Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: slaked lime

slaked lime

Slaked Lime: A Versatile Tool in Environmental & Water Treatment

Slaked lime, also known as hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2), is a crucial chemical compound with widespread applications in environmental and water treatment. It's a white, powdery substance derived from the reaction of quicklime (calcium oxide, CaO) with water. This reaction releases significant heat, hence the term "slaked" which refers to the quenching of the lime with water.

Why is Slaked Lime so Important?

Slaked lime's importance stems from its unique chemical properties, particularly its ability to neutralize acids and act as a flocculant. These properties make it an invaluable tool in various environmental and water treatment processes:

1. Water Treatment:

  • pH Adjustment: Slaked lime increases the pH of water, rendering it less acidic. This is crucial in potable water treatment, where acidic water can be corrosive to pipes and unpleasant to drink.
  • Softening: Slaked lime reacts with calcium and magnesium ions in water, forming insoluble precipitates that can be removed, effectively softening the water. Hard water can cause scale buildup in pipes and appliances, reducing their efficiency.
  • Coagulation & Flocculation: Slaked lime acts as a flocculant, promoting the aggregation of suspended particles in water. This allows for easier removal of contaminants through sedimentation and filtration.

2. Wastewater Treatment:

  • Phosphate Removal: Slaked lime reacts with phosphates in wastewater, forming insoluble calcium phosphate that can be removed, reducing phosphorus levels and preventing eutrophication (excess nutrient buildup) in water bodies.
  • Heavy Metal Removal: Slaked lime can remove heavy metals like arsenic, lead, and mercury from wastewater by converting them into insoluble precipitates. This minimizes their environmental impact.
  • Odor Control: Slaked lime neutralizes foul odors in wastewater, improving the overall environment.

3. Environmental Applications:

  • Acid Rain Neutralization: Slaked lime is used to neutralize acid rain runoff, preventing further acidification of lakes and rivers.
  • Soil Remediation: It can be applied to neutralize acidic soils, making them more suitable for plant growth.
  • Waste Stabilization: Slaked lime is used to stabilize and neutralize hazardous waste materials, making them safer for disposal.

Key Advantages:

  • Cost-Effective: Slaked lime is a relatively inexpensive material, making it a viable treatment option.
  • Naturally Occurring: It is derived from natural sources, minimizing the reliance on synthetic chemicals.
  • Versatile: Its diverse applications make it a valuable tool for a wide range of environmental and water treatment needs.


  • Handling: Slaked lime is a caustic substance and requires proper handling and storage to avoid skin irritation and other potential health hazards.
  • Sludge Generation: Treatment processes using slaked lime often generate sludge, which requires proper disposal.


Slaked lime is a powerful and versatile tool in environmental and water treatment. Its ability to neutralize acidity, act as a flocculant, and remove harmful contaminants makes it an indispensable component in ensuring clean and safe water resources for the future. Its cost-effectiveness and naturally occurring properties further enhance its value as a sustainable solution for various environmental challenges.

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