Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: redox potential

redox potential

Redox Potential: A Key Indicator for Environmental & Water Treatment

Understanding the Power of Electrons

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, the term "redox potential," often referred to as oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), plays a crucial role. It measures the ability of a solution to gain or lose electrons, influencing the efficacy of various treatment processes.

What is Redox Potential?

Redox potential is a measure of the tendency of a substance to gain or lose electrons. It's represented by the symbol Eh and is measured in millivolts (mV). A higher Eh value indicates a greater tendency for a substance to accept electrons (oxidation), while a lower Eh value suggests a greater tendency to donate electrons (reduction).

Redox Potential in Environmental & Water Treatment

The concept of redox potential is fundamental to numerous water treatment processes:

  • Disinfection: Oxidizing agents like chlorine, ozone, and UV light rely on redox potential to kill harmful microorganisms. Their effectiveness is directly tied to the Eh level of the water, as these agents require a certain oxidizing power to function.
  • Corrosion Control: Redox potential influences the rate of corrosion of metal pipes and infrastructure. Maintaining a suitable Eh level can minimize corrosion and ensure water quality.
  • Nutrient Removal: Processes like nitrogen removal often involve redox reactions. Specific Eh levels promote the activity of microorganisms responsible for converting ammonia and nitrates to nitrogen gas.
  • Chemical Oxidation: Redox potential governs the effectiveness of oxidizing chemicals used in wastewater treatment, such as potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Monitoring Water Quality: Redox potential serves as a valuable indicator of water quality. A sudden shift in Eh can signal contamination or changes in microbial activity.

Factors Influencing Redox Potential

Several factors influence the redox potential of a water body:

  • Dissolved Oxygen (DO): The presence of dissolved oxygen significantly elevates Eh.
  • pH: A lower pH (more acidic) generally corresponds to a higher redox potential.
  • Temperature: Increasing temperature tends to raise Eh.
  • Organic Matter: The presence of organic matter can decrease Eh.
  • Metal Ions: Metal ions, particularly those with multiple oxidation states, can influence Eh.

Measuring Redox Potential

ORP meters are used to measure the redox potential of water samples. These devices consist of a platinum electrode and a reference electrode. The potential difference between these electrodes is measured in millivolts, providing a direct reading of Eh.


Redox potential is a critical factor in environmental and water treatment processes. It reflects the oxidizing or reducing capacity of a solution, influencing the effectiveness of disinfection, corrosion control, nutrient removal, and overall water quality. By understanding and monitoring redox potential, professionals can optimize treatment processes and ensure the safety and quality of our water resources.

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