Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: terminal settling velocity

terminal settling velocity

Terminal Settling Velocity: A Crucial Factor in Environmental & Water Treatment


Water treatment processes rely heavily on the principle of sedimentation, where suspended particles settle out of the water under the influence of gravity. Understanding the terminal settling velocity (TSV) of these particles is paramount for efficient and effective treatment. This article delves into the concept of TSV, its significance in environmental and water treatment, and its practical applications.

What is Terminal Settling Velocity?

Terminal settling velocity, also known as terminal velocity, is the maximum speed a particle reaches as it settles through a fluid under the influence of gravity. This velocity is achieved when the force of gravity pulling the particle downwards is balanced by the opposing forces of drag and buoyancy.

Factors Influencing Terminal Settling Velocity:

Several factors influence the TSV of a particle, including:

  • Particle size and shape: Larger and denser particles settle faster than smaller and lighter ones. Irregular shapes, like flocculated particles, can increase drag and decrease TSV.
  • Fluid density and viscosity: Higher fluid density and viscosity increase drag, leading to a slower settling rate.
  • Fluid velocity: Increased fluid velocity can prevent particles from settling, especially in turbulent conditions.

Significance in Environmental & Water Treatment:

The TSV of suspended particles is crucial for several water treatment processes, including:

  • Sedimentation: TSV determines the settling time required to remove particles from water. Knowing the TSV helps design efficient sedimentation tanks and calculate required retention times.
  • Flocculation: Flocculation involves adding chemicals to bind smaller particles into larger ones, increasing their TSV and aiding sedimentation. Understanding TSV helps optimize flocculation processes.
  • Filtration: TSV influences the effectiveness of filters, determining which particles can be removed based on their size and settling speed.


  • Wastewater treatment: TSV is used to design sedimentation tanks for removing suspended solids from wastewater.
  • Drinking water treatment: Understanding TSV enables the design of effective filtration systems for removing impurities.
  • Industrial processes: TSV plays a role in sedimentation processes for removing suspended particles in various industrial applications, like mining and food processing.


Terminal settling velocity is a fundamental concept in environmental and water treatment. It influences the efficiency of various processes, including sedimentation, flocculation, and filtration. By understanding the factors that influence TSV and its practical implications, engineers and scientists can optimize treatment processes and ensure clean, safe water for all.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on Terminal Settling Velocity

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is terminal settling velocity?

a) The maximum speed a particle reaches when settling in a fluid.


This is the correct definition of terminal settling velocity.

b) The minimum speed a particle reaches when settling in a fluid. c) The average speed a particle reaches when settling in a fluid. d) The speed at which a particle starts to settle in a fluid.

2. Which of the following factors DOES NOT influence terminal settling velocity?

a) Particle size b) Fluid density c) Fluid color


The color of the fluid does not directly affect how quickly a particle settles.

d) Fluid viscosity

3. How does flocculation affect terminal settling velocity?

a) Flocculation decreases the terminal settling velocity. b) Flocculation has no effect on terminal settling velocity. c) Flocculation increases the terminal settling velocity.


Flocculation combines smaller particles into larger ones, increasing their size and density, leading to a higher terminal settling velocity.

d) Flocculation can either increase or decrease terminal settling velocity depending on the specific chemicals used.

4. What is a practical application of terminal settling velocity in wastewater treatment?

a) Designing sedimentation tanks to remove suspended solids.


Understanding the settling velocity of solids allows engineers to optimize the size and design of sedimentation tanks for efficient removal.

b) Measuring the amount of dissolved oxygen in wastewater. c) Determining the pH of wastewater. d) Analyzing the biological oxygen demand of wastewater.

5. Which of the following statements about terminal settling velocity is TRUE?

a) The larger the particle, the slower it settles. b) The more viscous the fluid, the faster the particle settles. c) The denser the particle, the faster it settles.


Denser particles experience a stronger gravitational force, leading to a faster settling rate.

d) The lower the fluid density, the faster the particle settles.

Exercise: Designing a Settling Tank

Problem: You are tasked with designing a sedimentation tank for a wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater contains suspended solids with an average diameter of 0.1 mm and a density of 2.5 g/cm³. The wastewater flow rate is 1000 m³/hr.


  1. Calculate the terminal settling velocity of the suspended solids in the wastewater using the following formula:

    Vt = (2 * g * (ρp - ρf) * d^2) / (9 * μ)


    • Vt = terminal settling velocity (m/s)
    • g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²)
    • ρp = particle density (kg/m³)
    • ρf = fluid density (kg/m³) - assume wastewater density is 1000 kg/m³
    • d = particle diameter (m)
    • μ = dynamic viscosity of water (assume 1 x 10⁻³ Pa·s)
  2. Determine the minimum required settling time to remove the suspended solids.

  3. Calculate the surface area required for the sedimentation tank to achieve this settling time.

  4. Propose a suitable design for the sedimentation tank, including dimensions and flow arrangement.

Exercice Correction

1. **Calculating Terminal Settling Velocity (Vt)**: * Convert particle diameter to meters: d = 0.1 mm = 0.0001 m * Convert particle density to kg/m³: ρp = 2.5 g/cm³ = 2500 kg/m³ * Plug the values into the formula: ``` Vt = (2 * 9.8 * (2500 - 1000) * (0.0001)^2) / (9 * 1 x 10⁻³) = 0.033 m/s ``` 2. **Determining Minimum Settling Time:** * Settling time (t) = (Height of the settling tank (H)) / (Vt) * Assuming a desired settling height (H) of 3 meters: * t = 3 m / 0.033 m/s ≈ 91 seconds 3. **Calculating Surface Area:** * Flow rate (Q) = 1000 m³/hr = 0.278 m³/s * Surface area (A) = Q / Vt = 0.278 m³/s / 0.033 m/s = 8.42 m² 4. **Designing the Sedimentation Tank:** * Dimensions: * Length: 4 meters * Width: 2.1 meters * Height: 3 meters * Flow arrangement: * Inlet: Evenly distributed at one end of the tank. * Outlet: Located at the opposite end of the tank, with a skimming mechanism to remove settled solids. * Sludge removal: A sludge hopper at the bottom of the tank for periodic removal of settled solids.


  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White: Provides a comprehensive overview of fluid mechanics principles, including sedimentation and terminal velocity.
  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by D. Wayne Smith and G.L. Amy: Focuses on water treatment technologies and their applications, with detailed explanations of sedimentation and TSV.
  • Environmental Engineering: Processes and Systems by Davis & Masten: Covers environmental engineering principles, including sedimentation, flocculation, and their applications.
  • Handbook of Separation Techniques for Chemical Engineers by P.A. Schweitzer: This comprehensive handbook includes chapters on sedimentation and discusses the impact of particle characteristics on TSV.


  • "Terminal Settling Velocity of Particles" by W.C. Boyle: A detailed explanation of the theory and practical applications of terminal settling velocity.
  • "Sedimentation of Suspended Particles: Theory and Practice" by J.R. Conklin: A comprehensive review of the theory and applications of sedimentation, emphasizing the importance of TSV.
  • "Factors Affecting Terminal Settling Velocity of Particles in Water" by S.K. Gupta: This article explores various factors influencing TSV and their implications in water treatment.

Online Resources

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  • Use specific keywords like "terminal settling velocity", "particle sedimentation", "water treatment sedimentation", "flocculation TSV" to refine your search.
  • Utilize quotation marks (" ") around specific phrases like "terminal settling velocity equation" to find relevant articles.
  • Combine keywords with specific topics like "terminal settling velocity wastewater treatment" or "TSV drinking water filtration" for focused results.
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