Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: saturated steam

saturated steam

Saturated Steam: A Powerful Tool in Environmental & Water Treatment

Saturated steam, a vapor in equilibrium with water at the boiling temperature containing no liquid, plays a crucial role in various environmental and water treatment applications. Its unique properties make it an effective tool for:

1. Thermal Disinfection:

  • Mechanism: Saturated steam utilizes the principle of heat transfer to kill microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and spores. The high temperature of steam (100°C at atmospheric pressure) denatures proteins and disrupts the cellular structure of pathogens, rendering them inactive.
  • Applications: This method is widely used for disinfecting water treatment facilities, pipelines, tanks, and equipment. It's also employed in the treatment of wastewater, sludge, and biosolids.

2. Steam Stripping:

  • Mechanism: Saturated steam is used to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water or wastewater. The steam is bubbled through the liquid, causing the VOCs to evaporate and be carried away with the steam.
  • Applications: Steam stripping is an effective method for removing contaminants like trichloroethylene (TCE), perchloroethylene (PCE), and other volatile organic compounds. It's particularly useful in treating contaminated groundwater and industrial wastewater.

3. Steam Injection:

  • Mechanism: Injecting saturated steam directly into the water or wastewater stream can enhance the effectiveness of other treatment processes. It raises the temperature of the water, increasing the reaction rate of chemical processes and improving the overall efficiency.
  • Applications: Steam injection is commonly used in wastewater treatment to enhance the biological process and to promote coagulation and flocculation.

4. Steam Condensation:

  • Mechanism: The condensation of saturated steam releases significant heat energy. This heat can be used to preheat water or wastewater, reducing the energy requirements for subsequent treatment processes.
  • Applications: Steam condensation is often used in water treatment plants to preheat incoming water, improving efficiency and reducing energy consumption.

Advantages of Saturated Steam:

  • High heat transfer rate: Steam has a much higher heat transfer coefficient compared to other heating methods.
  • Uniform heating: Steam distributes heat evenly, ensuring consistent treatment across the entire volume.
  • No contamination: Saturated steam is pure and doesn't introduce any unwanted chemicals or impurities.
  • Versatile: It can be applied in various treatment processes, from disinfection to VOC removal.


  • Energy consumption: Generating steam requires significant energy input.
  • Corrosion potential: Steam can cause corrosion in some materials.
  • Equipment maintenance: Regular maintenance of steam generation and distribution systems is essential.


Saturated steam is a valuable tool in environmental and water treatment. Its unique properties offer several advantages, making it an effective method for disinfection, contaminant removal, and process optimization. By understanding its applications and limitations, we can leverage this technology to improve water quality and protect the environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Saturated Steam in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a mechanism of action for saturated steam in water treatment?

(a) Thermal Disinfection (b) Steam Stripping (c) Electrolysis (d) Steam Injection


The correct answer is (c) Electrolysis. Electrolysis is a chemical process that uses electricity to break down compounds, not a mechanism involving steam.

2. Saturated steam is commonly used to remove which type of contaminants from water?

(a) Heavy Metals (b) Salts (c) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (d) Radioactive isotopes


The correct answer is (c) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Steam stripping effectively removes volatile compounds due to their tendency to evaporate with the steam.

3. What is a key advantage of using saturated steam for disinfection compared to other methods?

(a) Lower cost (b) Higher efficiency (c) Lower energy consumption (d) No risk of chemical contamination


The correct answer is (d) No risk of chemical contamination. Saturated steam is pure and does not introduce any foreign chemicals into the treated water.

4. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using saturated steam in water treatment?

(a) Slow heat transfer rate (b) Uneven heating (c) Potential for corrosion (d) Limited versatility


The correct answer is (c) Potential for corrosion. Steam can react with some materials, causing corrosion, so careful material selection is crucial.

5. How can steam condensation be used to improve water treatment efficiency?

(a) By directly removing contaminants from water (b) By increasing the temperature of the water for disinfection (c) By reducing the energy required for preheating water (d) By enhancing the effectiveness of chemical coagulants


The correct answer is (c) By reducing the energy required for preheating water. The heat released during steam condensation can be used to preheat water, saving energy in subsequent treatment steps.

Exercise: Practical Application of Saturated Steam

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a water treatment system for a small industrial facility that produces a wastewater stream contaminated with trichloroethylene (TCE).


  1. Identify the most suitable water treatment method using saturated steam for removing TCE from the wastewater.
  2. Explain the mechanism of action for this chosen method.
  3. List two advantages and one disadvantage of using this method in this specific scenario.

Exercice Correction

1. **Steam Stripping** is the most suitable method for removing TCE, a volatile organic compound, from the wastewater.

2. **Mechanism:** In steam stripping, saturated steam is bubbled through the contaminated water. The steam's heat energy causes the TCE to evaporate and become entrained in the steam. The contaminated steam is then directed to a condenser where the TCE is separated from the water vapor and collected for further treatment or disposal.

3. **Advantages:** * **Effective removal of TCE:** Steam stripping is highly effective in removing volatile organic compounds like TCE. * **Environmentally friendly:** This method does not involve the use of chemicals that could potentially contaminate the water.

**Disadvantage:** * **Energy consumption:** Generating and using steam for stripping requires significant energy input, potentially increasing the operational cost.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design by James M. Symons - Provides comprehensive coverage of water treatment technologies, including steam-based methods.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. - Includes sections on steam stripping and other steam-related processes for wastewater treatment.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment by Richard A. Conway - Focuses on industrial wastewater treatment and discusses steam applications for various industries.


  • "Steam Stripping for Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds" by R.E. Selleck - Provides a detailed overview of steam stripping technology and its application for removing VOCs.
  • "Steam Injection for Enhancing Wastewater Treatment Processes" by J.P.C. Visscher et al. - Discusses the benefits of steam injection in improving the efficiency of various wastewater treatment processes.
  • "Thermal Disinfection of Water Using Saturated Steam" by S.K. Singh et al. - Examines the effectiveness of saturated steam for disinfecting water and the factors affecting its performance.

Online Resources

  • "Saturated Steam - Properties and Applications" by Thermopedia - A detailed explanation of saturated steam properties and applications, including its use in water treatment.
  • "Steam Stripping Technology for VOC Removal" by EPA - Provides information on steam stripping technology and its role in removing VOCs from water and wastewater.
  • "Saturated Steam in Wastewater Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide" by Aqua-Chem - Offers a comprehensive overview of steam applications in wastewater treatment, including its advantages and limitations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "saturated steam water treatment," "steam stripping VOCs," "steam disinfection wastewater," "steam injection wastewater treatment."
  • Combine keywords with specific contaminants: "saturated steam trichloroethylene removal," "steam stripping perchloroethylene," "steam disinfection bacteria."
  • Use relevant industry terms: "water treatment plant," "wastewater treatment," "industrial wastewater," "thermal disinfection."
  • Explore specific applications: "steam injection for enhanced biological treatment," "steam condensation for preheating water," "saturated steam for sludge disinfection."
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