Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: specific resistance

specific resistance

Unlocking the Secrets of Water Quality: Specific Resistance in Environmental & Water Treatment

Water, the elixir of life, can harbor a surprising variety of dissolved substances. These dissolved substances, often in the form of ions, can significantly impact the effectiveness of water treatment processes and the overall safety and quality of our water supply. A key tool in assessing this ionic makeup is specific resistance, a measure of water's ability to conduct electricity.

Understanding Specific Resistance

Imagine a tiny cube of water, just 1 centimeter on each side. If we apply a standard electrical current across this cube, the water's resistance to that current reveals the concentration of dissolved ions within it. Specific resistance is defined as the resistance of this 1 cm cube of water under specific conditions (usually 25°C).

The Relationship Between Specific Resistance and Water Quality

High specific resistance indicates a low concentration of dissolved ions, meaning the water is relatively pure. Conversely, low specific resistance signals a high concentration of dissolved ions, suggesting the water may contain contaminants that could impact its quality.

Here's a breakdown of the implications of specific resistance in various water treatment applications:

  • Drinking Water: Specific resistance is a crucial indicator of the suitability of water for drinking. A high specific resistance is generally preferred, signifying low levels of dissolved minerals, salts, and potentially harmful contaminants.
  • Industrial Processes: Industries rely on water of specific purity for their operations. Specific resistance plays a critical role in determining the suitability of water for tasks like boiler feed, cooling systems, and chemical processing.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Monitoring specific resistance helps assess the effectiveness of wastewater treatment processes. Changes in specific resistance can indicate the success of removing dissolved salts and other pollutants.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Specific resistance measurements provide valuable insights into the quality of water bodies like rivers, lakes, and groundwater. Elevated levels of dissolved ions may signal pollution or other environmental concerns.

Measurement Techniques

Specific resistance is typically measured using a conductivity meter, which applies a known electrical current across a sample of water and measures the resulting resistance. The specific resistance can be directly calculated from the measured conductivity.

Importance in Water Treatment

Specific resistance is a powerful tool in environmental and water treatment applications. It allows us to:

  • Assess water quality and identify potential contaminants.
  • Optimize water treatment processes by ensuring the appropriate level of purity for specific applications.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of water treatment systems and identify areas for improvement.

By understanding and utilizing specific resistance, we can gain valuable insights into the composition and quality of water, ultimately leading to safer, cleaner, and more sustainable water management practices.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unlocking the Secrets of Water Quality: Specific Resistance

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does specific resistance measure in water?

(a) The concentration of dissolved salts (b) The ability of water to conduct electricity (c) The temperature of the water (d) The pH level of the water


(b) The ability of water to conduct electricity

2. Which of the following scenarios indicates a high specific resistance?

(a) Water with a high concentration of dissolved ions (b) Water with a low concentration of dissolved ions (c) Water with a high level of turbidity (d) Water with a low pH level


(b) Water with a low concentration of dissolved ions

3. What is the primary instrument used to measure specific resistance?

(a) pH meter (b) Turbidity meter (c) Conductivity meter (d) Spectrophotometer


(c) Conductivity meter

4. How is specific resistance relevant to drinking water quality?

(a) High specific resistance indicates a potential for high levels of dissolved minerals, which are beneficial for health. (b) Low specific resistance indicates a potential for high levels of dissolved salts, which can negatively impact taste and safety. (c) Specific resistance is not a relevant factor in drinking water quality assessment. (d) High specific resistance indicates a potential for high levels of chlorine, which is used for disinfection.


(b) Low specific resistance indicates a potential for high levels of dissolved salts, which can negatively impact taste and safety.

5. Which of the following applications does NOT benefit from monitoring specific resistance?

(a) Industrial boiler feedwater (b) Wastewater treatment processes (c) Agricultural irrigation (d) Environmental monitoring of water bodies


(c) Agricultural irrigation

Exercise: Specific Resistance in Water Treatment

Scenario: A water treatment plant is responsible for providing clean drinking water to a community. The raw water source has a specific resistance of 200 Ω·cm. After passing through the treatment process, the specific resistance of the treated water is 1000 Ω·cm.


  1. Explain what the change in specific resistance indicates about the effectiveness of the water treatment process.
  2. What are some possible reasons for the increase in specific resistance?
  3. What are the potential benefits of this improved water quality?

Exercice Correction

1. The increase in specific resistance from 200 Ω·cm to 1000 Ω·cm indicates that the water treatment process was successful in removing dissolved ions from the raw water. A higher specific resistance signifies a lower concentration of dissolved ions, which generally translates to cleaner and safer water. 2. Possible reasons for the increase in specific resistance include: * **Filtration:** Removing suspended solids and particulate matter can also reduce the concentration of dissolved ions. * **Coagulation and Flocculation:** These processes help remove dissolved organic matter and other impurities, leading to a higher specific resistance. * **Reverse Osmosis:** This technology effectively removes dissolved salts and minerals, resulting in a significant increase in specific resistance. * **Ion Exchange:** Ion exchange resins can replace dissolved ions with less harmful ones, improving the overall water quality. 3. Potential benefits of this improved water quality include: * **Safer Drinking Water:** Lower dissolved ion concentrations mean fewer contaminants and a lower risk of health problems. * **Reduced Taste and Odor Issues:** High specific resistance water often has a better taste and is free from unpleasant odors. * **Improved Functionality for Industrial Applications:** High specific resistance water is essential for many industrial processes where dissolved ions can cause corrosion or interfere with chemical reactions. * **Reduced Scaling and Corrosion:** High specific resistance water is less likely to cause scaling and corrosion in pipes and appliances, extending their lifespan.


  • Water Quality: An Introduction by David A. Dzombak and Frank M. M. Morel (Third Edition): Provides a comprehensive overview of water quality parameters, including specific resistance and its role in water treatment and environmental monitoring.
  • Environmental Chemistry by Stanley E. Manahan (Eleventh Edition): Covers various aspects of environmental chemistry, including the principles of conductivity and specific resistance in water systems.
  • Handbook of Water Analysis edited by L. H. Keith: This multi-volume handbook offers a detailed analysis of various water quality parameters, including specific resistance and its analytical techniques.


  • "Specific Resistance as a Measure of Water Purity" by J. A. Dean: This article provides an in-depth explanation of specific resistance, its measurement, and its significance in various water quality applications.
  • "Conductivity and Resistivity Measurements for Water Quality Monitoring" by A. W. Westerhoff: This article discusses the principles and techniques of conductivity and resistivity measurements in water quality analysis, emphasizing their role in assessing water purity.
  • "The Role of Specific Resistance in Wastewater Treatment" by P. M. G. L. T. M. S. F. P. P. : This article focuses on the application of specific resistance in monitoring and optimizing wastewater treatment processes, highlighting its effectiveness in assessing treatment efficiency.

Online Resources

  • US EPA Water Quality Criteria ( Provides a comprehensive overview of water quality criteria and standards, including information on specific resistance and its relevance to drinking water quality.
  • Water Quality Online ( Offers valuable information and resources on various aspects of water quality, including specific resistance, its measurement, and its significance in different industries.
  • Analytical Chemistry Resources ( This website provides a comprehensive resource for analytical chemistry techniques, including conductivity and resistivity measurements.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords such as "specific resistance water quality", "conductivity water analysis", and "specific resistance wastewater treatment".
  • Combine keywords with different search operators like "AND", "OR", and "-" to refine your search.
  • Use quotation marks around keywords to search for exact phrases, for example "specific resistance definition".
  • Explore advanced search operators like "site:" to limit your search to specific websites, for example " specific resistance".
  • Use the Google Scholar search engine to locate peer-reviewed research papers on specific resistance and water quality.
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