Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: reagent grade water

reagent grade water

Reagent Grade Water: The Foundation of Accurate Environmental and Water Analysis

In the world of environmental and water treatment, accuracy is paramount. Every drop of water analyzed holds valuable information about the health of our ecosystems and the safety of our drinking sources. To ensure this information is reliable, the quality of the water used in analytical procedures is critical. Enter reagent grade water, the unsung hero of water analysis.

What is Reagent Grade Water?

Reagent grade water is a type of high purity water specifically designed for use in making reagents for analytical procedures. It goes far beyond the everyday tap water we drink, boasting extremely low levels of impurities like dissolved minerals, organic compounds, and microorganisms.

Why is Purity Crucial?

The presence of even minute amounts of impurities in water used for reagent preparation can significantly skew analytical results. Imagine trying to analyze trace amounts of heavy metals in a water sample, only to find that your reagents were contaminated with those same metals! This would render your results useless and potentially lead to inaccurate conclusions about water quality.

Meeting the Standards:

Reagent grade water meets specific standards outlined by organizations like the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). These standards define the maximum allowable levels of various contaminants, ensuring the water is suitable for sensitive analytical applications.

Common Applications of Reagent Grade Water:

  • Preparation of Analytical Reagents: This is the primary function of reagent grade water. It ensures the reagents used in analytical techniques like spectrophotometry, chromatography, and titrations are free from interfering substances.
  • Calibration of Instruments: Many analytical instruments, such as pH meters and conductivity meters, require calibration with high purity water to ensure accurate measurements.
  • Preparation of Standard Solutions: The accuracy of standard solutions, used for quantitative analysis, hinges on the purity of the water used in their preparation.

Production of Reagent Grade Water:

Achieving the high purity required for reagent grade water demands sophisticated purification processes. Common techniques include:

  • Distillation: This classic method removes most impurities through vaporization and condensation.
  • Deionization: This process utilizes ion exchange resins to remove dissolved ions from the water.
  • Reverse Osmosis: This membrane-based technology filters out contaminants based on their size.
  • Ultrafiltration: This process uses ultra-fine membranes to eliminate particles and microorganisms.


Reagent grade water is the cornerstone of accurate environmental and water analysis. Its high purity ensures the reliability of analytical results, allowing scientists and engineers to gather accurate data on water quality, contamination levels, and treatment effectiveness. By understanding the importance of reagent grade water, we can continue to rely on accurate data to protect our environment and ensure access to safe and clean water for all.

Test Your Knowledge

Reagent Grade Water Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of reagent grade water? a) Drinking b) Irrigation c) Making reagents for analytical procedures d) Cleaning laboratory equipment


c) Making reagents for analytical procedures

2. Which of the following is NOT a common impurity found in reagent grade water? a) Dissolved minerals b) Organic compounds c) Heavy metals d) Salt


d) Salt

3. Which organization sets standards for the purity of reagent grade water? a) The World Health Organization (WHO) b) The American Chemical Society (ACS) c) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) d) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


b) The American Chemical Society (ACS)

4. Which of the following is NOT a common method for producing reagent grade water? a) Distillation b) Deionization c) Reverse Osmosis d) Filtration


d) Filtration

5. Why is the purity of reagent grade water crucial for environmental and water analysis? a) To ensure the safety of drinking water b) To prevent contamination of the water samples being analyzed c) To ensure accurate analytical results d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Reagent Grade Water Exercise

Scenario: You are a laboratory technician preparing reagents for a water analysis project. The project requires the use of a highly sensitive analytical technique, and it's crucial that your reagents are free from any contaminants.

Task: Explain the potential consequences if you use tap water instead of reagent grade water to prepare the reagents.

Exercice Correction

Using tap water instead of reagent grade water in this situation would be extremely problematic. Tap water contains various dissolved minerals, organic compounds, and potentially microorganisms, all of which could contaminate the reagents. These contaminants could interfere with the analytical process, leading to inaccurate results. In a sensitive analysis, the presence of contaminants could even mask the very substances you are trying to detect, rendering the entire analysis useless. Consequently, using tap water would compromise the accuracy and reliability of your water analysis project.


  • "Water Analysis: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Water and Wastewater" by William T. Corns - Provides comprehensive information on various aspects of water analysis, including the importance of reagent grade water.
  • "Analytical Chemistry" by Daniel C. Harris - This widely-used textbook covers fundamental principles of analytical chemistry, including the use of high purity water in various analytical techniques.
  • "Handbook of Water Analysis" by L. A. Page - This handbook covers various analytical methods for water and includes sections on the quality of water used in analytical procedures.


  • "The Importance of Water Purity in Environmental and Water Analysis" - This article discusses the impact of water purity on analytical results and highlights the need for reagent grade water.
  • "Reagent Grade Water: Its Role in Analytical Chemistry" - This article explores the different applications of reagent grade water in analytical chemistry and explains why it is essential.
  • "Production and Characterization of Reagent Grade Water" - This article dives into the methods used to produce reagent grade water and provides detailed information on its quality control.

Online Resources

  • American Chemical Society (ACS): Their website offers guidance on water purity and standards for reagent grade water.
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO): Provides international standards for reagent grade water and other types of high purity water.
  • MilliporeSigma: A leading manufacturer of high purity water systems and reagents, their website offers information on various aspects of water purification.
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific: Another major supplier of high purity water systems and analytical reagents, their website provides technical resources and product information.

Search Tips

  • "Reagent grade water standards"
  • "Reagent grade water production"
  • "Importance of reagent grade water in analytical chemistry"
  • "Types of high purity water"
  • "Water purity for specific analytical techniques"
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