Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: rotary drum screen

rotary drum screen

Rotary Drum Screens: Guardians of Clean Water and a Sustainable Environment

In the ever-growing quest for clean water and a sustainable environment, efficient and reliable treatment processes are essential. One such process that plays a crucial role in wastewater and water treatment is the use of rotary drum screens.

What are Rotary Drum Screens?

Rotary drum screens are cylindrical screens used to remove floatable and suspended solids from wastewater or water. They are essentially rotating drums with perforations or mesh, allowing smaller particles to pass through while retaining larger debris.

How they Work:

  1. Intake: Wastewater or water enters the screen through an inlet.
  2. Rotation: The drum rotates, allowing the water to flow through the screen's perforations.
  3. Solids Removal: Larger solids, like branches, leaves, and plastics, are retained on the surface of the screen.
  4. Cleaning: As the drum rotates, a cleaning mechanism removes the collected solids. This can be done using brushes, jets, or other methods.
  5. Discharge: Clean water exits the screen through an outlet.

Types of Rotary Drum Screens:

  • Fine Screens: These screens have smaller perforations (typically less than 10mm) and are used to remove finer solids like grit and sand.
  • Coarse Screens: These screens have larger perforations (greater than 10mm) and are ideal for removing large debris like branches and plastic bottles.

Benefits of using Rotary Drum Screens:

  • Efficient Solid Removal: They effectively remove a wide range of solids, ensuring cleaner water for downstream processes.
  • Reduced Maintenance: Their robust design and continuous cleaning mechanisms minimize downtime and maintenance requirements.
  • Reliability: They offer consistent performance, even in challenging conditions like high flow rates or varying water quality.
  • Customization: Available in various sizes and with different screen mesh options to suit specific needs.
  • Environmental Protection: Rotary drum screens play a crucial role in protecting the environment by preventing the discharge of unwanted solids into waterways.

Applications of Rotary Drum Screens:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Pre-treatment of wastewater before it enters the main treatment plant, removing larger debris that can clog pumps and pipelines.
  • Drinking Water Treatment: Removing debris from raw water before it enters the treatment plant, ensuring optimal water quality.
  • Industrial Applications: Cleaning process water in various industries like food processing, paper mills, and mining.


Rotary drum screens are invaluable tools in environmental and water treatment, safeguarding our water resources and promoting a sustainable future. By efficiently removing solids from water and wastewater, they play a vital role in protecting our environment and ensuring the quality of water we depend on.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (2014): A comprehensive textbook covering wastewater treatment processes, including detailed sections on screens and other pre-treatment methods.
  • Water Treatment Plant Design by AWWA (2006): A practical guide for designing water treatment plants, providing insights into screen selection and design principles.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations by James A. Fair, Jr., George Geankoplis, and David L. L. Weand (2018): A detailed manual for water and wastewater plant operators, including sections on screen operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.


  • "Rotary Drum Screens: A Review of Their Design and Performance" by A.S. Mujumdar, R.P. Chhabra, and S.K. Das (2016) Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering. This article provides a comprehensive review of rotary drum screen design, performance characteristics, and applications.
  • "Optimizing Rotary Drum Screen Performance for Enhanced Wastewater Treatment" by D.S. Kumar and R.K. Singh (2020) International Journal of Environmental Engineering. This paper explores optimization techniques for rotary drum screens to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness.
  • "The Role of Rotary Drum Screens in Protecting Water Resources" by J.M. Jones and K.L. Smith (2018) Water Environment & Technology. This article focuses on the environmental impact of rotary drum screens and their contribution to sustainable water management.

Online Resources

  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): The WEF offers numerous resources on water treatment, including information on screens and other treatment technologies.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): The AWWA provides information on drinking water treatment, including resources on screen selection, operation, and maintenance.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Websites of major manufacturers like Andritz, Veolia, Evoqua Water Technologies, and Xylem offer detailed information on their specific rotary drum screen models, specifications, and application examples.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "rotary drum screen," use terms like "rotary drum screen design," "rotary drum screen application," or "rotary drum screen maintenance" to focus your search.
  • Include relevant industry terms: Use terms like "wastewater treatment," "water treatment," or "industrial water" to find resources specific to your area of interest.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use operators like "site:" or "filetype:" to narrow your search to specific websites or file types. For example, " rotary drum screen" will only search the WEF website for information about rotary drum screens.
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