Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: settling velocity

settling velocity

Settling Velocity: A Crucial Factor in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, understanding how particles behave in fluids is paramount. One key concept in this realm is settling velocity. This refers to the rate at which a particle settles through air or water under the influence of gravity.

Understanding Settling Velocity:

Imagine a dust particle suspended in the air. Gravity pulls it downwards, while the air resistance opposes its movement. The settling velocity is the equilibrium point where these two forces balance.

Factors Influencing Settling Velocity:

Several factors influence the settling velocity of a particle:

  • Particle size: Larger particles experience a greater gravitational force and settle faster.
  • Particle density: Denser particles, like sand, settle faster than lighter particles, like feathers.
  • Fluid viscosity: Thicker fluids, like honey, resist movement more, resulting in slower settling velocities.
  • Fluid density: The density of the fluid also plays a role. A particle will settle faster in a less dense fluid like air than in a denser fluid like water.
  • Particle shape: Spherical particles settle faster than irregular shapes due to reduced surface area.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

Settling velocity is a critical concept in various water and environmental treatment processes:

  • Sedimentation: In sedimentation tanks, settling velocity is used to separate suspended solids from wastewater. By designing the tank with a specific settling time, particles can be removed before the water is discharged.
  • Filtration: Settling velocity helps determine the effectiveness of filters. Particles with higher settling velocities can be more effectively removed by filters.
  • Air pollution control: In industrial processes, understanding settling velocity allows engineers to design efficient dust collectors and reduce air pollution.
  • Water quality monitoring: Settling velocity can be used to estimate the size and density of particles in water bodies, providing valuable information about water quality.

Calculating Settling Velocity:

While the settling velocity of a particle can be influenced by numerous factors, the basic calculation for a spherical particle in a fluid can be represented by:

V = (2/9) * g * (ρp - ρf) * d² / μ


  • V = Settling velocity
  • g = Acceleration due to gravity
  • ρp = Particle density
  • ρf = Fluid density
  • d = Particle diameter
  • μ = Fluid viscosity


Settling velocity is an important concept in understanding the behavior of particles in fluids. By understanding the factors influencing settling velocity, engineers and scientists can design efficient and effective environmental and water treatment systems, ultimately protecting our environment and public health.

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