Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: reactive wall

reactive wall

Reactive Walls: A Green Solution for Groundwater Remediation

Groundwater contamination is a significant environmental challenge, posing threats to human health and ecosystems. While traditional remediation methods often involve excavation and removal of contaminated soil, a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach involves the use of reactive walls.

What are Reactive Walls?

Reactive walls are permeable vertical barriers constructed in the ground, typically below the water table. They are built using a mixture of reactive materials, designed to chemically or biologically remove contaminants from groundwater as it flows through the wall.

How do they work?

The reactive materials within the wall interact with the contaminants in the groundwater, effectively trapping and removing them. This can occur through several mechanisms:

  • Adsorption: Contaminants attach to the surface of the reactive materials, effectively removing them from the water.
  • Precipitation: Chemical reactions within the wall cause contaminants to form solid precipitates, which are then removed from the groundwater.
  • Biodegradation: Microorganisms within the reactive material consume and break down the contaminants.
  • Oxidation/Reduction: Redox reactions within the wall transform the contaminants into less harmful forms.

Types of Reactive Walls:

Different types of reactive walls exist, tailored to the specific contaminant and site conditions:

  • Zero-valent iron (ZVI) walls: These use iron filings to remove heavy metals, chlorinated solvents, and other contaminants through reduction reactions.
  • Activated carbon walls: Activated carbon effectively adsorbs a wide range of organic contaminants, including pesticides and herbicides.
  • Bioaugmentation walls: These walls incorporate microorganisms specifically designed to break down targeted contaminants through biodegradation.
  • Combination walls: Some walls combine multiple reactive materials to address complex contamination scenarios.

Advantages of Reactive Walls:

  • In-situ remediation: Reactive walls treat the groundwater directly in the ground, eliminating the need for excavation and removal of contaminated soil.
  • Cost-effective: Compared to traditional methods, reactive walls offer a more economical approach to remediation.
  • Environmentally friendly: By reducing the need for excavation and disposal of contaminated soil, reactive walls minimize environmental impact.
  • Long-term solution: Once installed, reactive walls can provide long-term protection against groundwater contamination.

Challenges and considerations:

  • Site-specific design: The effectiveness of reactive walls depends on the site conditions, contaminant type, and groundwater flow patterns. Careful design and engineering are crucial.
  • Maintenance and monitoring: Reactive walls require ongoing monitoring to ensure their effectiveness and prevent clogging.
  • Limited application: Reactive walls may not be suitable for all types of contaminants or site conditions.


Reactive walls offer a promising and sustainable approach to groundwater remediation. By harnessing the power of chemical and biological processes, these engineered barriers can effectively remove contaminants, protecting both human health and the environment. Continued research and development of reactive wall technologies are essential to further enhance their effectiveness and expand their applications.

Test Your Knowledge

Reactive Walls Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a reactive wall in groundwater remediation?

a) To physically block the flow of contaminated groundwater. b) To chemically or biologically remove contaminants from groundwater. c) To pump contaminated groundwater to the surface for treatment. d) To enhance the natural degradation of contaminants in the soil.


b) To chemically or biologically remove contaminants from groundwater.

2. Which of the following is NOT a mechanism by which reactive walls remove contaminants?

a) Adsorption b) Precipitation c) Bioaugmentation d) Evaporation


d) Evaporation

3. What type of reactive wall is most commonly used for removing heavy metals from groundwater?

a) Activated carbon walls b) Bioaugmentation walls c) Zero-valent iron walls d) Combination walls


c) Zero-valent iron walls

4. Which of the following is a significant advantage of using reactive walls for groundwater remediation?

a) They are highly effective in removing all types of contaminants. b) They require minimal maintenance and monitoring. c) They eliminate the need for excavation and removal of contaminated soil. d) They are always the most cost-effective option compared to other methods.


c) They eliminate the need for excavation and removal of contaminated soil.

5. What is a key challenge associated with the use of reactive walls?

a) They can only be used in areas with shallow groundwater. b) They are not effective in removing contaminants from the soil. c) They require careful design and engineering to ensure effectiveness. d) They are only suitable for treating groundwater contaminated with organic compounds.


c) They require careful design and engineering to ensure effectiveness.

Reactive Walls Exercise

Scenario: A manufacturing facility has released a significant amount of chlorinated solvents into the surrounding groundwater. You are tasked with recommending a suitable remediation approach using reactive walls.


  1. Identify the most appropriate type of reactive wall for this scenario, explaining your reasoning.
  2. Discuss the potential challenges and considerations for implementing this solution at the site.
  3. Suggest two measures that can be taken to monitor the effectiveness of the reactive wall after installation.

Exercice Correction

**1. Most Appropriate Reactive Wall:** * **Zero-valent iron (ZVI) walls** are the most suitable for this scenario. ZVI effectively removes chlorinated solvents through reduction reactions, converting them into less harmful forms. **2. Challenges and Considerations:** * **Site Characterization:** Thorough site investigation is crucial to determine the extent of contamination, groundwater flow patterns, and soil characteristics. * **ZVI Wall Design:** Careful design is needed to ensure sufficient contact time between the groundwater and ZVI, taking into account the flow rate and contaminant concentration. * **Monitoring Well Installation:** Monitoring wells should be installed upstream and downstream of the wall to assess the effectiveness of the remediation. * **Potential for Clogging:** ZVI walls can become clogged over time, requiring regular monitoring and potential cleaning or replacement. **3. Monitoring Measures:** * **Groundwater Sampling and Analysis:** Regularly sample groundwater from monitoring wells upstream and downstream of the wall to track the concentration of chlorinated solvents over time. * **ZVI Wall Performance Evaluation:** Periodically assess the ZVI wall's performance by measuring parameters like the redox potential and pH to ensure the wall remains effective.


  • Remediation of Contaminated Groundwater: Principles and Applications by Susan D. Wrenn and David L. Jewett (CRC Press)
  • In Situ Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater by R.E. Hinchee, D.B. Campbell, J.T. Wilson (Battelle Press)
  • Groundwater Remediation: A Practical Guide by David M. Dzombak (Wiley)


  • Reactive Barriers for Groundwater Remediation: A Review by A.K. Sharma and R.A. Naidu (Journal of Environmental Engineering)
  • Zero-valent Iron for Groundwater Remediation: A Review by P.G. Tratnyek and D.L. Grundl (Environmental Science & Technology)
  • Bioaugmentation of Reactive Barriers for Enhanced Groundwater Remediation by J.A. Puhakka and J.K. Rittmann (Bioremediation Journal)
  • Activated Carbon for Groundwater Remediation: A Review by S.D. Comfort and J.L. Schnoor (Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology)

Online Resources

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
    • Reactive Barriers for Groundwater Remediation:
  • National Ground Water Association (NGWA):
    • Reactive Barriers in Groundwater Remediation:
  • International Water Association (IWA):

Search Tips

  • Specific Contaminant: Include the contaminant of interest in your search, e.g., "reactive walls remediation chlorinated solvents"
  • Type of Reactive Wall: Specify the type of wall you're interested in, e.g., "zero-valent iron walls groundwater remediation"
  • Specific Location: If you're looking for information on reactive walls in a specific region, include that in your search, e.g., "reactive walls groundwater remediation California"
  • Technical Details: Use keywords like "design," "construction," "monitoring," "cost," "efficiency" to narrow down your search.
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