Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: recarbonation


Recarbonation: Restoring Balance in Water Treatment

Recarbonation, in the context of environmental and water treatment, refers to the reintroduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) into water. This process is often employed during or after lime-soda softening, a widely used method for removing hardness-causing minerals like calcium and magnesium from water.

Understanding Lime-Soda Softening and the Need for Recarbonation

Lime-soda softening involves adding lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2) and soda ash (sodium carbonate, Na2CO3) to water. This leads to the precipitation of calcium and magnesium as insoluble carbonates, effectively removing them from the water. However, this process also raises the pH of the water to a high level, making it highly alkaline.

This high alkalinity can cause several problems:

  • Corrosion of pipes and equipment: Highly alkaline water can attack metal pipes and fittings, leading to corrosion and leaks.
  • Taste and odor issues: Alkaline water can have an unpleasant taste and odor.
  • Scale formation: High pH can cause calcium carbonate to precipitate out of solution and form scale on pipes and equipment, reducing efficiency and leading to blockages.

Recarbonation solves these issues by lowering the pH of the water to a safe and acceptable level.

How Recarbonation Works

Recarbonation involves introducing CO2 gas into the softened water. The CO2 reacts with the dissolved hydroxide ions (OH-) present in the alkaline water, forming bicarbonate ions (HCO3-):

CO2 + OH- → HCO3-

This reaction effectively lowers the pH of the water, making it less corrosive and improving its overall quality.

Benefits of Recarbonation

  • Reduced Corrosion: Lowering the pH makes the water less aggressive towards metal surfaces, preventing corrosion and extending the life of pipes and equipment.
  • Improved Taste and Odor: Recarbonation removes the unpleasant taste and odor associated with high alkalinity.
  • Reduced Scale Formation: By lowering the pH, recarbonation minimizes the formation of calcium carbonate scale, ensuring efficient water flow and reducing maintenance costs.
  • Stable Water Quality: Recarbonation helps stabilize the water quality, making it more suitable for various applications.

Applications of Recarbonation

Recarbonation is a crucial step in various water treatment processes:

  • Lime-Soda Softening: Recarbonation is an integral part of lime-soda softening to neutralize the high pH and ensure optimal water quality.
  • Industrial Water Treatment: Recarbonation is used in industrial processes to prevent corrosion and scaling in boilers, heat exchangers, and other equipment.
  • Drinking Water Treatment: Recarbonation plays a role in drinking water treatment to ensure safe and palatable water for consumption.


Recarbonation is an essential process in water treatment, ensuring the optimal balance of pH and minimizing the negative effects of high alkalinity. By reintroducing CO2 into the water, recarbonation effectively reduces corrosion, improves taste and odor, and prevents scale formation, ultimately contributing to the efficient and safe use of treated water.

Test Your Knowledge

Recarbonation Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of recarbonation in water treatment? (a) To remove dissolved salts (b) To increase the water's pH (c) To soften the water by removing calcium and magnesium (d) To neutralize the high pH caused by lime-soda softening


(d) To neutralize the high pH caused by lime-soda softening

2. Which gas is reintroduced into the water during recarbonation? (a) Oxygen (O2) (b) Carbon dioxide (CO2) (c) Nitrogen (N2) (d) Methane (CH4)


(b) Carbon dioxide (CO2)

3. What is a common problem associated with highly alkaline water? (a) Decreased water pressure (b) Increased bacterial growth (c) Corrosion of pipes and equipment (d) Increased turbidity


(c) Corrosion of pipes and equipment

4. How does recarbonation help prevent scale formation? (a) By increasing the water's pH (b) By removing all calcium and magnesium ions (c) By lowering the pH and reducing the precipitation of calcium carbonate (d) By introducing a chemical that dissolves calcium carbonate scale


(c) By lowering the pH and reducing the precipitation of calcium carbonate

5. In which water treatment process is recarbonation most commonly used? (a) Reverse osmosis (b) Filtration (c) Chlorination (d) Lime-soda softening


(d) Lime-soda softening

Recarbonation Exercise

Scenario: A water treatment plant is using lime-soda softening to remove hardness from the water. After softening, the water has a pH of 11.5, which is too high and causing corrosion issues.

Task: 1. Explain how recarbonation can be used to address this problem. 2. Describe the chemical reaction that occurs during recarbonation and its effect on the water's pH. 3. Briefly discuss the benefits of achieving a safe pH through recarbonation.

Exercise Correction

1. **Recarbonation can be used to address the problem of high pH by reintroducing carbon dioxide (CO2) into the softened water.** This process lowers the pH, making the water less aggressive and preventing further corrosion. 2. **The chemical reaction during recarbonation is:** CO2 + OH- → HCO3- Carbon dioxide reacts with hydroxide ions (OH-) present in the alkaline water, forming bicarbonate ions (HCO3-). This reaction consumes hydroxide ions, effectively lowering the pH of the water. 3. **Benefits of achieving a safe pH through recarbonation include:** - **Reduced corrosion:** Lower pH reduces the corrosive nature of the water, protecting pipes and equipment. - **Improved taste and odor:** Recarbonation can improve the palatability of the water. - **Reduced scale formation:** Lowering the pH minimizes the precipitation of calcium carbonate, which can form scale and obstruct pipes. - **Enhanced water quality:** Overall, recarbonation contributes to safer and more desirable water quality for various applications.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design by M. N. Sivasankar - This book provides a comprehensive overview of various water treatment processes, including lime-soda softening and recarbonation.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations by James A. McWhirter - This handbook covers the practical aspects of water treatment plant operations, with dedicated sections on recarbonation.
  • Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science by Kenneth J. Williamson - This textbook explains the chemical principles behind water treatment processes, including recarbonation.


  • Lime-Soda Softening: A Comprehensive Review by N. Kumar, A. Singh, and R. K. Jain - This article discusses the detailed process of lime-soda softening, including the role of recarbonation in achieving optimal water quality.
  • Recarbonation in Water Treatment: A Review by M. B. Rao and S. K. Sharma - This article focuses specifically on the process of recarbonation, its mechanisms, benefits, and applications.
  • Corrosion Control in Water Treatment Systems by J. R. Edwards - This article highlights the importance of pH control in preventing corrosion in water treatment systems, where recarbonation plays a key role.

Online Resources

  • The Water Treatment Plant Operator's Handbook by the National Rural Water Association - This online handbook provides practical guidance on various water treatment processes, including recarbonation.
  • Water Treatment Processes by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - This EPA website offers information on various water treatment techniques, including lime-soda softening and recarbonation.
  • Recarbonation in Water Treatment by Water Technology - This website provides a detailed overview of recarbonation, its applications, and equipment used.

Search Tips

  • "Recarbonation water treatment" - This general search term will bring up a wide range of resources on recarbonation in water treatment.
  • "Lime-soda softening recarbonation" - This search term focuses specifically on recarbonation in the context of lime-soda softening.
  • "Recarbonation process" - This search term helps you find resources that explain the mechanisms and applications of the recarbonation process.
  • "Recarbonation equipment" - This search term leads you to information on the equipment used for recarbonation in water treatment.
  • "Recarbonation benefits" - This search term will help you understand the advantages of using recarbonation in water treatment.
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