Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: sole-source aquifer

sole-source aquifer

Sole-Source Aquifers: Lifeline or Vulnerability?

A sole-source aquifer is a critical resource, often serving as the primary source of drinking water for a significant portion of a community. It's defined as an aquifer supplying 50% or more of the potable water for a designated area, making it a lifeline for residents, businesses, and agriculture. However, this dependence also makes them uniquely vulnerable to contamination, highlighting the critical importance of their protection.

Why Are Sole-Source Aquifers Important?

  • Water Security: Sole-source aquifers are often the most reliable and cost-effective source of water, especially in regions with limited surface water resources.
  • Economic Significance: They support industries, agriculture, and businesses that rely on clean and abundant water supplies.
  • Public Health: Ensuring the quality of water from sole-source aquifers is paramount to protecting public health and preventing waterborne illnesses.

Vulnerabilities of Sole-Source Aquifers:

  • Contamination Risk: Their singular nature makes them highly susceptible to pollution from various sources, including:
    • Agricultural Runoff: Pesticides, fertilizers, and animal waste can leach into aquifers.
    • Industrial Discharge: Hazardous chemicals and waste materials pose a serious threat.
    • Septic Systems: Improperly maintained systems can allow pathogens to enter groundwater.
    • Urban Sprawl: Development can increase runoff and introduce contaminants.
  • Over-Extraction: Excessive pumping can deplete aquifers and lead to land subsidence, compromising their long-term sustainability.
  • Climate Change: Droughts and changing rainfall patterns can impact aquifer recharge, making them more vulnerable to depletion.

Protecting Sole-Source Aquifers:

  • Legislation and Regulations: Strong environmental laws and regulations are crucial to prevent pollution and ensure sustainable management.
  • Water Conservation: Reducing water use through efficient irrigation, landscaping, and household practices can lessen the strain on aquifers.
  • Land Use Planning: Careful development planning can minimize the impact of urbanization on aquifer quality and recharge.
  • Monitoring and Assessment: Regular testing and monitoring of aquifer water quality are essential to identify and address potential contamination.
  • Public Education: Raising awareness about the importance of aquifer protection and promoting responsible water use practices among citizens is vital.

The Future of Sole-Source Aquifers:

Protecting these vital resources requires a collaborative approach, involving government agencies, businesses, farmers, and citizens. By working together to prevent contamination, promote conservation, and adopt sustainable practices, we can ensure that these essential lifelines continue to provide clean and abundant water for generations to come.

Test Your Knowledge

Sole-Source Aquifers Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What defines a sole-source aquifer?

a) An aquifer supplying 25% or more of the potable water for a designated area.


Incorrect. A sole-source aquifer supplies at least 50% of the potable water.

b) An aquifer located in a region with limited surface water resources.


Incorrect. While this may be the case, it is not the defining characteristic of a sole-source aquifer.

c) An aquifer supplying 50% or more of the potable water for a designated area.


Correct! This is the defining characteristic of a sole-source aquifer.

d) An aquifer that is considered particularly vulnerable to contamination.


Incorrect. While sole-source aquifers are vulnerable, this isn't the defining characteristic.

2. Which of the following is NOT a major vulnerability of sole-source aquifers?

a) Over-extraction


Incorrect. Over-extraction is a major vulnerability as it can deplete aquifers.

b) Climate change


Incorrect. Climate change impacts recharge rates and water availability, making aquifers vulnerable.

c) Increased urbanization


Incorrect. Urbanization can lead to increased runoff and potential contamination.

d) High water quality


Correct! High water quality is a positive attribute, not a vulnerability.

3. Which of the following is a strategy for protecting sole-source aquifers?

a) Allowing unrestricted development in areas overlying aquifers.


Incorrect. Development can negatively impact aquifers through runoff and contamination.

b) Promoting water conservation practices.


Correct! Water conservation reduces the strain on aquifers.

c) Ignoring the potential for contamination from agricultural activities.


Incorrect. Agricultural runoff can be a major source of contamination.

d) Discouraging public education about aquifer protection.


Incorrect. Public education is vital to raise awareness and promote responsible water use.

4. What is the primary reason sole-source aquifers are important for public health?

a) They are often found in areas with high population density.


Incorrect. While this may be true, it isn't the primary reason for public health importance.

b) They provide a reliable source of drinking water.


Correct! Clean water from sole-source aquifers is essential for public health.

c) They are naturally resistant to contamination.


Incorrect. Sole-source aquifers are vulnerable to contamination.

d) They are readily accessible to all communities.


Incorrect. Accessibility may vary depending on location.

5. Why is a collaborative approach essential for protecting sole-source aquifers?

a) Because aquifers are a shared resource that require collective action to protect.


Correct! A collaborative approach involving government, businesses, farmers, and citizens is needed for effective protection.

b) Because aquifers are too complex for individual actors to manage effectively.


Incorrect. While complexity exists, individual actors can contribute to protection.

c) Because aquifers are primarily under the control of government agencies.


Incorrect. While government plays a role, it requires collaboration with other stakeholders.

d) Because aquifers are not valuable enough to warrant individual attention.


Incorrect. Sole-source aquifers are crucial and require dedicated efforts.


Scenario: You are a member of a community group tasked with developing a plan to protect your local sole-source aquifer.


  1. Identify three potential threats to your aquifer. Consider sources of contamination, over-extraction, or other vulnerabilities.
  2. Propose one specific action your group can take to address each threat. Be realistic and consider the resources available to your group.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

Here are some example threats and possible actions:

**Threat 1: Agricultural Runoff**

**Action:** Partner with local farmers to implement best management practices (BMPs) for fertilizer and pesticide use, such as buffer strips and no-till farming.

**Threat 2: Over-Extraction from Residential Wells**

**Action:** Promote water conservation measures in homes, such as low-flow showerheads, efficient appliances, and rain barrels, and encourage residents to install water meters to monitor usage.

**Threat 3: Development Sprawl**

**Action:** Advocate for responsible land use planning, promoting development that minimizes impervious surfaces and encourages green infrastructure to reduce runoff and improve aquifer recharge.

Note: The specific threats and actions will vary depending on your location and specific conditions.


  • Groundwater: Understanding, Managing, and Protecting Our Underground Water Resource by D.K. Todd and L.R. Mays (2005): A comprehensive overview of groundwater hydrology, management, and protection, including sections on sole-source aquifers.
  • Hydrogeology: Principles and Practices by D.F. Freeze and J.A. Cherry (1979): A classic text in hydrogeology that provides in-depth information on aquifer systems, including the concepts of sole-source aquifers.
  • Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment: A Guide to Methods and Applications by A.G. Foster and D.A. Worrall (2000): Explains the assessment of aquifer vulnerability to contamination, a crucial aspect of managing sole-source aquifers.
  • Sustainable Groundwater Management: A Primer by B.A. Harper and J.A. Sharp (2009): Offers a practical guide to managing groundwater resources sustainably, with specific considerations for sole-source aquifers.


  • Sole-Source Aquifers: A National Perspective by National Research Council (1984): A seminal report that explores the importance and vulnerabilities of sole-source aquifers in the United States.
  • Protecting Sole-Source Aquifers: A Guide for State and Local Governments by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2014): Provides practical guidance for local authorities on protecting sole-source aquifers from pollution.
  • Impact of Urban Sprawl on Groundwater Quality: A Case Study of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area by M.J. Haller, et al. (2008): Examines the link between urban development and groundwater contamination in a region with a significant sole-source aquifer.
  • The Role of Groundwater in a Changing Climate: A Review by T.C. Winter (2010): Discusses the potential impacts of climate change on groundwater resources, including implications for sole-source aquifers.

Online Resources

  • United States Geological Survey (USGS): The USGS provides a wealth of information on groundwater resources, including maps, data, and research on sole-source aquifers.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA's website offers guidance, regulations, and resources related to protecting groundwater quality, including specific information on sole-source aquifers.
  • National Ground Water Association (NGWA): The NGWA is a professional organization for groundwater professionals, offering information and resources on groundwater management, including sole-source aquifer protection.
  • The Water Education Foundation: Provides comprehensive information and resources on water issues, including articles and reports on the importance and vulnerabilities of sole-source aquifers.

Search Tips

  • "Sole-source aquifer" + "contamination": To find articles and resources on the threats to sole-source aquifers.
  • "Sole-source aquifer" + "management": To locate information on how to protect and manage these critical resources.
  • "Sole-source aquifer" + "[your state/region]": To discover specific information related to your local area.
  • "Sole-source aquifer" + "case study": To explore real-world examples of sole-source aquifer management and the challenges they face.
  • "Sole-source aquifer" + "climate change": To find resources examining the potential impacts of climate change on these aquifers.
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