Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Quanti-Tray


Quanti-Tray: A Game Changer in Water Quality Monitoring

Quanti-Tray, a revolutionary water sample test kit developed by IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., has become an indispensable tool for environmental and water treatment professionals. This innovative technology enables efficient and accurate detection of various microorganisms, streamlining water quality monitoring and ensuring public health safety.

The Technology:

Quanti-Tray utilizes a unique membrane filtration technique combined with a patented "Most Probable Number (MPN)" method. This allows for simultaneous testing of multiple water samples for a wide range of bacteria, coliforms, and other indicators of water contamination.

The Process:

  1. Sample Collection: Water samples are collected using sterile containers and brought to the laboratory.
  2. Filtration: The water sample is passed through a membrane filter, capturing any bacteria present.
  3. Quanti-Tray Inoculation: The filter is placed in a Quanti-Tray, a plastic tray containing a specific growth medium tailored to the target microbe.
  4. Incubation: The Quanti-Tray is incubated at an optimal temperature for the target microbe to grow.
  5. Result Interpretation: After a specific incubation period, the number of positive wells (those with visible bacterial growth) is counted. This number is then correlated to an MPN value, providing an estimate of the concentration of the target microbe in the original water sample.

Advantages of Quanti-Tray:

  • High Sensitivity: The MPN method allows for the detection of very low levels of microorganisms, providing a more sensitive analysis compared to traditional methods.
  • Convenience and Efficiency: Quanti-Tray simplifies the testing process, saving time and resources compared to traditional methods that involve multiple steps and equipment.
  • Improved Accuracy: The system provides accurate and reliable results, enhancing confidence in water quality assessments.
  • Versatility: Quanti-Tray is available for a wide range of microorganism targets, allowing for comprehensive water quality analysis.
  • Ease of Use: The kits are user-friendly, making them accessible to a wide range of professionals, including lab technicians and field personnel.

Applications in Environmental and Water Treatment:

Quanti-Tray plays a crucial role in various applications, including:

  • Public water supply monitoring: Ensures safe drinking water for communities by detecting potential contamination.
  • Wastewater treatment plant monitoring: Tracks the effectiveness of treatment processes and prevents environmental pollution.
  • Environmental monitoring: Assesses water quality in rivers, lakes, and other natural water bodies.
  • Food safety: Monitors water used in food processing to prevent contamination.
  • Recreational water safety: Ensures the safety of swimming pools, lakes, and other recreational areas.


Quanti-Tray has revolutionized water quality monitoring by providing a fast, accurate, and convenient way to detect and quantify microorganisms. Its versatility and user-friendliness have made it an indispensable tool for environmental and water treatment professionals, contributing to public health safety and environmental protection.

Test Your Knowledge

Quanti-Tray Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the key technology behind Quanti-Tray?

a) Spectrophotometry b) DNA sequencing c) Membrane filtration and MPN method d) PCR


c) Membrane filtration and MPN method

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of Quanti-Tray?

a) High sensitivity b) Convenience and efficiency c) Requires specialized equipment d) Improved accuracy


c) Requires specialized equipment

3. What does MPN stand for?

a) Most Probable Number b) Maximum Possible Number c) Minimum Probable Number d) Microbial Presence Number


a) Most Probable Number

4. Quanti-Tray is used in which of the following applications?

a) Public water supply monitoring b) Wastewater treatment plant monitoring c) Environmental monitoring d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. What is the final step in the Quanti-Tray process?

a) Filtration b) Incubation c) Result Interpretation d) Sample Collection


c) Result Interpretation

Quanti-Tray Exercise


You are a lab technician tasked with testing a water sample from a swimming pool for the presence of E. coli bacteria using the Quanti-Tray method.


  1. Describe the steps you would take to perform the test using the Quanti-Tray method.
  2. After incubation, you observe 10 positive wells in the Quanti-Tray. Based on the MPN table provided, what is the estimated concentration of E. coli in the water sample? Note: You will need to access an MPN table for this exercise. You can find an example MPN table online or in a microbiology textbook.

Exercice Correction

**1. Steps for *E. coli* testing using Quanti-Tray:** 1. **Sample Collection:** Collect the water sample from the swimming pool using a sterile container. 2. **Filtration:** Pass the water sample through a membrane filter, ensuring the filter captures any *E. coli* present. 3. **Quanti-Tray Inoculation:** Place the filter in a Quanti-Tray designed for *E. coli* testing, which contains the appropriate growth medium. 4. **Incubation:** Incubate the Quanti-Tray at the optimal temperature for *E. coli* growth (usually around 35°C) for a specified time (check the kit instructions). 5. **Result Interpretation:** After incubation, count the number of positive wells (those with visible *E. coli* growth). Consult the MPN table corresponding to the specific Quanti-Tray used to determine the estimated concentration of *E. coli* in the original water sample. **2. Estimated Concentration:** Since the MPN table is not provided, you will need to look up the value for 10 positive wells in the appropriate MPN table for the Quanti-Tray you used. This will give you the estimated concentration of *E. coli* in the swimming pool water sample.


  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater: This comprehensive resource provides details on various water quality analysis methods, including the MPN method used in Quanti-Tray.
  • Water Quality Monitoring: A Practical Guide: Covers various water quality monitoring techniques and tools, including the use of Quanti-Tray kits.


  • "A New Method for the Detection of Escherichia coli and Coliforms in Water" - This article published in a scientific journal (e.g., Journal of Applied Microbiology) would likely provide technical details on the Quanti-Tray technology and its validation.
  • "Quanti-Tray: A Rapid and Reliable Method for Water Quality Monitoring" - A review article discussing the benefits and limitations of Quanti-Tray in various applications.

Online Resources

  • IDEXX Laboratories Quanti-Tray Website: The official website for Quanti-Tray kits, providing information on different kits, applications, user manuals, and technical support.
  • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Website: The EPA provides resources on water quality monitoring guidelines and regulations, which may include information on using Quanti-Tray for specific water quality parameters.
  • Water Quality Association (WQA) Website: The WQA provides information and resources on water treatment and quality, including resources on water quality monitoring techniques.

Search Tips

  • "Quanti-Tray + Coliform Detection" - This search will provide articles and resources specific to using Quanti-Tray for detecting coliform bacteria in water samples.
  • "Quanti-Tray + MPN Method" - This search will return results related to the Most Probable Number (MPN) method used in Quanti-Tray.
  • "Quanti-Tray + User Manual" - This will help locate user manuals and instructions for specific Quanti-Tray kits.
  • "Quanti-Tray + Reviews" - Look for reviews and case studies from users to gain insights into the effectiveness and practicality of Quanti-Tray.
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