Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: reformulated gasoline (RFG)

reformulated gasoline (RFG)

Reformulated Gasoline: A Clean Air Solution


Reformulated gasoline (RFG) is a fuel that has been modified from conventional gasoline sold in 1990 to significantly reduce harmful air pollutants. This modification primarily targets emissions released from both evaporation and exhaust during vehicle operation, ultimately contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment.

What Makes Reformulated Gasoline Different?

The key difference between RFG and conventional gasoline lies in its composition. RFG typically contains:

  • Lower Volatility: RFG is less prone to evaporating into the atmosphere, reducing the release of harmful hydrocarbons, a major contributor to smog formation.
  • Reduced Aromatics: Aromatics, such as benzene, toluene, and xylene, are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to ozone pollution. RFG has a lower concentration of these harmful aromatics.
  • Higher Oxygen Content: RFG usually contains a higher percentage of oxygen, which helps in complete combustion, resulting in fewer harmful emissions. This oxygen can be added through components like ethanol or MTBE.

Benefits of Reformulated Gasoline:

  • Improved Air Quality: RFG significantly reduces the emissions of pollutants like hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, which are key contributors to smog, acid rain, and respiratory problems.
  • Reduced Ozone Levels: Ozone pollution, a major component of smog, is directly linked to VOCs. RFG's lower aromatic content helps reduce ozone formation, leading to healthier air quality.
  • Cleaner Engines: Complete combustion promoted by RFG's higher oxygen content contributes to cleaner engine operation and reduced carbon build-up.

Environmental & Water Treatment Implications:

RFG's impact on the environment and water treatment goes beyond simply cleaner air.

  • Reduced Need for Water Treatment: By reducing air pollution, RFG indirectly contributes to cleaner water resources. Fewer pollutants in the air translate to less contamination in precipitation and ultimately, less burden on water treatment plants.
  • Improved Water Quality: The reduction in harmful emissions from vehicles benefits aquatic ecosystems by minimizing acid rain and reducing the influx of pollutants into water bodies.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Cost: RFG can be slightly more expensive than conventional gasoline due to the added processing and components.
  • Ethanol Debate: The use of ethanol in RFG has been debated due to its potential impacts on food prices and land use.
  • Alternative Fuels: While RFG is a significant improvement over conventional gasoline, further research and development are crucial to explore alternative fuels like biofuels and electric vehicles that offer even greater environmental benefits.


Reformulated gasoline is a valuable tool in the fight for cleaner air and a healthier environment. By significantly reducing air pollutants, RFG contributes directly to improved air quality and indirectly to cleaner water resources. While challenges remain, RFG remains an important step towards a more sustainable future.

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