Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: rising film evaporator

rising film evaporator

Rising Film Evaporators: A Key Player in Environmental & Water Treatment

Rising film evaporators are a crucial technology in the environmental and water treatment industries, offering efficient and reliable methods for concentrating liquids, removing contaminants, and recovering valuable resources. This article will delve into the workings of these evaporators and explore their specific applications within these critical fields.

The Principle of Operation:

A rising film evaporator employs vertical heat transfer surfaces, typically tubes, where a liquid feed is heated from the outside. Steam, flowing through the tubes, condenses on the inner surface, transferring heat to the liquid. This heat causes the liquid to boil, creating vapor that rises along the tube's inner wall, forming a thin, flowing film. The vapor is then collected and condensed, while the concentrated liquid exits the bottom of the evaporator.

Advantages of Rising Film Evaporators:

  • High Heat Transfer Rates: The thin film formation facilitates rapid heat transfer, allowing for efficient evaporation even with highly viscous liquids.
  • High Evaporation Rates: Due to the continuous flow of liquid and vapor, rising film evaporators achieve high evaporation rates compared to other types of evaporators.
  • Low Pressure Drop: The open channel design minimizes pressure drops, reducing energy consumption and enhancing efficiency.
  • Versatile Applications: Rising film evaporators can handle a wide range of feed compositions and concentrations, making them suitable for various treatment processes.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

Rising film evaporators find diverse applications within these critical sectors, including:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Concentrating wastewater to reduce its volume and facilitate disposal.
  • Desalination: Converting seawater or brackish water into potable water by removing salts and other impurities.
  • Industrial Process Water Recovery: Recovering valuable water from industrial processes, reducing overall water consumption and minimizing discharge.
  • Chemical and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Concentrating and purifying various chemical and pharmaceutical products.
  • Food Processing: Concentrating fruit juices, milk, and other food products to increase shelf life and reduce transportation costs.

Specific Applications:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Rising film evaporators effectively concentrate wastewater from various sources, including industrial wastewater, municipal wastewater, and landfill leachate. This process reduces the volume of wastewater requiring disposal, making it more manageable.
  • Desalination: In desalination processes, rising film evaporators are used to separate salt from seawater or brackish water. The high evaporation rates and efficient heat transfer make them ideal for achieving large water production volumes.
  • Industrial Process Water Recovery: Various industries generate large volumes of process water containing valuable chemicals or dissolved minerals. Rising film evaporators can concentrate this water, recovering the valuable components and re-using the water for further processes.


Rising film evaporators are indispensable tools in the environmental and water treatment sectors, offering efficient and versatile solutions for concentrating liquids, removing contaminants, and recovering valuable resources. Their high heat transfer rates, high evaporation rates, and low pressure drop make them a preferred choice for a wide range of applications, contributing to sustainable water management and environmental protection.

Test Your Knowledge

Rising Film Evaporators Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a rising film evaporator? a) To filter out impurities from liquid. b) To separate different components of a liquid mixture. c) To concentrate a liquid by removing water. d) To heat a liquid to a specific temperature.


c) To concentrate a liquid by removing water.

2. What is the key advantage of the thin film formation in rising film evaporators? a) It allows for faster evaporation. b) It reduces the amount of energy required. c) It prevents fouling on the heat transfer surfaces. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of rising film evaporators? a) High heat transfer rates. b) High evaporation rates. c) High pressure drop. d) Versatile applications.


c) High pressure drop.

4. Rising film evaporators are commonly used in: a) Wastewater treatment. b) Desalination. c) Industrial process water recovery. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Which of the following is NOT a specific application of rising film evaporators? a) Concentrating fruit juices. b) Generating electricity from waste heat. c) Treating landfill leachate. d) Recovering valuable chemicals from industrial wastewater.


b) Generating electricity from waste heat.

Rising Film Evaporators Exercise


A wastewater treatment plant uses a rising film evaporator to concentrate wastewater from 10% solids to 30% solids. The plant processes 1000 m³ of wastewater per day.


  • The volume of concentrated wastewater produced per day.
  • The volume of water evaporated per day.

Hint: Consider the mass balance of solids before and after the evaporation process.

Exercice Correction

1. Volume of concentrated wastewater:

The mass of solids in the feed is 1000 m³ * 0.10 = 100 m³.

The mass of solids in the concentrated wastewater is the same, 100 m³.

Therefore, the volume of concentrated wastewater is 100 m³ / 0.30 = **333.33 m³**.

2. Volume of water evaporated:

The volume of water evaporated is the difference between the feed volume and the concentrated wastewater volume:

1000 m³ - 333.33 m³ = **666.67 m³**.


  • "Evaporation Technology for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse" by Mohamed El-Sayed (2014): A comprehensive text covering various evaporation technologies including rising film evaporators, with detailed information on their design, operation, and applications.
  • "Handbook of Separation Techniques for Chemical Engineers" edited by P.A. Schweitzer (2012): A multi-volume handbook with a chapter dedicated to evaporation techniques, offering a broad overview of rising film evaporators and other methods.
  • "Separation Process Principles" by J.D. Seader and Ernest J. Henley (2006): A classic textbook on separation processes, including evaporation principles and different types of evaporators.


  • "Rising Film Evaporator Performance: A Review" by A.B. Khedr and M.S. El-Metwally (2010): This article provides a detailed review of the performance characteristics of rising film evaporators, focusing on factors affecting their efficiency.
  • "Energy Efficiency in Evaporators for Wastewater Treatment" by M.C.A. van der Meer and J.C. Van Dijk (2011): A study focusing on energy efficiency in different evaporator types, including rising film evaporators, in the context of wastewater treatment.
  • "Design and Optimization of a Rising Film Evaporator for Waste Heat Recovery" by A.R. Karimi and R.A. Rostamzadeh (2015): An article exploring the design and optimization of rising film evaporators for waste heat recovery applications.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "rising film evaporators," try more specific terms like "rising film evaporator design," "rising film evaporator application wastewater treatment," or "rising film evaporator efficiency."
  • Combine keywords with operators: Use operators like "AND," "OR," and "-" to refine your search. For example, "rising film evaporator AND wastewater treatment" or "rising film evaporator - desalination."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For instance, "rising film evaporator principle."
  • Explore different search engines: Consider using academic search engines like Google Scholar or specialized engineering databases like Scopus or Web of Science to find relevant research articles and publications.
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