Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: solar still

solar still

Harnessing the Sun's Power: Solar Stills for Sustainable Water Treatment

In a world facing increasing water scarcity and pollution, finding sustainable and cost-effective water purification methods is crucial. Enter the solar still, a simple yet ingenious device that harnesses the sun's energy to produce clean drinking water from contaminated sources.

How it Works:

Solar stills operate on the principle of solar distillation, a natural process that uses the sun's heat to evaporate water. The basic design consists of a shallow, transparent container, often made of plastic or glass, that is partially filled with contaminated water. The container is usually covered with a transparent material, like a plastic sheet, creating a sealed environment.

Here's how the process unfolds:

  1. Evaporation: The sun's rays penetrate the transparent cover, heating the water inside. This heat causes the water to evaporate, turning it into water vapor.
  2. Condensation: As the water vapor rises, it encounters the cooler surface of the transparent cover. The vapor condenses back into liquid water, forming droplets on the underside of the cover.
  3. Collection: The condensed water drips down the cover into a collection vessel, providing clean, drinkable water.

Advantages of Solar Stills:

  • Renewable Energy: Solar stills rely entirely on sunlight, making them a sustainable and environmentally friendly option.
  • Low-Cost and Simple: The construction of a solar still is relatively inexpensive and can be built using readily available materials.
  • Versatile: Solar stills can be used to purify various types of water, including brackish water, seawater, and contaminated groundwater.
  • Minimal Maintenance: Once built, solar stills require little maintenance, making them ideal for remote locations.


Solar stills are widely used in various applications:

  • Domestic Water Purification: In areas with limited access to clean water, solar stills provide a reliable source of drinking water for households.
  • Disaster Relief: During emergencies, solar stills can be quickly deployed to provide clean water for displaced populations.
  • Agricultural Irrigation: The purified water from solar stills can be used to irrigate crops, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions.
  • Industrial Applications: Some industries use solar stills for desalination or for purifying water for specific processes.

Variations and Enhancements:

While the basic design of a solar still is straightforward, various modifications and enhancements exist to improve efficiency and output:

  • Multiple-Effect Stills: These systems use multiple stages of evaporation and condensation to increase water production.
  • Vacuum Stills: By lowering the pressure inside the still, the boiling point of water is reduced, increasing efficiency.
  • Solar Stills with Heat Storage: Integrating heat storage materials, like rocks or bricks, allows for water production even during cloudy days.


Despite its advantages, solar still technology also has limitations:

  • Limited Output: The water production of a single solar still is relatively small, making them more suitable for individual households or small communities.
  • Weather Dependence: The efficiency of a solar still is heavily dependent on sunlight intensity. Cloudy or rainy weather can significantly reduce water output.


Solar stills offer a promising solution for providing clean drinking water in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. Their simplicity, versatility, and reliance on renewable energy make them a valuable tool for water treatment, especially in regions facing water scarcity and pollution. As technology advances, further innovations and improvements can be expected, potentially leading to wider adoption and greater impact on global water security.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Harnessing the Sun's Power: Solar Stills

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which principle does a solar still utilize for water purification?

a) Reverse osmosis


Incorrect. Reverse osmosis is a different water purification method.

b) Solar distillation

Correct! Solar stills operate on the principle of solar distillation.

c) Ultraviolet radiation

Incorrect. Ultraviolet radiation is another method for water purification.

d) Filtration

Incorrect. Filtration is a physical method of removing impurities, not a primary principle of a solar still.

2. What is the primary energy source for a solar still?

a) Electricity


Incorrect. Solar stills do not rely on electricity.

b) Wind power

Incorrect. Solar stills do not rely on wind power.

c) Sunlight

Correct! Solar stills rely entirely on sunlight.

d) Fossil fuels

Incorrect. Solar stills do not utilize fossil fuels.

3. Which of these is NOT an advantage of using solar stills?

a) Low-cost construction


Incorrect. Solar stills are known for their low-cost construction.

b) High water output

Correct! Solar stills have a relatively small water output.

c) Minimal maintenance

Incorrect. Solar stills require minimal maintenance.

d) Renewable energy source

Incorrect. Solar stills use renewable energy.

4. What is a possible application for solar stills in disaster relief?

a) Providing clean water for cooking


Correct! Solar stills can provide clean water for drinking and cooking in disaster situations.

b) Generating electricity for shelters

Incorrect. While solar power can be used for electricity generation, that's not the primary application of solar stills in disaster relief.

c) Building temporary shelters

Incorrect. Solar stills are primarily used for water purification.

d) Providing medical supplies

Incorrect. Solar stills are not designed to provide medical supplies.

5. How can the efficiency of a solar still be improved?

a) Using a darker-colored container


Incorrect. A darker-colored container would absorb more heat, potentially leading to overheating.

b) Adding a layer of insulation

Incorrect. Insulation would reduce heat transfer and decrease evaporation.

c) Incorporating heat storage materials

Correct! Heat storage materials can extend water production during cloudy days.

d) Decreasing the surface area of the container

Incorrect. A larger surface area allows for more evaporation.

Exercise: Design a Solar Still

Task: Imagine you need to design a solar still for a remote village with limited access to clean water. Consider the following factors:

  • Available materials: You have access to plastic sheets, PVC pipes, and a few large containers.
  • Location: The village is in a sunny, desert region.
  • Water source: The village has access to a nearby pond with slightly brackish water.


  1. Sketch a simple diagram of your solar still, clearly labeling its key components.
  2. Explain how your design utilizes the available materials and addresses the specific challenges of the location and water source.
  3. Discuss any potential limitations or modifications you might consider for your design.

Exercice Correction

Your design should include: * A shallow container made from a large plastic container. * A transparent plastic sheet covering the container. * A collection vessel positioned below the plastic sheet to catch the condensed water. * A slanted glass or plastic panel to guide the sunlight into the container. * PVC pipes could be used to connect the collection vessel to a storage tank, allowing for easy water access. The design should take into account: * The desert environment and its abundance of sunlight. * The use of readily available materials like plastic sheets and containers. * The slightly brackish nature of the water source, which might require additional filtration or treatment after distillation. Potential limitations and modifications: * The production capacity of the solar still might be limited. * Multiple stills could be constructed to meet the village's water needs. * Adding a layer of insulation beneath the container could help retain heat during cooler times. * Incorporating a simple filtration system before the water enters the solar still would improve water quality.


  • Solar Distillation: Principles, Design and Applications by K.M. Tiwari (2016): This book offers a comprehensive overview of solar distillation technology, covering its principles, design considerations, various types of stills, and applications.
  • Solar Energy: Fundamentals, Design, Modelling and Applications by S.P. Sukhatme (2010): This book provides a detailed analysis of solar energy technologies, including a dedicated chapter on solar distillation and its applications.
  • Handbook of Sustainable Water Management edited by D.P. Daley and D.L. Parker (2012): This handbook covers various sustainable water management strategies, including solar distillation as a potential solution for water purification.


  • Solar Stills: A Review of the Past, Present, and Future by N.C. Sharma and V.K. Gupta (2014): This article provides a thorough review of the evolution of solar stills, their design aspects, performance analysis, and potential for future development.
  • Performance of a Single-Slope Basin-Type Solar Still by M.A. Al-Rubaye and H.A. Al-Hussaini (2010): This article focuses on the experimental investigation of a specific solar still design, analyzing its efficiency and factors affecting its performance.
  • Solar Still Design for Water Purification: A Review by S.B. Bhowmik and A.K. Nayak (2015): This article provides a comprehensive review of different solar still designs, their advantages and disadvantages, and their potential applications.

Online Resources

  • Solar Stills - Wikipedia: This article offers a good overview of solar still technology, including its history, principles, different types of stills, and applications.
  • Solar Stills: A Sustainable Solution for Water Purification by the United States Department of Energy: This article provides information on the basics of solar stills, their advantages, and resources for building your own still.
  • Solar Stills for Water Purification by the United Nations Environment Programme: This website provides detailed information on solar stills, their design considerations, and their potential for water treatment in developing countries.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Solar Still", "Solar Distillation", "Solar Still Design", "Water Purification", "Sustainable Water Treatment", "DIY Solar Still"
  • Combine keywords with location: "Solar Stills in Africa", "Solar Stills for Rural Communities", "Solar Stills in India"
  • Filter results by date: This allows you to find more recent articles and research on solar stills.
  • Use advanced search operators: "+" to include specific terms, "-" to exclude specific terms, " " to search for an exact phrase, "site:gov" to search within government websites.
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