Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Waste Management: RotoClean


RotoClean: Revolutionizing Solids Separation in Environmental & Water Treatment

The ever-growing demand for clean water and responsible waste management has driven the development of advanced technologies in environmental and water treatment. One such technology, RotoClean, is revolutionizing the way we handle solids separation in various applications.

RotoClean is a patented technology developed by Parkson Corporation, a leading provider of wastewater treatment solutions. It leverages the power of Screenings Washers to effectively remove and process screenings, the unwanted solids captured during the initial stage of wastewater treatment.

What are Screenings Washers and Why are they Crucial?

Screenings washers are vital components in wastewater treatment plants. They are responsible for:

  • Removing debris: Screenings washers efficiently remove large, unwanted solids (screenings) from wastewater streams, preventing clogging of downstream equipment and ensuring smooth operation.
  • Washing and dewatering: They wash the collected screenings, reducing their volume and weight, making them easier to handle and dispose of.
  • Improving screenings quality: The washing process helps to remove organic material from the screenings, making them suitable for recycling or composting.

RotoClean: A Powerful Solution

Parkson's RotoClean technology utilizes a unique combination of features to deliver superior performance in screenings washing:

  • Patented design: The RotoClean screen utilizes a specially designed drum with a unique spiral pattern that efficiently washes the screenings without the need for complex and costly filter media.
  • High-efficiency washing: The drum's rotation and the innovative wash water flow pattern ensure thorough cleaning and dewatering of the screenings, resulting in a significantly reduced volume of final solids.
  • Environmentally friendly: RotoClean promotes sustainable waste management by enabling the recovery of valuable resources from screenings, such as compostable material, while minimizing the need for landfilling.

Benefits of RotoClean

Adopting RotoClean technology brings numerous benefits to wastewater treatment facilities, including:

  • Reduced operating costs: Efficient washing and dewatering minimize the volume of screenings requiring disposal, significantly reducing hauling and landfill fees.
  • Increased process efficiency: The reduced screenings volume ensures smooth operation of downstream equipment, preventing clogging and costly downtime.
  • Improved environmental performance: RotoClean promotes sustainable waste management and minimizes the environmental impact of screenings disposal.
  • Enhanced safety: The system's automated operation reduces the need for manual handling, enhancing worker safety and minimizing the risk of accidents.


RotoClean technology, powered by Parkson's innovative Screenings Washers, offers a powerful solution for efficient and sustainable solids separation in environmental and water treatment. By leveraging its superior design and efficiency, RotoClean helps to optimize operations, minimize costs, and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

RotoClean Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is RotoClean?

a) A type of water filtration system. b) A patented technology for screenings washing. c) A new method for wastewater treatment. d) A chemical used in water purification.


b) A patented technology for screenings washing.

2. What is the primary function of Screenings Washers?

a) To remove dissolved chemicals from wastewater. b) To filter out microscopic particles in wastewater. c) To remove large, unwanted solids from wastewater. d) To disinfect wastewater.


c) To remove large, unwanted solids from wastewater.

3. What makes RotoClean technology unique?

a) Its use of advanced chemical filtration. b) Its ability to completely eliminate all screenings. c) Its patented drum design with a spiral pattern. d) Its reliance on manual labor for operation.


c) Its patented drum design with a spiral pattern.

4. What is a major benefit of RotoClean technology?

a) Reduced need for water filtration. b) Lower operating costs due to reduced screenings disposal. c) Increased use of harmful chemicals in treatment. d) Greater reliance on manual labor.


b) Lower operating costs due to reduced screenings disposal.

5. How does RotoClean contribute to a more sustainable future?

a) By using less energy in the treatment process. b) By reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. c) By promoting recycling and composting of screened materials. d) By eliminating the need for wastewater treatment altogether.


c) By promoting recycling and composting of screened materials.

RotoClean Exercise

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant is considering adopting RotoClean technology to replace their existing, inefficient screenings washer. They currently face high disposal costs and frequent equipment downtime due to clogging.

Task: Write a short proposal outlining the benefits of adopting RotoClean for the plant, addressing the following points:

  • Reduced disposal costs
  • Increased process efficiency
  • Improved environmental performance
  • Enhanced safety

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

**Proposal for RotoClean Adoption** **Introduction:** This proposal outlines the advantages of adopting RotoClean technology for our wastewater treatment plant. By replacing our existing screenings washer with RotoClean, we can significantly improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance environmental sustainability. **Reduced Disposal Costs:** RotoClean's superior washing and dewatering capabilities result in a significantly reduced volume of screenings requiring disposal. This translates to lower hauling and landfill fees, leading to substantial cost savings. **Increased Process Efficiency:** The reduced screenings volume ensures smooth operation of downstream equipment, preventing clogging and costly downtime. This improves overall plant efficiency, reducing maintenance needs and increasing productivity. **Improved Environmental Performance:** RotoClean promotes sustainable waste management by enabling the recovery of valuable resources from screenings, such as compostable material. This minimizes the need for landfilling, reducing our environmental footprint. **Enhanced Safety:** RotoClean's automated operation reduces the need for manual handling of screenings, enhancing worker safety and minimizing the risk of accidents. **Conclusion:** Adopting RotoClean technology offers significant benefits in terms of cost savings, operational efficiency, environmental performance, and worker safety. We strongly recommend its implementation for our wastewater treatment plant.


  • Wastewater Treatment Engineering by Metcalf & Eddy - This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of wastewater treatment, including solids separation technologies. While it may not specifically mention RotoClean, it provides a foundational understanding of screenings washing and its importance.
  • Water Treatment Plant Design by Davis and Cornwell - This book delves into the design and operation of water treatment plants, including the crucial role of solids separation. It may offer insights into the general principles behind RotoClean technology.


  • Parkson Corporation's Website: Parkson Corporation, the developer of RotoClean, likely has technical articles, brochures, and case studies detailing the technology on their website.
  • Technical Journals: Search for articles in journals like "Water Environment Research," "Journal of Environmental Engineering," and "Water Research" focusing on topics like screenings washing, solids separation, and wastewater treatment innovations.

Online Resources

  • Parkson Corporation website: As mentioned above, their website will be the most direct source of information on RotoClean.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): WEF is a leading professional organization in the water sector. Their website may have resources, articles, or news related to solids separation technologies.
  • Google Scholar: Searching for "RotoClean" or "Screenings Washers" in Google Scholar can lead you to academic research papers discussing similar technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use precise keywords like "RotoClean technology," "Screenings Washers," and "Parkson Corporation" for targeted search results.
  • Include keywords related to specific applications like "municipal wastewater treatment" or "industrial wastewater treatment."
  • Combine keywords with terms like "review," "case study," "benefits," and "technology" to narrow your search.
  • Utilize advanced search operators like "+" (AND) and "-" (NOT) to refine your search.
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