Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: THM


Unseen Threats: Trihalomethanes in Waste Management

Trihalomethanes (THMs) are a group of organic compounds that pose significant risks to human health. They are commonly found in water, particularly chlorinated drinking water, and are a by-product of the disinfection process. While THMs are often associated with drinking water, they also play a critical role in waste management, particularly in the context of wastewater treatment.

Understanding the Threat:

THMs are formed when chlorine, used to disinfect water, reacts with naturally occurring organic matter in the water. These compounds are highly volatile, meaning they readily evaporate into the air, and can also be absorbed into the body through drinking water.

Waste Management and THM Formation:

Wastewater treatment plants often use chlorine to disinfect treated wastewater before it is discharged into rivers, lakes, or the ocean. Similar to drinking water, the chlorination process in wastewater treatment can lead to the formation of THMs. The presence of organic matter in wastewater, often from industrial sources or sewage, creates a favorable environment for THM formation.

Health Risks:

Exposure to THMs can have adverse health effects, including:

  • Cancer: Studies have linked high levels of THMs to increased risks of bladder, colorectal, and liver cancer.
  • Reproductive problems: THMs have been associated with birth defects and miscarriages.
  • Neurological issues: THMs can affect cognitive function and development.
  • Liver and kidney damage: Prolonged exposure to THMs can damage these organs.

Controlling THMs in Waste Management:

Several strategies are employed to minimize THM formation in wastewater treatment:

  • Pre-treatment: Removing organic matter from wastewater before chlorination can significantly reduce THM formation. This can be achieved through processes like coagulation and flocculation.
  • Alternative disinfection methods: UV disinfection and ozone treatment are effective alternatives to chlorine that minimize THM formation.
  • Chlorine optimization: Optimizing chlorine dosage and contact time can minimize THM formation.
  • Monitoring and testing: Regular monitoring of THM levels in wastewater is crucial to ensure compliance with regulations and prevent potential health risks.


While THMs are often associated with drinking water, their presence in wastewater treatment presents a significant challenge. Understanding the formation, health risks, and control measures associated with THMs is crucial for protecting human health and ensuring the safety of our environment. By implementing effective strategies to minimize THM formation and adopting alternative disinfection methods, we can work towards a safer and healthier future.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unseen Threats: Trihalomethanes in Waste Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a health risk associated with exposure to Trihalomethanes (THMs)?

a) Cancer b) Reproductive problems c) Respiratory illnesses d) Neurological issues


c) Respiratory illnesses

2. THMs are formed when chlorine reacts with:

a) Inorganic salts in water b) Naturally occurring organic matter in water c) Dissolved gases in water d) Heavy metals in water


b) Naturally occurring organic matter in water

3. Which of the following is a common alternative disinfection method to chlorine that minimizes THM formation?

a) Fluoridation b) UV disinfection c) Salinization d) Boiling


b) UV disinfection

4. What is the primary reason for pre-treatment in wastewater treatment, specifically regarding THMs?

a) To remove bacteria and viruses b) To enhance the taste and odor of the treated water c) To reduce the amount of organic matter that can react with chlorine d) To increase the pH level of the wastewater


c) To reduce the amount of organic matter that can react with chlorine

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding THMs in wastewater treatment?

a) THMs can be absorbed into the body through drinking water. b) Monitoring and testing for THMs is essential to ensure compliance with regulations. c) Industrial sources are the only contributors to organic matter in wastewater. d) Alternative disinfection methods can help minimize THM formation.


c) Industrial sources are the only contributors to organic matter in wastewater.

Exercise: THM Formation and Control


A wastewater treatment plant is experiencing high levels of THMs in its treated effluent. The plant manager suspects that the high levels are due to increased organic matter loading from a nearby industrial site.


  1. Identify at least two pre-treatment methods that could be implemented to reduce organic matter in the wastewater before chlorination. Explain how each method works.
  2. Propose one alternative disinfection method that could be considered to replace chlorine. Explain the advantages of this method in terms of THM formation.
  3. Explain why regular monitoring of THM levels is crucial in this scenario.

Exercice Correction

**1. Pre-treatment Methods:** * **Coagulation and Flocculation:** This process involves adding chemicals (coagulants) to the wastewater to cause small particles to clump together (flocculation). The larger clumps are then easier to remove through sedimentation or filtration, thus reducing the organic matter load. * **Activated Carbon Adsorption:** Activated carbon is a highly porous material that can effectively adsorb organic compounds, including those that contribute to THM formation. Passing wastewater through a bed of activated carbon can remove a significant portion of the organic matter. **2. Alternative Disinfection Method:** * **UV Disinfection:** Ultraviolet (UV) light can effectively inactivate microorganisms without the formation of THMs. This method uses UV radiation to damage the DNA of bacteria and viruses, preventing them from replicating. UV disinfection is a proven alternative to chlorine that significantly reduces the risk of THM formation. **3. Importance of Monitoring:** Regular monitoring of THM levels in the treated effluent is crucial in this scenario for several reasons: * **Compliance:** Monitoring ensures that the plant complies with regulatory limits for THMs in discharged wastewater, preventing environmental contamination and potential health risks. * **Process Optimization:** Monitoring allows the plant manager to identify trends in THM formation and adjust treatment processes accordingly. For instance, if THM levels rise, it could indicate an increase in organic matter loading, prompting adjustments to pre-treatment methods or chlorine dosage. * **Early Detection:** Regular monitoring can help detect potential issues with treatment processes that may be contributing to higher THM levels. Early detection allows for timely intervention and correction of the problem before it escalates.


  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by Davis and Cornwell - Comprehensive overview of water treatment processes, including disinfection and THM formation.
  • "Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse" by Metcalf & Eddy - Detailed discussion on wastewater treatment, disinfection techniques, and THM control.
  • "Environmental Engineering: A Global Perspective" by Tchobanoglous, Burton, and Stensel - Broad coverage of environmental engineering, including chapters on water and wastewater treatment and THM formation.


  • "Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water: A Review" by USEPA - Overview of THM formation, health effects, and control strategies in drinking water.
  • "Formation of Trihalomethanes in Wastewater Treatment Plants" by AWWA - Focus on THM formation in wastewater treatment and mitigation strategies.
  • "The Impact of Trihalomethanes on Human Health" by WHO - Comprehensive review of THM health effects and their implications for public health.

Online Resources

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) website: - Extensive information on THMs, including regulations, research, and guidance documents.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) website: - Global perspective on THM health effects and recommendations for safe water management.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA) website: - Resources on water treatment and disinfection, including information on THM control.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Trihalomethanes," "THMs," "wastewater treatment," "disinfection," "health effects."
  • Combine keywords: "THM formation wastewater," "THMs control drinking water," "health risks trihalomethanes."
  • Use quotation marks for exact phrases: "trihalomethane formation," "health effects of THMs."
  • Filter results by source: Limit searches to government websites (.gov), scientific journals (.org), or reputable news sources.
  • Use advanced search operators: "" to search only the EPA website.
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