Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: secondary effluent

secondary effluent

Secondary Effluent: A Stepping Stone to Clean Water

In the realm of water treatment, "secondary effluent" represents a crucial stage in the journey of wastewater transformation. It signifies the treated wastewater that has undergone secondary treatment, a process designed to significantly reduce pollutants like organic matter and suspended solids. This effluent, while still requiring further purification, is vastly cleaner than the raw sewage it originated from.

Understanding the Essence of Secondary Effluent:

  • Source: Secondary effluent is discharged from a wastewater treatment facility that has completed the secondary treatment phase.
  • Characteristics: The most defining characteristic of secondary effluent is its significantly reduced levels of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and suspended solids. Typically, BOD5 (5-day BOD) and suspended solids are less than 30 mg/L in secondary effluent. This reduction is achieved through biological processes like activated sludge or trickling filters that break down organic matter and remove solids.
  • Purpose: Secondary effluent serves as a stepping stone in the wastewater treatment process. While not yet suitable for direct discharge into sensitive water bodies, it can be safely used for various purposes:
    • Irrigation: Depending on local regulations, secondary effluent can be used to irrigate agricultural lands, parks, and golf courses.
    • Industrial Reuse: Industries like power plants and manufacturing facilities often use secondary effluent for cooling systems and other industrial processes.
    • Further Treatment: Secondary effluent is often further treated through tertiary treatment to remove remaining nutrients (like nitrogen and phosphorus) and disinfection to make it suitable for potable water reuse or discharge into sensitive ecosystems.

Importance of Secondary Effluent in Water Treatment:

Secondary effluent plays a vital role in the overall goal of water treatment:

  • Environmental Protection: By reducing pollutants in wastewater, secondary effluent minimizes the negative impact on receiving water bodies, protecting aquatic life and maintaining water quality.
  • Resource Conservation: Secondary effluent provides a valuable resource for various applications, reducing the reliance on freshwater for non-potable uses and contributing to water conservation efforts.
  • Sustainable Practices: Utilizing secondary effluent aligns with sustainable practices by promoting a circular economy approach to water management and minimizing the environmental footprint of wastewater treatment.

Challenges and Future Directions:

Despite its importance, secondary effluent faces challenges like:

  • Public Perception: Misconceptions surrounding the safety of treated wastewater can hinder its widespread use.
  • Treatment Technology: Continuously improving treatment technologies to achieve even higher levels of purification and expand the potential applications for secondary effluent is crucial.

As we strive for sustainable water management and minimize the impact of wastewater on our environment, understanding and utilizing secondary effluent effectively will become increasingly important. It serves as a crucial link in the chain of transforming wastewater into a valuable resource, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Secondary Effluent Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary characteristic of secondary effluent? (a) It is completely clean and safe for drinking. (b) It is untreated wastewater. (c) It has significantly reduced levels of BOD and suspended solids. (d) It is only suitable for irrigation.


The correct answer is (c). Secondary effluent has undergone treatment to significantly reduce BOD and suspended solids.

2. What is the main purpose of secondary effluent? (a) Direct discharge into rivers and lakes. (b) A stepping stone for further treatment before reuse or discharge. (c) To be used only for industrial processes. (d) To be used only for agricultural irrigation.


The correct answer is (b). Secondary effluent is a stepping stone for further treatment before various reuses or discharge.

3. Which of the following is NOT a potential application for secondary effluent? (a) Irrigation of parks and golf courses. (b) Industrial cooling systems. (c) Drinking water supply. (d) Reuse in manufacturing processes.


The correct answer is (c). While secondary effluent can be treated for further reuse, it typically does not meet the standards for direct drinking water supply.

4. How does secondary effluent contribute to environmental protection? (a) It reduces the reliance on freshwater for non-potable uses. (b) It minimizes the negative impact on receiving water bodies. (c) It promotes sustainable water management practices. (d) All of the above.


The correct answer is (d). Secondary effluent contributes to environmental protection in multiple ways.

5. Which of the following is a challenge faced by the utilization of secondary effluent? (a) Lack of public understanding and acceptance. (b) Insufficient treatment technology to purify it further. (c) Limited potential applications for reuse. (d) High costs associated with its treatment.


The correct answer is (a). Public perception and acceptance of treated wastewater is a significant challenge.

Secondary Effluent Exercise:

Scenario: You are part of a team tasked with designing a new wastewater treatment facility in a small town. The facility needs to produce secondary effluent that can be used for irrigation of local parks and golf courses.

Task: 1. Identify at least three key factors to consider when designing the treatment process to ensure the secondary effluent is suitable for irrigation. 2. Briefly explain why each factor is important for this specific application.

Exercice Correction

Here are three key factors to consider: 1. **Nutrient Removal:** Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential nutrients for plant growth, but excess amounts can lead to eutrophication (overgrowth of algae) in water bodies. For irrigation, it's important to remove these nutrients from the secondary effluent to prevent excessive fertilization and potential negative impacts on the environment. 2. **Pathogen Removal:** While secondary treatment removes most pathogens, it's crucial to ensure that the effluent is adequately disinfected to kill any remaining harmful bacteria or viruses. This is essential for protecting human health and preventing the spread of diseases through irrigation. 3. **Salt Content:** Excessive salt content can negatively affect plant growth and soil health. The design should include measures to minimize salt buildup in the effluent, considering the specific requirements for irrigation.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Mark J. Hammer (2nd Edition) - Provides comprehensive coverage of wastewater treatment processes, including secondary treatment.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (5th Edition) - A classic text covering various aspects of wastewater treatment, with detailed sections on secondary treatment.
  • Fundamentals of Water Treatment Engineering by A.K. Biswas - Discusses the principles and practices of water treatment, including secondary effluent treatment.


  • "A Review of Secondary Treatment Technologies for Wastewater" by A.K. Jain and R.K. Jain - An overview of different secondary treatment methods and their effectiveness.
  • "The Role of Secondary Effluent in Water Reuse: A Global Perspective" by S.K. Gupta and A.K. Sharma - Explores the potential for secondary effluent reuse in different applications.
  • "Public Perception and Acceptance of Treated Wastewater Reuse" by J.L. Smith - Investigates the factors influencing public acceptance of secondary effluent reuse.

Online Resources

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - Provides information on wastewater treatment regulations, technologies, and guidelines.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): - Offers resources on wastewater treatment, including secondary effluent reuse and sustainable water management.
  • International Water Association (IWA): - A global platform for water professionals, providing access to research, publications, and conferences related to water treatment.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use specific terms like "secondary effluent," "wastewater treatment," "reuse," "irrigation," and "treatment technologies."
  • Use advanced operators: Explore "site:gov," "site:org," "filetype:pdf" to find specific types of resources.
  • Include location: Add your geographic location to find local regulations and practices related to secondary effluent.
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