its relevance in wastewater treatment.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "Total Inorganic Carbon" with "TIC", "environmental", "water treatment", "aquaculture", "carbon sequestration", or other relevant terms.
  • Refine your search: Use quotation marks for exact phrases (e.g., "Total Inorganic Carbon measurement") or add specific year ranges to narrow down the results.
  • Search in specific sources: Use the "site:" operator to search within specific websites like or
  • Explore related terms: Look for related terms like "alkalinity", "pH", "carbon dioxide", "bicarbonate", "carbonate", and "dissolved inorganic carbon" for additional insights.
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