Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: smoke number (SN)

smoke number (SN)

Smoke Number (SN): A Key Metric for Assessing Smoke Emissions

Smoke, a visible aerosol released during combustion processes, poses significant environmental and health risks. It contains various pollutants including particulate matter, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and heavy metals. Quantifying smoke emissions is crucial for monitoring air quality, developing emission control strategies, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. One commonly used dimensionless term for this purpose is the Smoke Number (SN).

Understanding Smoke Number

The Smoke Number (SN) is a simple yet effective method for quantifying smoke emissions. It is based on the Ringelmann Chart, a visual standard used to compare the darkness of smoke plumes to a series of graded black and white squares. A trained observer visually compares the smoke density to the chart and assigns a corresponding SN value.

Here's how the SN system works:

  • SN 0: No visible smoke.
  • SN 1: Smoke density equivalent to a barely perceptible haze.
  • SN 2: Smoke density equivalent to the shade of the second square on the Ringelmann chart.
  • SN 3: Smoke density equivalent to the shade of the third square on the Ringelmann chart.
  • SN 4: Black smoke, equivalent to the shade of the fourth square on the Ringelmann chart.

While the SN is a subjective measure, it provides a quick and relatively inexpensive way to assess smoke emissions. It is commonly used in various applications, including:

  • Industrial facilities: Monitoring smoke emissions from boilers, incinerators, and other combustion processes.
  • Vehicle emissions: Assessing smoke emissions from diesel engines.
  • Firefighting: Evaluating the effectiveness of fire suppression efforts.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Smoke Number


  • Simplicity: Easy to understand and implement.
  • Cost-effective: Requires minimal equipment and training.
  • Real-time assessment: Allows for immediate evaluation of smoke emissions.


  • Subjectivity: Reliance on visual observation can lead to inconsistencies between observers.
  • Limited precision: SN provides a qualitative rather than quantitative measure of smoke density.
  • No information on particulate matter composition: Does not provide information on the type or concentration of pollutants in the smoke.

Moving Beyond Smoke Number

While the Smoke Number remains a useful tool, more sophisticated methods are increasingly employed for assessing smoke emissions. These include:

  • Optical smoke density meters (OSDM): These instruments utilize light scattering principles to quantify smoke density objectively.
  • Particle counters: Measure the number and size distribution of particulate matter in the smoke.
  • Chemical analysis: Determine the composition of pollutants in the smoke, providing insights into the potential health and environmental risks.


Smoke Number (SN) is a valuable tool for assessing smoke emissions, offering a simple and cost-effective way to monitor air quality. However, its subjectivity and limited precision necessitate the use of more sophisticated methods in certain applications. By combining visual assessments with modern instrumentation and chemical analysis, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of smoke emissions and develop effective strategies for mitigating their environmental and health impacts.

Test Your Knowledge

Smoke Number Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the Smoke Number (SN)?

a) To measure the concentration of specific pollutants in smoke. b) To quantify the darkness of smoke plumes. c) To determine the chemical composition of smoke particles. d) To assess the effectiveness of fire extinguishers.


b) To quantify the darkness of smoke plumes.

2. What tool is used to visually compare smoke density to the Smoke Number scale?

a) Spectrometer b) Particle counter c) Ringelmann Chart d) Air quality monitor


c) Ringelmann Chart

3. Which of the following scenarios would NOT typically use the Smoke Number for assessment?

a) Monitoring emissions from a coal-fired power plant. b) Measuring smoke density from a forest fire. c) Analyzing the smoke from a car's exhaust. d) Testing the efficiency of a new smoke detector.


d) Testing the efficiency of a new smoke detector.

4. What is a significant limitation of the Smoke Number system?

a) It is expensive to implement. b) It requires specialized equipment for measurement. c) It provides subjective and qualitative assessment. d) It does not provide real-time data.


c) It provides subjective and qualitative assessment.

5. Which of the following is NOT a more sophisticated method for assessing smoke emissions?

a) Optical Smoke Density Meters (OSDM) b) Chemical analysis c) Smoke Number d) Particle counters


c) Smoke Number

Smoke Number Exercise

Instructions: Imagine you are monitoring smoke emissions from a factory. You observe a plume of smoke with a distinct dark grey color.

1. Using the information provided in the text, what is the most likely Smoke Number (SN) for this smoke plume?

2. List two disadvantages of relying solely on the Smoke Number for this assessment.

3. Suggest two more advanced methods you could use to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the smoke emissions from this factory.

Exercice Correction

1. Based on the description, the smoke plume is likely to have an SN of 3, as it is described as a "distinct dark grey color".

2. Two disadvantages of relying solely on the Smoke Number in this scenario are:

  • Subjectivity: The assessment relies on visual observation, which can be inconsistent between observers. Another observer might assign a different SN based on their perception of the smoke color.
  • Limited information: The SN only provides information about the darkness of the smoke. It doesn't tell us anything about the composition or concentration of pollutants in the smoke, which are crucial for understanding potential health and environmental risks.

3. To obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the smoke emissions, two advanced methods could be used:

  • Optical Smoke Density Meters (OSDM): These instruments provide an objective measurement of smoke density, eliminating the subjectivity of visual observation. This data can be used to monitor trends in smoke emissions over time.
  • Chemical Analysis: Analyzing the chemical composition of the smoke can reveal the presence of harmful pollutants such as particulate matter, PAHs, and heavy metals. This information is essential for developing effective emission control strategies and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.


  • Air Pollution Control Engineering by Kenneth Wark and Charles F. Warner (Provides a comprehensive overview of air pollution control technologies, including discussions on smoke emissions and measurement techniques.)
  • Handbook of Air Pollution Control Engineering and Technology by R. Perry and R. Geankoplis (Covers various aspects of air pollution control, including smoke emission monitoring and control strategies.)
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Perspective by H.S. Peavy, D.R. Rowe, and G.T. Tchobanoglous (Discusses environmental issues, including air pollution, and provides information on smoke measurement methods.)


  • "The Ringelmann Chart: A Visual Method for Quantifying Smoke Emissions" by J.R. Smith (An article focusing on the history and use of the Ringelmann Chart in assessing smoke density.)
  • "Smoke Number: A Quick and Simple Method for Assessing Smoke Emissions from Industrial Sources" by M. Jones (An overview of the Smoke Number method and its applications in industrial settings.)
  • "Modern Methods for Measuring Smoke Emissions: A Comparison of Techniques" by K. Lee (A review of advanced smoke measurement methods, such as optical smoke density meters and particle counters.)

Online Resources

  • EPA's Air Quality Guidelines: (Provides information on air quality regulations and monitoring techniques, including smoke emission standards.)
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): (ASME publishes standards and guidelines related to combustion and air pollution control, which may include information on smoke measurement methods.)
  • The Ringelmann Chart: (A Wikipedia article providing a detailed description of the Ringelmann Chart and its history.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information on Smoke Number, use keywords like "Smoke Number," "Ringelmann Chart," "smoke emissions measurement," and "air pollution monitoring."
  • Combine keywords: For more targeted results, combine keywords such as "Smoke Number industrial applications," "Smoke Number diesel engines," or "Smoke Number environmental impact."
  • Include relevant terms: Add terms related to the specific area of interest, such as "Smoke Number boilers," "Smoke Number incinerators," or "Smoke Number vehicle emissions."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, such as "Smoke Number measurement techniques."
  • Filter your search: Use Google's advanced search operators to refine your search results based on file type, website, and other criteria.
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