Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: respirometer


Respirometers: Unlocking the Secrets of Respiration in Environmental and Water Treatment

Respirometers are essential tools in the field of environmental and water treatment, playing a crucial role in understanding the intricate processes of respiration by microorganisms. This article delves into the workings of respirometers, their diverse applications, and the valuable insights they provide for maintaining ecological balance and optimizing wastewater treatment.

Unveiling the Respiratory Dynamics:

Respirometers measure the rate of oxygen consumption or carbon dioxide production during respiration. This allows researchers to assess the metabolic activity of microorganisms, providing valuable information about their:

  • Population dynamics: The rate of respiration directly correlates with the number of active microorganisms present. This helps in monitoring the growth and activity of microbial communities.
  • Substrate utilization: Respirometers can reveal how effectively microorganisms break down organic matter, providing insights into the efficiency of bioremediation processes.
  • Toxicity assessment: By observing changes in respiration rates, researchers can identify the potential toxicity of pollutants to microorganisms, guiding decisions about environmental safety.
  • Bioaugmentation effectiveness: Respirometers help determine the efficacy of introducing specific microbial communities to enhance the breakdown of pollutants in wastewater treatment systems.

Types of Respirometers:

Various types of respirometers cater to specific research needs:

  • Manometric respirometers: These measure pressure changes in a closed system, reflecting the consumption of oxygen or production of carbon dioxide.
  • Oxygen electrode respirometers: They directly measure dissolved oxygen levels in a solution, providing real-time data on oxygen consumption.
  • Carbon dioxide sensors: These devices monitor the production of carbon dioxide during respiration, offering valuable insights into metabolic activity.
  • Microplate respirometers: These high-throughput systems enable the simultaneous analysis of multiple samples, streamlining research and allowing for larger-scale studies.

Applications in Environmental and Water Treatment:

Respirometers are indispensable tools in various environmental and water treatment applications:

  • Wastewater treatment: They monitor the performance of activated sludge systems, optimizing the treatment process by adjusting aeration rates and monitoring microbial activity.
  • Bioremediation: Respirometers help assess the effectiveness of bioremediation strategies, such as the use of specific microorganisms to break down contaminants in soil and water.
  • Composting: Respirometers monitor the respiration rate of microbial communities involved in composting, ensuring optimal conditions for efficient organic matter decomposition.
  • Biofuel production: Respirometers play a crucial role in evaluating the efficiency of microbial processes involved in the production of biofuels.

The Future of Respirometers:

As technology advances, respirometers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, offering:

  • Automated data collection: Remote monitoring capabilities allow for continuous data acquisition, providing real-time insights into microbial activity.
  • Miniaturization: Portable respirometers facilitate on-site analysis, enabling rapid assessments in diverse environments.
  • Increased sensitivity: Improved sensors offer more precise measurements, enhancing the sensitivity and accuracy of research findings.


Respirometers are powerful tools that provide invaluable information about the respiration of microorganisms in environmental and water treatment systems. Their application in research, monitoring, and process optimization plays a vital role in ensuring environmental sustainability, promoting efficient waste management, and safeguarding public health. As technology evolves, respirometers will continue to be indispensable instruments in advancing our understanding of the crucial role of microbial respiration in maintaining a healthy environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Respirometer Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a respirometer? a) To measure the growth rate of microorganisms. b) To measure the rate of oxygen consumption or carbon dioxide production. c) To identify the types of microorganisms present in a sample. d) To determine the toxicity of pollutants to microorganisms.


b) To measure the rate of oxygen consumption or carbon dioxide production.

2. Which type of respirometer directly measures dissolved oxygen levels? a) Manometric respirometer. b) Oxygen electrode respirometer. c) Carbon dioxide sensor. d) Microplate respirometer.


b) Oxygen electrode respirometer.

3. How can respirometers be used in wastewater treatment? a) To monitor the effectiveness of bioremediation strategies. b) To optimize the treatment process by adjusting aeration rates. c) To assess the efficiency of microbial processes involved in biofuel production. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

4. What is a major benefit of microplate respirometers? a) They are highly sensitive and accurate. b) They can analyze multiple samples simultaneously. c) They are portable and easy to use. d) They are relatively inexpensive.


b) They can analyze multiple samples simultaneously.

5. What is one future development expected for respirometers? a) Improved sensitivity and accuracy. b) Increased portability. c) Automated data collection. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Respirometer Exercise

Task: You are a researcher studying the effectiveness of a new bioremediation strategy for cleaning up contaminated soil. You have two experimental setups:

  • Setup A: Contaminated soil without the new bioremediation treatment.
  • Setup B: Contaminated soil with the new bioremediation treatment.

Using a respirometer, you measure the oxygen consumption rate in both setups over a period of 3 days. Your results are shown in the table below:

| Day | Oxygen Consumption Rate (Setup A) (mL/hour) | Oxygen Consumption Rate (Setup B) (mL/hour) | |---|---|---| | 1 | 10 | 5 | | 2 | 12 | 3 | | 3 | 15 | 1 |

Based on this data, analyze the effectiveness of the new bioremediation strategy.

Exercice Correction

The data suggests that the new bioremediation strategy is effective in reducing the oxygen consumption rate of the contaminated soil. Setup B, with the treatment, consistently shows a lower oxygen consumption rate compared to Setup A, which lacks the treatment. This indicates that the microorganisms in Setup B are breaking down the contaminants more efficiently, leading to a lower demand for oxygen. The decreasing oxygen consumption rate in Setup B over the three days further supports this, implying that the contaminants are being successfully removed.


  • Environmental Microbiology by W.D. Grant, M.T. Madigan, J.M. Martinko, and T.A. Clark
  • Wastewater Microbiology by G. Bitton
  • Biotechnology for Environmental Remediation by A. Pandey, C.R. Soccol, D. Nigam, and S. Brandão


  • Respirometry for the assessment of microbial activity in soil by A. S. Cui et al.
  • A review of respirometry methods for measuring microbial activity in wastewater treatment by M. A. Khan et al.
  • Applications of respirometry in bioremediation by J. A. G. López et al.

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  • "Respirometer" + "environmental microbiology"
  • "Respirometer" + "wastewater treatment"
  • "Respirometer" + "bioremediation"
  • "Respirometer" + "composting"
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