Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: sludge volume index (SVI)

sludge volume index (SVI)

Sludge Volume Index (SVI): A Key Indicator of Wastewater Treatment Efficiency

In the realm of wastewater treatment, understanding the characteristics of the activated sludge is crucial for optimizing the process. One key metric used to assess sludge settling properties is the Sludge Volume Index (SVI). This article delves into the significance of SVI, its interpretation, and its role in maintaining efficient wastewater treatment.

What is SVI?

SVI is a simple, yet powerful indicator that quantifies the settling characteristics of activated sludge. It represents the volume in milliliters occupied by 1 gram of settled sludge after settling for 30 minutes in a graduated cylinder. A higher SVI value signifies poor settling, indicating a sludge that is more fluffy and bulky, while a lower SVI value indicates a well-settling sludge that is denser and compact.

Why is SVI Important?

SVI plays a pivotal role in wastewater treatment for several reasons:

  • Clarifier Performance: A high SVI can lead to poor clarification in the settling tanks, resulting in effluent discharge with higher levels of suspended solids.
  • Sludge Handling: Bulky sludge with a high SVI is more difficult to dewater, requiring additional energy and resources for sludge disposal.
  • Process Stability: Fluctuations in SVI can indicate instability in the activated sludge process, potentially leading to operational problems and reduced treatment efficiency.

Interpreting SVI Values:

  • Ideal SVI: Generally, an SVI of 50-150 mL/g is considered desirable for optimal sludge settling and efficient treatment.
  • High SVI (>150 mL/g): Indicates poor settling, often associated with filamentous bacteria growth, low food-to-microorganism (F/M) ratio, or low dissolved oxygen levels.
  • Low SVI (<50 mL/g): Indicates excellent settling, often associated with dense, compact sludge. However, excessively low SVI can also indicate an over-conditioned sludge, which might be inefficient in removing pollutants.

Factors Influencing SVI:

Several factors can influence SVI, including:

  • Organic Load: High organic loading can lead to increased biomass production and a higher SVI.
  • Nutrient Availability: Imbalances in nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus can affect microbial growth and sludge settling.
  • Temperature: Temperature fluctuations can impact microbial activity and sludge properties.
  • Dissolved Oxygen: Low dissolved oxygen levels can promote filamentous bacteria growth, leading to poor sludge settling.
  • Toxicity: Presence of toxic substances can hinder microbial growth and affect sludge settling.

Controlling SVI:

Maintaining an optimal SVI range is crucial for efficient wastewater treatment. Effective SVI control involves:

  • Optimizing Organic Load: Ensuring adequate F/M ratio to prevent overfeeding and excessive sludge production.
  • Nutrient Management: Maintaining proper nutrient levels to promote healthy microbial growth.
  • Dissolved Oxygen Control: Ensuring sufficient dissolved oxygen levels to minimize filamentous bacteria growth.
  • Temperature Monitoring: Adjusting process parameters to account for temperature variations.
  • Toxicity Assessment: Identifying and mitigating toxic substances that can hinder sludge settling.


The Sludge Volume Index (SVI) is a vital indicator in wastewater treatment, providing insights into the settling characteristics of activated sludge. By understanding the factors influencing SVI and implementing appropriate control measures, operators can optimize sludge settling, enhance treatment efficiency, and maintain sustainable wastewater treatment operations.

Test Your Knowledge

SVI Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does SVI stand for? a) Sludge Volume Index b) Settling Velocity Index c) Sludge Weight Index d) Solid Volume Index


a) Sludge Volume Index

2. What is the typical range for a desirable SVI value? a) 10-50 mL/g b) 50-150 mL/g c) 150-250 mL/g d) 250-350 mL/g


b) 50-150 mL/g

3. Which of the following factors can contribute to a high SVI? a) Low organic load b) High dissolved oxygen levels c) Low nutrient availability d) Filamentous bacteria growth


d) Filamentous bacteria growth

4. Why is a high SVI undesirable in wastewater treatment? a) It leads to increased sludge dewatering costs. b) It can cause poor clarification in settling tanks. c) It indicates an unstable activated sludge process. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for controlling SVI? a) Optimizing the organic load b) Maintaining proper nutrient levels c) Increasing the temperature d) Controlling dissolved oxygen levels


c) Increasing the temperature

SVI Exercise:

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant is experiencing poor settling in its clarifiers, resulting in effluent with high suspended solids. The SVI is measured at 220 mL/g.

Task: Identify three potential reasons for the high SVI and propose specific actions to address each issue.

Exercice Correction

Possible reasons for the high SVI:

  • **Filamentous bacteria growth:** Filamentous bacteria can cause poor settling due to their long, stringy structure. * **Action:** Adjust the dissolved oxygen levels in the aeration tank. Lower dissolved oxygen levels can favor filamentous bacteria growth, so increasing oxygen levels could help control their proliferation.
  • **Nutrient imbalance:** A lack of essential nutrients like nitrogen or phosphorus can lead to an imbalance in microbial populations, potentially resulting in a high SVI. * **Action:** Monitor and adjust nutrient levels in the influent to ensure adequate levels for healthy microbial growth.
  • **High organic loading:** An excessive organic load can overwhelm the activated sludge process, leading to an increase in sludge volume and a high SVI. * **Action:** Reduce the organic load by adjusting the influent flow rate or pre-treating the wastewater to remove a portion of the organic matter.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (This comprehensive textbook provides extensive information on wastewater treatment processes, including a detailed section on activated sludge and SVI).
  • Biological Wastewater Treatment by Grady Jr., C.P.L. (This book delves into the biological principles underlying wastewater treatment, with dedicated chapters on sludge settling and SVI).
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering by M. J. Hammer (A comprehensive resource covering various environmental engineering aspects, including a section on sludge handling and SVI).


  • "Sludge Volume Index (SVI): A Review of Its Significance and Control" by A. K. Jaiswal et al. (This article provides an in-depth overview of SVI, its significance, and various control strategies).
  • "The Importance of Sludge Volume Index in Activated Sludge Processes" by R. M. M. de Morais et al. (This article highlights the role of SVI in assessing the efficiency and stability of activated sludge systems).
  • "Strategies for Controlling Sludge Volume Index in Wastewater Treatment Plants" by J. P. C. Sharma et al. (This article focuses on practical strategies for optimizing SVI in wastewater treatment plants).

Online Resources

  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): The WEF website offers a wealth of resources, including technical manuals, webinars, and articles related to wastewater treatment and sludge management.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): The AWWA provides comprehensive information on water and wastewater treatment technologies, including resources on activated sludge and SVI.
  • EPA Wastewater Technology Fact Sheets: The EPA offers fact sheets on various wastewater treatment technologies, including activated sludge process, which contain information on SVI.
  • Online Wastewater Treatment Forums: Numerous online forums dedicated to wastewater treatment professionals provide discussions and insights on SVI and its implications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "Sludge Volume Index" with keywords like "activated sludge", "wastewater treatment", "control", "interpretation", "factors affecting".
  • Specify your target audience: For instance, "Sludge Volume Index for wastewater treatment plant operators", "Sludge Volume Index research papers", "Sludge Volume Index in industrial wastewater treatment".
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose phrases like "Sludge Volume Index" or "activated sludge" in quotation marks to find specific resources.
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