Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: recycle ratio

recycle ratio

The Recycle Ratio: A Key Parameter in Wastewater Treatment

In the realm of wastewater treatment, efficiency is paramount. One crucial metric that reflects the effectiveness of a system is the recycle ratio. This ratio, calculated by dividing the recycled flow rate by the influent flow rate, plays a significant role in optimizing activated sludge processes and other treatment systems.

Understanding the Basics:

  • Influent: This refers to the raw wastewater entering the treatment plant.
  • Recycled flow: This is the portion of the treated effluent that is returned to the beginning of the process.
  • Recycle ratio: This ratio quantifies the proportion of recycled flow compared to the incoming influent.

The Importance of the Recycle Ratio:

The recycle ratio plays a pivotal role in maintaining the desired characteristics of the activated sludge process:

  • Biomass Concentration: By recirculating a portion of the treated effluent, the recycle ratio helps maintain a high concentration of active biomass (microorganisms) in the aeration tank. This is essential for efficient waste degradation.
  • Nutrient Removal: The recycle ratio influences the retention time of the wastewater in the system, affecting the efficiency of nutrient removal (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus). A higher recycle ratio generally leads to longer retention times and improved nutrient removal.
  • Sludge Age: The recycle ratio also affects the sludge age, which is the average time that biomass remains in the system. A higher recycle ratio can lead to a longer sludge age, promoting the growth of more efficient microorganisms.

Optimizing the Recycle Ratio:

The optimal recycle ratio varies depending on the specific wastewater characteristics and treatment goals. Factors that influence the optimal ratio include:

  • Wastewater composition: Different wastewaters contain varying levels of organic matter, nutrients, and other constituents, affecting the required biomass concentration and retention time.
  • Desired effluent quality: The required level of treatment dictates the need for a specific recycle ratio to achieve the desired effluent quality standards.
  • Process limitations: Operational constraints like tank size, aeration capacity, and sludge handling capabilities can influence the attainable recycle ratio.

Consequences of an Inappropriate Recycle Ratio:

  • Too low: A low recycle ratio can lead to:
    • Low biomass concentration, resulting in poor treatment efficiency.
    • Short sludge age, potentially leading to instability in the system.
  • Too high: A high recycle ratio can cause:
    • Overloading of the aeration tank, impacting oxygen transfer and treatment efficiency.
    • Increased energy consumption due to excessive pumping of recycled flow.


The recycle ratio is a crucial parameter in wastewater treatment, directly affecting process efficiency and effluent quality. By carefully controlling this ratio, operators can optimize the performance of activated sludge systems and ensure effective wastewater treatment. Understanding its importance and the factors that influence it is essential for achieving efficient and sustainable wastewater management.

Test Your Knowledge

Recycle Ratio Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the recycle ratio in wastewater treatment?

a) The ratio of influent flow rate to recycled flow rate. b) The ratio of recycled flow rate to influent flow rate. c) The ratio of biomass concentration to effluent quality. d) The ratio of sludge age to treatment efficiency.


b) The ratio of recycled flow rate to influent flow rate.

2. How does the recycle ratio affect biomass concentration in the aeration tank?

a) A higher recycle ratio leads to a lower biomass concentration. b) A higher recycle ratio leads to a higher biomass concentration. c) The recycle ratio has no impact on biomass concentration. d) The recycle ratio only affects the sludge age.


b) A higher recycle ratio leads to a higher biomass concentration.

3. What is the primary effect of a low recycle ratio on the activated sludge process?

a) Improved nutrient removal. b) Increased sludge age. c) Reduced energy consumption. d) Poor treatment efficiency.


d) Poor treatment efficiency.

4. Which of the following factors influences the optimal recycle ratio?

a) Wastewater composition. b) Desired effluent quality. c) Process limitations. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. A high recycle ratio can lead to:

a) Improved nutrient removal. b) Overloading of the aeration tank. c) Reduced sludge age. d) Increased wastewater treatment efficiency.


b) Overloading of the aeration tank.

Recycle Ratio Exercise:

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant receives an influent flow rate of 1000 m3/day. The plant aims for an effluent quality that requires a biomass concentration of 2000 mg/L in the aeration tank. The desired sludge age is 10 days.


  1. Calculate the required recycle flow rate: Assume a typical relationship between recycle ratio and biomass concentration, where a recycle ratio of 1.5 corresponds to a biomass concentration of 2000 mg/L.
  2. Determine the resulting sludge age: Use the calculated recycle flow rate to determine the resulting sludge age.


  • Remember that sludge age (SA) can be calculated as: SA = (Biomass in the system)/(Influent flow rate * Biomass concentration in influent).
  • Assume the influent biomass concentration is negligible for this calculation.

Exercice Correction

1. Calculating the recycle flow rate:
The recycle ratio of 1.5 is used to calculate the recycle flow rate:
Recycle ratio = Recycle flow rate / Influent flow rate
1.5 = Recycle flow rate / 1000 m3/day
Recycle flow rate = 1.5 * 1000 m3/day = 1500 m3/day
2. Determining the resulting sludge age:
Sludge age (SA) = (Biomass in the system)/(Influent flow rate * Biomass concentration in influent)
Assuming the influent biomass concentration is negligible, we can use the total biomass in the system, which is the sum of influent and recycled flow:
Total biomass = (Influent flow rate + Recycle flow rate) * Biomass concentration in aeration tank
Total biomass = (1000 m3/day + 1500 m3/day) * 2000 mg/L = 5000000 mg/day
SA = 5000000 mg/day / (1000 m3/day * 2000 mg/L) = 2.5 days


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (multiple editions): This classic textbook covers all aspects of wastewater treatment, including detailed explanations of activated sludge processes and the role of recycle ratios.
  • Process Engineering for Wastewater Treatment by W. Wesley Eckenfelder: Provides a comprehensive understanding of wastewater treatment processes, with specific chapters dedicated to activated sludge and recycle ratios.
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment: Principles and Design by C. Davis & R. Cornwell: Offers a practical guide to water and wastewater treatment, including discussions on recycle ratio optimization in activated sludge systems.


  • "Optimizing Recycle Ratio for Activated Sludge Systems" by X.Y. Zhang et al. (Water Research, 2010): Focuses on the impact of recycle ratio on the performance of activated sludge systems, including nutrient removal and energy efficiency.
  • "The Effect of Recycle Ratio on Sludge Age and Biomass Concentration in Activated Sludge Systems" by M.N. Lee et al. (Environmental Science & Technology, 2005): Investigates the relationship between recycle ratio, sludge age, and biomass concentration in activated sludge treatment.
  • "Impact of Recycle Ratio on the Performance of a Sequencing Batch Reactor for Wastewater Treatment" by J.P. Smith et al. (Water Science & Technology, 2015): Analyzes the influence of recycle ratio on the performance of sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) used in wastewater treatment.

Online Resources

  • USEPA Technology Transfer Website: Offers numerous publications and resources on wastewater treatment technologies, including information on activated sludge processes and recycle ratios.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): Provides a wealth of technical information on wastewater treatment, including articles, publications, and webinars related to activated sludge and recycle ratios.
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): Offers resources and publications on water and wastewater engineering, including specific content on activated sludge and recycle ratio optimization.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "recycle ratio activated sludge," "recycle ratio wastewater treatment," "optimization recycle ratio."
  • Include relevant terms: "sludge age," "biomass concentration," "nutrient removal," "energy efficiency."
  • Search for specific journal articles: Use quotation marks around article titles or author names to narrow your search.
  • Explore academic databases: Utilize databases like Web of Science, Scopus, or Google Scholar to access a comprehensive range of scientific articles on the topic.
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