Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: stormwater


Stormwater: A Vital Component in Environmental & Water Treatment

Stormwater, a term often heard in discussions about environmental and water treatment, refers to the water resulting from precipitation runoff. It's not just the water falling from the sky, but the water flowing across land, picking up pollutants and debris as it travels. Understanding stormwater management is crucial for maintaining healthy waterways and ecosystems.

The Journey of Stormwater:

When rain falls, it can either soak into the ground (infiltration) or flow over the surface (runoff). This runoff, known as stormwater, carries with it a range of pollutants, including:

  • Sediment: Eroded soil particles from construction sites, farms, and urban areas.
  • Nutrients: Excess nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizers and sewage overflows.
  • Chemicals: Pesticides, herbicides, oil, and other industrial byproducts.
  • Debris: Trash, litter, and other materials washed from streets and yards.

Stormwater Management: A Multifaceted Approach:

Stormwater management aims to control and treat this runoff before it enters our waterways. This involves various techniques, including:

  • Green Infrastructure: Employing natural features like rain gardens, bioswales, and permeable pavement to slow down runoff and allow infiltration.
  • Retention Ponds: Holding stormwater temporarily to allow for settling of pollutants and gradual release.
  • Stormwater Treatment Plants: Utilizing engineered systems to remove pollutants from stormwater before it reaches receiving waters.
  • Low Impact Development (LID): Incorporating design features that mimic natural drainage patterns to reduce runoff and improve water quality.

Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) and Stormwater:

While STPs (Sewage Treatment Plants) are essential for treating wastewater, they are typically not designed to handle stormwater. Overflows from STPs during heavy rain can contribute to stormwater pollution, highlighting the need for effective stormwater management.

The Importance of Stormwater Management:

Effective stormwater management is crucial for:

  • Protecting Water Quality: Reducing pollution and improving the health of rivers, lakes, and coastal areas.
  • Preventing Floods: Managing runoff to minimize the risk of flooding and protect property.
  • Maintaining Ecosystems: Ensuring healthy habitat for aquatic life and supporting biodiversity.
  • Conserving Water Resources: Promoting infiltration and groundwater recharge to replenish water supplies.


Stormwater is a vital component of the water cycle and a significant factor in environmental and water treatment. By implementing effective management practices, we can minimize the impact of stormwater pollution and protect the health of our waterways for generations to come.

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